texaschickenlittle Posted March 12, 2008 Report Share Posted March 12, 2008 Acid DragonWATERLevel 8Sea Serpent/EffectATK: 2400DEF: 1300This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Bonding - HCl". Whenever this monster battles a monster, destroy the opposing monster immediately, without applying Battle Damage. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Hydrogeddon" and 1 "Chlorddon" from your Graveyard. Astral Beast - Canis MajorLIGHTLevel 5Beast/EffectATK: 1900DEF: 1700Whenever there is a face-up "Astral Beast - Orion" on the field, activate the following effect:-If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, destroy the monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation. Astral Beast - Canis MinorLIGHTLevel 3Beast/EffectATK: 500DEF: 300If this monster is removed from the field, add 1 Astral Beast or Zodiac Beast monster to your hand from your Deck. Astral Beast - DracoRitualLIGHTLevel 10Dragon/EffectATK: 3700DEF: 3500This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card "Rise of the Astral Dragon." You must also Release monsters whose total Levels equal 10 or more from the field or your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 "Zodiac Beast" or "Astral Beast" from your hand. Increase this monster's ATK by 100 times the Level of the discarded monster untill the end of the turn. Astral Beast - DelphinusLIGHTLevel 1Warrior/EffectATK: 200DEF: 100When this card is sent to the Graveyard, add it to your Deck and shuffle it. Astral Beast - HerculesLIGHTLevel 8Warrior/EffectATK: 2800DEF: 2000When this monster attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of a Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. Astral Beast - Leo MinorFIRELevel 4Beast/EffectATK: 1250DEF: 1150Release this monster in order to Special Summon 1 "Zodiac Beast - Leo" from your deck. This monster's effect cannot be used on the turn it was Summoned. Astral Beast - OrionLIGHTLevel 4Warrior/EffectATK: 1600DEF: 1400Increase this monster's ATK by 100 for every "Zodiac Beast" and "Astral Beast" on your side of the field. Astral Beast - PegasusLIGHTLevel 3Winged-Beast/UnionATK: 1000DEF: 800Once per turn, you can equip this card to a Warrior or Spellcaster type monster you control OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, that monster can attack twice during the Battle Phase. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destroyed as result of battle destroy this card instead.) Astral Beast - SiriusLevel 3Beast/UnionATK: 300DEF: 200Once per turn, you can equip this card to an "Astral Beast - Canis Major" you control OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, that monster gains 300 ATK. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destroyed as result of battle destroy this card instead.) Astral Beast - The OneLIGHTLevel 12Fairy/EffectATK: ????DEF: ????This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned from your hand by removing from play all "Astral Beast" or "Zodiac Beast" monsters in your hand and Graveyard, (except this card) and all monsters you control. This monster's original ATK and DEF is equal to 400 times the number of "Astral Beast" and "Zodiac Beast" monsters that are removed from play in order to Summon this card. During your turn, you can Release this monster to destroy all cards on the field and return all removed from play "Astral Beast" and "Zodiac Beast" monsters to your Deck. During your next Standby Phase, Special Summon 1 "Astral Beast" or "Zodiac Beast" monster from your Deck (except for "Astral Beast - Draco). Astral Beast - Ursa MajorLIGHTLevel 8Beast/NormalATK: 2800DEF: 2400A mother bear traversing the sky with her cub. You can find her by looking in the direction the cub is pointing at. Astral Beast - Ursa MinorLIGHTLevel 4Beast/EffectATK: 1600DEF: 1200By Releasing this monster when it is equipped with "Polarius, the North Star," Special Summon 1 "Astral Beast - Ursa Major" from your deck. Beast Boy, the ChanglingEARTHLevel 4Warrior/EffectATK: 1500DEF: 1400Once per turn, add a monster with 1 of the following types to your hand from your Deck: Dragon, Beast, Beast-Warrior, Winged Beast, Dinosaur, Fish, Insect, Sea Serpent, Reptile. Once per turn, you can equip a monster of 1 of the following types to this card from your hand or field or unequipped the equipment monster and Special Summon it to the field face-up: Beast, Wined Beast, Beast-Warrior, Insect, Reptile, Sea Serpent, Dinosaur, Dragon, Fish. This monster gains the effect of the equipment monster, increase this monster's ATK and DEF by one-fourth the ATK and DEF of the equipment monster and treat this card as the Attribute and type of the equipment monster. ChlorgeddonWINDLevel 4Dinosaur/EffectATK: 1500DEF: 1100This monster's ATK and DEF cannot be changed. Once per turn, by discarding a card from your hand, select a monster. All increases and decreases of the selected monster's ATK and DEF are negated until the End Phase of this turn. Cloudian - The Windswept TerrorWINDLevel 10Fairy/EffectATK: 3500DEF: 0This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by Releasing 3 "Cloudian" monsters you control. This monster cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up defense position, destroy it. During the Battle Phase, this monster must attack all of your opponent's monsters. Whenever this monster destroys a monster by battle, place 1 Fog Counter on this card. During the End Phase, discard 2 Fog Counter from this card. If you cannot, destroy this card. Crazed BloodhoundEARTHLevel 4Beast/EffectATK: 1700DEF: 1200Whenever this card is Summoned, add 1 Beast-type monster to your hand from your Deck. IrogeddonEARTHLevel 4Dinosaur/EffectATK: 300DEF: 2000Whenever an "Oxygeddon" is Summoned, add 1 "Bonding - FeO" to your hand from your Deck. Legendary Plumber, MarioFIRELevel 5WarriorATK: 2100DEF: 1300A hero from the Mushroom Kingdom who scours the land looking for the kingdom's kidnapped princess. Mad ChemistEARTHLevel 2Spellcaster/EffectATK: 500DEF: 200This monster's name is treated as "Kozaky". Whenever this monster is removed from the field, add 1 'geddon' monster or 1 "Bonding" card from your Deck to your hand. Revealing DragonLIGHTLevel 4Dragon/EffectATK: 1300DEF: 1500Neither player can Set cards. Rust DragonEARTHLevel 8Dragon/EffectATK: 2800DEF: 2500This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Bonding - FeO". During each Standby Phase while this card is face-up on the field, decrease the ATK and DEF of all Machine-type monsters by 700. If this monster attacks a Machine-type monster, destroy that monster. (Battle Damage is still applied.) When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Irogeddon" and 1 "Oxygeddon" from your Graveyard. Salt DragonEARTHLevel 8Rock/EffectATK: 2500DEF: 2800This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Bonding - NaCl". As long as this monster is face-up, the ATK of all WATER Attribute and Aqua-type monsters is 0. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Sodiugeddon" and 1 "Chlorgeddon" from your Graveyard. Sand DragonEARTHLevel 8Dragon/EffectATK: 2600DEF: 2300This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Bonding - SiO2". As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the field is treated as "Wasteland" and Machine-type monsters cannot attack. (however there is no increasing or decreasing of ATK/DEF due to Wasteland's effect). When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Silicogeddon" and 2 "Oxygeddon" from your Graveyard. If this monster is destroyed by battle with a FIRE Attribute or Pyro-type monster, Special Summon 1 "Glass Token" (EARTH/Level 2/Rock/ATK: 0/DEF: 0) instead. The "Glass Token" gains the following effect:This monster cannot attack or be used as a Tribute. The opponent takes all Battle Damage to this card's controller that he/she would have taken from a battle involving this card. Satellite TelescopeLIGHTLevel 4Machine/EffectATK: 0DEF: 2000This card cannot be destroyed by battle with a Level 4 or lower monster. Whenever this monster is Summoned, add either a "Zodiac Beast" or "Astral Beast" monster from your Deck to your hand. SilicogeddonEARTHLevel 4DinosaurATK: 1200DEF: 2000This monster has a very strong defense. It continuously regrows its scales because they're prone to chipping Sk8r SyncronEARTHLevel 3Warrior/TunerATK: 1200DEF: 1000Whenever this monster is Summoned, add 1 Level 4 or lower monster to your hand from your Deck. If your opponent controls a face-up Syncro or Tuner monster, this monster can attack directly. SodiugeddonEARTHLevel 3Dinosaur/EffectATK: 1300DEF: 1000When this monster battles an Aqua-type monster, destroy the opposing monster, after damage calculation. If this monster is destroyed by battle with a WATER Attribute or Aqua-type monster inflict 800 damgae to your opponent. The Beast UnleashedDARKLevel 9Beast/EffectATK: 3600DEF: 2000This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Ths monster can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Releasing the Beast." This monster can attack all of your opponent's monsters. If you control this card, this is the only card that can attack. Time-Warped SamuraiEARTHLevel 4WarriorATK: 1900DEF: 1300A warrior of great strength who seeks a way home after being thrown into our world by a demon. Timid Brother, LuigiLIGHTLevel 4Warrior/EffectATK: 1700DEF: 1000During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. Tuning ForkLIGHTLevel 2Fairy/TunerATK: 800DEF: 800A simple tuning fork that was given life after being hit by a wayward spell from an apprentice magician. UranigeddonWATERLevel 8Dinosaur/EffectATK: 3500DEF: 2300This card cannot be Summoned on the far left and far right Monster Card Zones. Whenever this card is Summoned, destroy the monsters in the Monster Card Zones adjacent to this card. Furthermore, monsters cannot be Summoned in the Monster Card Zones adjacent to this card. If this monster is targeted by a card effect, destroy all cards on the field. Zodiac Beast - AriesFIRELevel 4Beast/EffectATK: 1500DEF: 1200This monster can attack twice during the Battle Phase. Zodiac Beast - TaurusEARTHLevel 5Beast/NormalATK: 0DEF: 3000The second sign of the astrological year. People born under this sign are considered strong, but unwilling to change. Zodiac Beast - GeminiWINDLevel 4Warrior/GeminiATK: 1600DEF: 1600This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:-This card can be treated as 2 Releases for the Release Summon. Zodiac Beast - CancerWATERLevel 4Fish/EffectATK: 700DEF: 900As long as you control this face-up card, this is the only monster your opponent can attack. Zodiac Beast - LeoFIRELevel 8Beast/EffectATK: 2500DEF: 2300Increase the ATK of all "Zodiac Beast" monsters by 300. Zodiac Beast - VirgoEARTHLevel 4Spellcaster/EffectATK: 800DEF: 2000Once per turn, you can discard 1 "Zodiac Beast" from your hand. Increase your Life Points equal to the ATK of the discarded monster. Zodiac Beast - LibraWINDLevel 4Fairy/EffectATK: 200DEF: 1500Whenever this monster is destroyed, both player's Life Points become half the combined Life Points of both players. Zodiac Beast - ScorpioWATERLevel 4Insect/EffectATK: 500DEF: 700[FLIP] Take control of 1 your opponent's monsters until the End Phase of this turn. Zodiac Beast - SagittariusFIRELevel 4Beast-Warrior/EffectATK: 1400DEF: 1400This monster can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If it does, any battle damage this monster inflicts is halved. Zodiac Beast - CapricornEARTHLevel 3Beast/EffectATK: 1000DEF: 700Once per turn, if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. (Damage calculation is applied normally). Zodiac Beast - AquariusWINDLevel 4Spellcaster/EffectATK: 2000DEF: 0Whenever this monster attacks, flip a coin and call it. If you call it wrong, negate this monster's attack and switch it into Defense Position. This cards position cannot be changed until your opponent's next End Phase except by card effect. Zodiac Beast - PiscesWATERLevel 1Fish/EffectATK: 200DEF: 300Discard this card. All Battle Damage you take this turn is set to 0. You can only activate this card during your opponent's Battle Phase. Zodiac Beast - OphiuchusLIGHTLevel 4Spellcaster/EffectATK: 1200DEF: 1300This card is not treated as a "Zodiac Beast" monster. As long as you control this face-up monster, "Zodiac Beast" monsters cannot be destroyed by battle. Elemental Hero CloudianFusion (Elemental Hero Stratos + Elemental Hero Ocean)WINDLevel 8Warrior/EffectATK: 2500DEF: 0This monster can only be Fusion Summoned with the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy it. This monster cannot attack "Cloudian" monsters. Evil Hero Dark CloudFusion (Elemental Hero Stratos + Elemental Hero Ocean)WINDLevel 8Fiend/EffectATK: 2500DEF: 0This card cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dark Fusion". This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy it. If this card attacks a "Cloudian" monster, destroy that card without activating its effect. (Damage calculation is still applied.) HeliumgeddonFusion: Hydrogeddon + HydrogeddonWINDLevel 6Dinosaur/EffectATK: 2000DEF: 1300This monster can attack your opponent directly. If it does, all battle damage this monster inflicts is halved. If this monster is targeted by "De-Fusion", destroy all cards on the field. Salad ChimeraRitualLevel 6EARTHPlant/EffectATK: 2000DEF: 2100This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Salad Toss." This monster's Attribute is also treated as WIND, FIRE, and WATER. Alien TubistSynchro (Tuning Fork + 1 or more non-Tuner Reptile-type monsters)EARTHLevel 8Reptile/EffectATK: 1800DEF: 2500Whenever this monster is Syncro Summoned, destroy all monsters with A-Counters on them. Whenever this monster battles an oppponent's monster, place an A-Counter on the opposing monster. (If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" monster, it loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculation only.) Amplifier DragonSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 non-Tuner Dragon type monster)WINDLevel 10Dragon/EffectATK: 3300DEF: 2900Increase the ATK of all Syncro and Tuner monsters by 400 (except this card). Once per turn, Tribute 1 face-up Syncro or Tuner monster you control to destroy all of your opponent's monsters. If you use this effect, this card cannot attack this turn. Daredevil BladerSyncro (Sk8r Syncron + 1 non-Tuner monster)WINDLevel 6Warrior/EffectATK: 2400DEF: 2300This monster cannot be affected by the effects of Trap Cards. Goblin Dancing TroupSyncro (1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Fiend-type monsters)DARKLevel 8Fiend/EffectATK: 2700DEF: 1000The number of times this card can attack is equal to the number of monsters used to Syncro Summon this card. If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. This card's battle position cannot be changed until the end of your next turn, except with a card effect. Guitar HeroSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 Non-Tuner Warrior-Type monster + 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters)EARTHLevel 12Warrior/EffectATK: 2800DEF: 2500This monster gains the abilities of all monsters used to Syncro Summon it. Whenever this monster is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Zombie Guitarist" from your Extra Deck. Melodius MagicianSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 Non-Tuner Spellcaster-type monster)LIGHTLevel 6Spellcaster/EffectATK: 2000DEF: 2150Once per turn, by discarding a card from your hand, add 1 Tuner monster from your Deck to your hand. Mental SingerSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 or more non-Tuner Psychic-type monsters)LIGHTLevel 8Psychic/EffectATK: 2450DEF: 2150Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you pay 800 Life Points to activate one of the following effects:-Increase the ATK of all face-up monsters you control by 350 for as long as you control this face-up card.-Decrease the ATK of all face-up monsters your opponent controls by 350 for as long as you control this face-up card. Opera RabbitSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 non-Tuner Beast-type monster)EARTHLevel 6Beast/EffectATK: 1900DEF: 1800You cannot select another Beast-type monster on your side of the field as an attack target. Rocket BladerSyncro (Sk8r Syncron + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters)EARTHLevel 8Warrior/EffectATK: 2500DEF: 1250Increase this monster's ATK by 1000 on the turn it was Syncro Summoned. Whenever this monster attacks with an ATK higher than the DEF of a Defense position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage. SaxoroidSynchro (Tuning Fork + 1 non-Tuner Machine-type monster)LIGHTLevel 6Machine/EffectATK: 2000DEF: 2300This monster can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If it does, all Battle Damage this monster inflicts is halved. Triangle of JusticeSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 non-Tuner Fairy-type monster)LIGHTLevel 6Fairy/EffectATK: 2100DEF: 1800This monster can attack 3 times during the Battle Phase. If it does, all Battle Damage this card inflicts becomes 0. Ultimate DrummerSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 Non-Tuner Warrior-type monster)FIRELevel 6Warrior/EffectATK: ????DEF: ????This monster's ATK and DEF are equal to the combined original ATK and DEF of the monsters used to Synchro Summon this card. Whenever this monster attacks with an ATK higher than the DEF of a defense position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage. Zombie GuitaristSyncro (Tuning Fork + 1 non-Tuner Zombie-type monster)DARKLevel 6Zombie/EffectATK: 2000DEF: 500Increase this monster's ATK by 100 for every Tuner monster in your Graveyard. 1-Up MushroomMagic CardQuick-Play SpellThis card can only be activated after a monster you control is destroyed. Special Summon the destroyed monster. Astral CloakMagic CardEquip SpellA monster equipped with this card is treated as an "Astral Beast" monster. Bonding – FeOMagic CardNormal SpellTribute 1 "Irogeddon" and 1 "Oxygeddon". Special Summon 1 "Rust Dragon" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard. Bonding - HClMagic CardNormal SpellTribute 1 "Hydrogeddon" and 1 "Chlorgeddon". Special Summon 1 "Acid Dragon" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. Bonding - NaClMagic CardNormal SpellTribute 1 "Sodiugeddon" and 1 "Chlorgeddon". Special Summon 1 "Salt Dragon" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. Bonding - SiO2Magic CardNormal SpellTribute 1 "Silicogeddon" and 2 "Oxygeddon". Special Summon 1 "Sand Dragon" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. Bros. Attack - Cyclone Bros.Magic CardNormal SpellThis card can only be activated when you control both "Legendary Plumber, Mario" and "Timid Brother, Luigi." Increase the ATK of 1 "TimidBrother, Luigi" by 800. During this turn, 1 "Timid Brother, Luigi" can attack all monsters your opponent controls. "Legendary Plumber, Mario" cannot attack this turn. Chemical RecoveryMagic CardNormal SpellAdd 1 "Bonding" card and 1 'geddon' monster from your Graveyard to your hand. Different Dimension ExchangeMagic CardNormal SpellRemove from play 1 card from your hand to add 1 card that was removed from play to your hand (except for the card removed by this card's effect). HarmonizationMagic CardNormal SpellRelease 1 Syncro monster you control. Special Summon 1 Syncro monster from your Extra Deck with the same level as the Released monster. The monster Special Summoned by this card's effect cannot attack this turn. Historical Monument DeclarationMagic CardContinuous SpellSelect 1 card either player controls. The selected card cannot be sent to the Graveyard for as long as you control this card. Holy Samurai BladeMagic CardEquip SpellThis cad can only be equipped to a Warrior-type monster. Whenever a monster equipped with this card battles a Fiend-type monster, destroy the monster after damage calculation. My Body As a SwordMagic CardContinuous SpellActivate this card by paying half of your Life Points. Special Summon 1 "Duelist Token" (EARTH/Level 4/Warrior/Effect/ATK ?/DEF 0). The "Duelist Token's" original ATK is the same as your Life Points. (This card's original ATK cannot be higher than 2000.) This card cannot be Released. If the "Duelist Token" is destroyed as a result of Battle, increase your Life Points by the original ATK of the "Duelist Token." If this card is removed from the field, destroy the "Duelist Token." Night SkyMagic CardField SpellIncrease the ATK and DEF of all "Zodiac Beast" and "Astral Beast" monsters by 500. Orion's BeltMagic CardEquip SpellThis card can only be equipped to "Astral Beast - Orion." Only 1 copy of this card can be equipped to a monster at a time. When a monster equipped with this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of a Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. Plastic SurgeryMagic CardEquip SpellOnce per turn, you can change the Attribute and Type of the monster equipped with this card. Polarius, the North StarMagic CardEquip SpellActivate 1 of the following effects:-Treat this card as a Normal Spell Card. Add either a "Zodiac Beast" or "Astral Beast" monster from your Deck to your hand.-This card can only be equipped to an "Astra Beast - Ursa Major. Only 1 copy of this card can be equipped to a monster at a time. Increase the ATK of the monster equipped with this card by 300. Protection of the TwelveMagic CardQuick-Play SpellRemove from play, from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, 12 different "Zodiac Beast" monsters. Select 2 cards on the field. Until the End Phase of this turn, the selected cards cannot be destroyed or affected by card effects. Releasing the BeastMagic CardNormal SpellRelease 1 "Beast Boy, the Changling" to Special Summon 1 "The Beast Unleashed" from your hand or Deck. Rise of the Astral DragonMagic CardRitual SpellThis card is used to Ritual Summon "Astral Beast - Draco". You must also Release monsters whose total Levels equal 10 or more from the field or your hand. Salad TossMagic CardRitual SpellThis card is used to Ritual Summon "Salad Chimera." You must also Release monsters whose total Levels equal 6 or more from your hand or field. Star ChartMagic CardContinuous SpellAs long as you control this face-up card, you can Normal Summon 1 extra "Zodiac Beast" or "Astral Beast." Psyche!Trap CardCounter TrapThis card can only be activated when your opponent activates a card's effect after a player has declared an attack. Negate the card's effect and destroy it. Shrink ShroomTrap CardCounter TrapHalf the ATK, DEF, and Level of 1 monster on the field until the End Phase. StarmanTrap CardNormal TrapSelect 1 monster you control. The selected monster cannot be destroyed by battle and destroy any monster that battles with it, before damage calculation, until the End Phase of this turn. SupernovaTrap CardNormal TrapRelease 1 face-up "Zodiac Beast" or "Astral Beast" you control. Inflict damage to both players equal to the Released monster’s ATK and destroy all face-up monsters on the field whose level(s) are equal to or lower than the level of the Released monster. Link to comment
Faded Posted March 12, 2008 Report Share Posted March 12, 2008 Cool cards. I know of 2 other chess sets. Ben 10 is kind of cool lol. Are you going to turn this into cards? Link to comment
bury the year Posted March 13, 2008 Report Share Posted March 13, 2008 They're decent, but some of them require OCG help... 6/10 Link to comment
Lucas Maximus Posted March 15, 2008 Report Share Posted March 15, 2008 Great effort, your OCG is a little off though. 8/10 Link to comment
Grayall Posted April 4, 2008 Report Share Posted April 4, 2008 A lot of cards. You got potential... Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted April 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted April 5, 2008 Thanks for the input Grayall. I typically just think about them when at some of the weirdest times, especially when I'm working, and then I fine tune the effects myself and with the help of reviewers like you. Link to comment
Wyhe Posted April 7, 2008 Report Share Posted April 7, 2008 great cards,I would give a good scoring & I also made some Ben 10 Series & planned out a chess-theme card set myself Link to comment
Wyhe Posted April 8, 2008 Report Share Posted April 8, 2008 Thanks for the reply lord wyhe. Now' date=' here are a couple of new cards. They aren't original, but are useful. Gemini SignalTrap CardNormal TrapActivate only when a monster on your side of the field is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Gemini-type monster from your hand or Deck. Beast CallTrap CardNormal TrapActivate only when a monster on your side of the field is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged-Beast type monster from your hand or Deck.[/quote'] I assume that you got it from the idea from Hero Signal, soon there might be versions of this card for many types or archetypes Link to comment
Wyhe Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 oh my god!your cards keep coming like water in a flood.Bring the forum more new cards,please. Link to comment
Umbra Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Chess Lord causes you to lose the Duel automatically if you fuse it with a Chess Piece, King on the field. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 I LOSE THE DUEL BECAUSE I FUSED King and Queen.. sheet. >.>;It would be so funny to see someone to do that though, fuse king and queen just to lose the duel automatically. >.>; But Great Cards, you get a 10/10 (Just because of the Automatic lost from Chess Piece, King) and all your cards is great. XD Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted April 16, 2008 Author Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Umm...well then I guess you would have to fuse it in your hand or something. I thought whenever I fixed my Chess Piece Set up I fixed Chess Piece, King's effect. Well, I guess that would be funny if you lost the duel because of a fusion. You know what, I'll keep it that way. Link to comment
Holy R. Enigma Posted April 16, 2008 Report Share Posted April 16, 2008 Yeah, it'll be funny if the person was stupid enough to put it on the field and then Fuse. >.>; And some people is that stupid, even though I don't think you would do that, probably just for laughs. xD Link to comment
afalpi Posted April 24, 2008 Report Share Posted April 24, 2008 O.o took me a while to read it but anyway 9/10, good job. Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted April 25, 2008 Author Report Share Posted April 25, 2008 I've fixed up some effects. Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted April 28, 2008 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2008 *bump* I've made it easier to read my cards with spoilers. Link to comment
bury the year Posted April 28, 2008 Report Share Posted April 28, 2008 Your sig's broken... You need a ], not a } at the end. Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted April 30, 2008 Author Report Share Posted April 30, 2008 I've added a new Set called the Satellites, based upon Satellite Cannon. I've also added 2 new cards, Crystal Beast Diamond Rhyno and Spongbob Squarepants. As always, leave your comments, suggestions, and point out any errors you might see. Link to comment
Wyhe Posted May 2, 2008 Report Share Posted May 2, 2008 when I first answered your poll,I rank your cards at 7.But now,I'm putting them at full score. Link to comment
Protoman Posted May 2, 2008 Report Share Posted May 2, 2008 dude i give you a 10 awesome and hope to see them in actual card form. Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted May 3, 2008 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2008 Fixed up some grammar and OCG issues, along with rewriting some effects, but nothing major. Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted May 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted May 5, 2008 Added 1 new card (Twin Tigers of Light and Darkness), changed the name of Ojama Dragon to Ojama's Pet Dragon, and reworded its effect. Link to comment
texaschickenlittle Posted May 9, 2008 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2008 *bump* Added 1 new Set, Speed World Cards. Link to comment
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