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Phew. Why is it so hard to explain to people about negating summons by card effects? They never believe you. Anyone got some good sources to quote/link to, or a simple way to explain the whole thing?

Here's the only screenshot I took: http://i.imgur.com/2m4WWzv.png It was for proof.

Pretty sure the only reason he didn't quit was I said not to.

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Phew. Why is it so hard to explain to people about negating summons by card effects? They never believe you. Anyone got some good sources to quote/link to, or a simple way to explain the whole thing?

Here's the only screenshot I took: http://i.imgur.com/2m4WWzv.png It was for proof.

Pretty sure the only reason he didn't quit was I said not to.


Brilliant Aliens is a cool deck. *respect*

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It's a shame I never got to use that Vanity's in my hand. He was playing RaidRaptors, it would've murdered him.

Man, after this many frustrating attempts to explain rulings, I'm starting to reconsider becoming admin. Just dueled a guy who chained Psy-Frame Overload on my Starliege Paladynamo, and thought my effect couldn't resolve. He kept asking if I understood chain links, called me a noob, and quit. The only reason I can think of for Pala not resolving in that situation is it being banished face-down (does that affect anything?) but he never makes a point about that.

At least, I need actually be accepted as admin already, so I can get some respect, dammit.

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Phew. Why is it so hard to explain to people about negating summons by card effects? They never believe you. Anyone got some good sources to quote/link to, or a simple way to explain the whole thing?

Here's the only screenshot I took: http://i.imgur.com/2m4WWzv.png It was for proof.

Pretty sure the only reason he didn't quit was I said not to.


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Synchro isn't a monster card type. Synchro is an Extra Deck card type. The wiki's Type page will tell you all the different types, and synchro, xyz, or fusion aren't one of them.


Cool, thanks. I'll keep that in mind if someone tries that sorta sheet again.

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[spoiler=The Greatest Ruleshark of All Time]

ByakuyaKuchiki6: Gl
synczei: gl hf
synczei has gained 1000 life points
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Top
synczei: ok
synczei: no
ByakuyaKuchiki6: ?
synczei: wait
synczei: ok go
synczei has lost 2500 life points
synczei has lost 1400 life points
synczei: eff
synczei: k?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: On SUmmon
synczei: i can still send for cost\
synczei: k?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Not sure
synczei: look it up 
synczei: same as like skill drain on field with dante
synczei: k?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Not really
ByakuyaKuchiki6: More liek Fiendish Chain
synczei: look it up
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I am
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Ok go ahead
synczei: eff
synczei: k?
synczei: ok still get eff
synczei: well nope lol 
ByakuyaKuchiki6 has lost 300 life points
synczei: you say before milling how many
synczei: js
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Sorry
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Crane
synczei: wait
synczei: whos eff did you use to ss crane
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Crane NS
synczei: back in grave 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: It was in hand
synczei: target first
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Crane targets Ogre
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Kage activates in hand
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Simultaneous effs
synczei: ok you reveil to ss in hand then
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Cl2 Kage Cl1 Crane
synczei: no
synczei: back in hand
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Do you have a response
synczei: reveal]
synczei: yes i do
synczei: no ss him
synczei: now
synczei: ok go
synczei: no
synczei: crain doesnt get eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Now what?
synczei: you normal passed his prioraty 
synczei: then special the other monster
synczei: so crain doesnt get eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Crane NS, Kage eff, then Crane activates
synczei: no 
synczei: knight is not a quick eff
synczei: so you can not chain any of that
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Crane doesn't lose timing
synczei: call a admin then
ByakuyaKuchiki6 has called an admin
synczei: you need to learn my friend
synczei: you should have normal then target crain 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I mean, you're making it seem very complex
synczei: then ss him
synczei: im sharking you 
synczei: tbh
synczei: so you wont get crains eff 
synczei: this is how you learn
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Then it will be something I will say to the admin then
synczei: that im rule sharking you 
synczei: because im treaching you not to mis play
synczei: thats fine
ByakuyaKuchiki6: But if you're wrong?
synczei: im  not
synczei: i know how to play very well let me teach you
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I'm fine thank you very much
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Look it's natural a lot of people don't know some obscure rulings
synczei: ok if you ever need help
ByakuyaKuchiki6: But that doesn't mean they get punsihed
synczei: no this isnt a ruling 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Just wait for the admin
synczei: its how it goes you didnt use cranes eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because I didn't say anything in the chat?
synczei: it goes normal crane you use his eff then you ss for him then you summopn knight
synczei: because i could have answers
ByakuyaKuchiki6: But if I did that I couldn't summon Knight
synczei: and the maxx c let me
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because the condition to summon Knight was gone
synczei: admins take forever
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Crane NS
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Knight in hand
synczei: just wait you will learn
synczei: im so bored waiting for the admin
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Why do you assume I know nothing? I know about missing the timing and SEGOC and uch
synczei: its not missing timing
synczei: just wait 
synczei: you will learn and i assume you do not know alot
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Pretty much the only thing that's holding me that now
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Is that you are not letting me do this
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because you said so
synczei: because you dont get his eff
synczei: its not mandatory or i would say you can
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I get what you mean
ByakuyaKuchiki6: But I did intend to use Crane's eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: And you are berating me for not saying so
synczei: i dont know that i could have veiler
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because I did Knight
ByakuyaKuchiki6: What I should have done:
ByakuyaKuchiki6: NS Crane
synczei: normal crane
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Activate Crane
synczei: then use crane
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You have response window
synczei: then target 
synczei: ask if i respond to his eff
synczei: then use his eff if i dont respond
ByakuyaKuchiki6: What is different is that Kage simultaneously goes off
synczei: then use knight
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because that conflicts with your Maxx C
synczei: it doesnt
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Honestly
ByakuyaKuchiki6: If my opponent made a minor mistake and he had some intention
synczei: see i coulda used that
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So why not?
synczei: because you didnt use crane
synczei: and i coulda drew it from maxx c 
synczei: who knows 
synczei: you have to go in order unless its a chain
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So why did you think I NSed Crane and did not use it even though I had a million targets?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Again, cause I didn't say so i nthe chat, or that I did Knight after?
synczei: you cant use knight
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You could have just paused me and did some clarification
synczei: i did 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I admit I should have said something
synczei: i didnt know you used eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: But that doesn't mean you should have been a jerk and told me about this
synczei: people go so fast on here and never ask
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because some people are straightfroward
synczei: yea im just teaching you 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: It varies
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Some people don't care
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You're different
synczei: i do tbh im on a win streak with this deck
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Same
synczei: thats why im saying all this
ByakuyaKuchiki6: At least you're kind of honest
synczei: yea lol 
synczei: i dont wanta lose lol
synczei: if it wasnt for my win streak then i wouldnt care
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Well I'll cancel it
Drumbledore: Hello there!
synczei: well lol
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Ah as I was about to cancel
synczei: he normal crane 
synczei: then ss knight 
synczei: then tried to use crain eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I intended to use Crane's eff
synczei: explain you cant please
ByakuyaKuchiki6: But I had Knight in ahnd
ByakuyaKuchiki6: He explained because I did Knight assumed that I did not use Crane's eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: And proceeded to response with Maxx
synczei: i didnt know he would so i would just veiler
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So he's preventing me fro mCrane
synczei: because you ss
synczei: and didnt use his eff
Drumbledore: So synczei, you assumed that your opponent would summon Crane Crane, and would not summon?
Drumbledore: With legal targets in the graveyard, it sounds like you're rule sharking.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: He already dropped Maxx for Knight
synczei: yea i could use eff v
ByakuyaKuchiki6: He is sharking
ByakuyaKuchiki6: He admitted it
synczei: i am tbh
synczei: im teaching him
synczei: to not misplay
synczei: if he goes to a tounament he will learn
Drumbledore: Well actually, rule-sharking is against the rules of DN.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: There's no point since some people are either not caring
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Or are actual sharks
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because either they don't give a damn about chain order
synczei: so rule sharking is against it because i know rules?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Or that they actually ask if they can respond
Drumbledore: I don't make them, just enforce them.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I know the rules
Drumbledore: Please familiarize yourself with them, instead of shooting the messenger.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You should have asked
synczei: i mean he didnt use the eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You should have asked do you use Crane
ByakuyaKuchiki6: before I proceeded
Drumbledore: I mean, you understood that he was clearly going to use the effect, and admitted as such.
synczei: ok so if he goes to a tournament it will be ok?
synczei: i have a veiler
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Look man
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I play IRL a lot
Drumbledore: You can respond with Veiler.
synczei: he didnt use the eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: If you respond with Veiler that's fine by me
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Then nothing happen, Crane get no summon
Drumbledore: You admitted that it was clear he was going to use the effect.
Drumbledore: And even admitted to Rule Sharking.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Then we continue
synczei: ok so you are enforsing him doing wrong?
Drumbledore: I'm enforcing the rules of the website, yes.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Look man it's my problem if I do something wrong IRL
synczei: ok he is doing something he cant
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Of course I'll learn elsewhere
Drumbledore: So with that in mind, I can't exactly go against the rules I'm meant to enforce.
synczei: i didnt even call admin 
synczei: he did
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Cause for some reason this is a big deal
synczei: ok enforse them
Drumbledore: This isn't a big deal.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: And you did blatantly admit it
synczei: by saying he cant use eff after summoning
synczei: im just saying
Drumbledore: synczei, you're getting a warning for Rule Sharking.
Drumbledore: Then we're continuing the duel from there.
synczei: i have a veiler
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So dump it
synczei: so wow you do not play fair admin
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Cause you know
Drumbledore: You can activate it on the chain as Chain Link 3.
synczei: appeal
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You can actually be flexible in DN
synczei: no you can not 
synczei: it is not a quick eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: For only one time
synczei: can not ss him 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Either let me summon or drop Veiler man
synczei: i should have to drop veilerif you didnt use eff js
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Then you should have paused me and aid:
synczei: ok question to the watchers can he normal crane then ss knight
synczei: then use crain eff
ByakuyaKuchiki6: "you activate eff of crane?"
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Then I could have said
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Yes
synczei: you went so fast
ByakuyaKuchiki6: DN allows the intentions of a player to go through
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Before jumping to conclusions and blocking
Drumbledore: Please hold.
Drumbledore: I'm consulting a Senior admin now.
synczei: opk
synczei: here goes the ban on me lmao
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Is maintaining a winstreak that important to  you
synczei: it is lol
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So?
synczei: its like a 20 win streak if i include my other acc
synczei: lol gotta keep it high
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Well I don't give a damn
synczei: lol 
synczei: and admin 
synczei: i drew from maxx c from him ss knight
synczei: so who knows if i drew veiler from maxx c huh?
synczei: jw
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You shuffled your hand
Drumbledore: Ok, I've consulted a Senior Admin.
synczei: where is he for the appeal
Drumbledore: If Rule Sharking is clearly apparent, the effect is resolved. If intent is clear, then effect resolution is clear.
Drumbledore: PMs.
Drumbledore: Work suitably.
synczei: ok well i would like to talk to him
synczei: ok i drew from knights ss
Drumbledore: You can PM Devilslayer1230.
synczei: ok i will;
Drumbledore: But as the ruling stands.
Drumbledore: It continues as played.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So Crane summon?
Drumbledore: If Veiler was drawn off Kagemusha Knight, clearly it can't be used on Crane Crane.
synczei: im talking yto him
ByakuyaKuchiki6: He shuffled his hand
Drumbledore: Ok, that's fine.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So I could not tell
synczei: ok well i drew
synczei: and hand was shuffled
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So no Crane summon?
Drumbledore: In the meantime, the appeal has been met, so you can continue the duel.
Drumbledore: Crane Crane does summon.
synczei: no it has not
synczei: i mean i can shark you if i wanted to
ByakuyaKuchiki6: *facepalm*
synczei: there is no appeal
Drumbledore: Sorry Synczei, but you're appeal was denied.
synczei: cant
Drumbledore: I mean.
Drumbledore: You got the appeal.
synczei: read your enforced ruels lol :3
Drumbledore: And the other admin agreed with Byarkuy.
synczei: no where is he for appeal then
Drumbledore: A PM was sent, as the other admin is busy.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: If I were  you I would kust suck it up
ByakuyaKuchiki6: *just
synczei: he has to be here 
Drumbledore: Where did you read that?
synczei: read your ruels what a appeal is
synczei: he has not heard anything i had to say
synczei: so how is this a appeal
synczei: and your main admin is not responding 
synczei: so enforse the rules admin
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Does it have to be this complicated?
synczei: so appeal
synczei: it does
synczei: admin read watchers chat
synczei: devil
devilslayer1230: Drumbledore gave the correct ruling. The intent is obvious.
synczei: i mean i have a veiler
synczei: so he summoned crane i dropped maxx c 
synczei: he ss knight
synczei: then tried cranes eff
synczei: cant do that am i not correct?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Technically, but you just denied it because you are blatantly sharking out of simple bad communication
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Which could have it been resolved by asking questions
synczei: i also drew from maxx c from ss knight
synczei: and shuffled hand
devilslayer1230: The intent of his action is obvious. I'm allowing its activation.
synczei: i have a veiler
synczei: \so wow
synczei: i didnt know so am i corrcet
synczei: that he cant
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Thing is
ByakuyaKuchiki6: WHy did you immediately draw
synczei: i draw from ss knight
ByakuyaKuchiki6: If you questioned Knight
Drumbledore: "synczei: i drew from maxx c from him ss knight"
ByakuyaKuchiki6: When you could have asked for Crane
synczei: so its a draw straight off
Drumbledore: At this point, Crane Crane cannot be targeted for Veiler at resolution of the chian.
synczei: i didnt know 
synczei: he cant even chain your a new admin
synczei: just stop main admin is here
synczei: cant chain knight its not a quick eff
Drumbledore: Actually, it's a Trigger effect.
synczei: no
synczei: uh read your rulings please you cant chain it like that
synczei: you should not be a admin if you think you can do this tbh
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So can I just summon my target already?
Drumbledore: You should become an admin; we could use people who clearly know their rulings on our team.
synczei: nope
devilslayer1230: Your disallowing on the basis of one communication error and are clearly sharking. Sharking warning is upheld. Done.
synczei: i know so many rulings
synczei: devil
synczei: answer this 
synczei: is it legal?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: syn
synczei: i have veiler also so i coulda used it
synczei: but i drew from maxx c 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Just give up..for the sake of time
devilslayer1230: I've already stated that I'm allowing it. Anything else? If not, move on.
synczei: and hand was shuffled after drawing
synczei: so devil
synczei: am i incorrect?
synczei: about how this happens?
synczei: so a regional or ycs will allow thios?
ByakuyaKuchiki6: DN and official tournaments are different in rules but the main applications are the same
ByakuyaKuchiki6: THe norms and expectations are different
ByakuyaKuchiki6: You're blatantly enforcing these
synczei: i mean devil if you say im wrong ill hit you with the ruels also and teach you a lil something js
synczei: you will allow this in higher rated duels?
synczei: so im wrong devil please say i am and provide me how i am
devilslayer1230: I've already stated that I'm upholding Drumbledore's ruling. I'm allowing the effect to be activated.
synczei: okk i have veiler
devilslayer1230: That's enough out of this. The duels continues from here.
synczei: so i coulda used it
synczei: no so im wrong devil
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I'm gonna do it
synczei: i will not continue
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Target Ghost Ogre
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Ok>
synczei: until you tell me how im wrong
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I'm going to do it
devilslayer1230: You are disallowing something on the basis of one communication error, and that is blatent sharking.
synczei: i have a veiler
synczei: omg
synczei:  smh
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Just Veiler the imminent Trishula bro
synczei: devil speak
synczei: im asking you something you are forced to respond
synczei: devilslyer1230
synczei: devilslayer1230
devilslayer1230: You are continuing with this ruling.
synczei: how is it ok
synczei: i have veiler i coulda used it on craion
synczei: crain
devilslayer1230: I've stated why. Do I need to make myself clear again?
synczei: yes
synczei: i coulda veiler crain
synczei: and not maxx ced
Drumbledore:  "synczei: i drew from maxx c from him ss knight"
synczei: i did
synczei: i woulda veilered his crane
synczei: and not used maxx 
synczei: so im js
devilslayer1230: The duel continues from here. The gamestate is correct as is.
synczei: devilslayer123-0
synczei: i woulda veiler
devilslayer1230: That's enough. You have 30 seconds to proceed.
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Ok bro
synczei: not my turn dummy
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Deal wit it
synczei: smh
synczei: admin you are dumb
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Trish
synczei: nope
synczei: i woulda veilered crane
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So Veiler Crane or Trish
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Happy end
synczei: no admins dumb
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Either way have the advantage
synczei: i want the admins to correct this but they are wrong
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Dude
ByakuyaKuchiki6: There's no point
synczei: let me hit them with the rule book lol
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Unless you can come up with a new argument
synczei: this is why ygo is better
ByakuyaKuchiki6: They will not change thier opinion
synczei: and no one really plays 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Eff of Trish
synczei: devilslayer1230
synczei: i coulda veilered the crane
synczei: so a tournament will allow this
synczei: ?/
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Oh
synczei: admin im asking something
ByakuyaKuchiki6: My
ByakuyaKuchiki6: God
synczei: so respond 
synczei: and i said your name
synczei: devilslayer1230
synczei: lol after i get off here im going to spank my monkey to porno
devilslayer1230: Well, don't say that I didn't give you the chance to continue.
devilslayer1230: You're done.
An admin gave synczei a game loss
synczei: you didnt
ByakuyaKuchiki6: *applause*
synczei: i had veiler
ByakuyaKuchiki6: gg
synczei: ok let me screen shot you sucking cock
synczei: bad admin
synczei: dont know rulings to save your life
synczei: this is why you are a no body in the yugioh comunity 
synczei: community 
synczei: see i had it wtf
synczei: devilslayer1230
synczei: so i was wrong?
synczei: lol tell me i couldnt do what
synczei: i di
synczei: lol let me take that admin test at my friends 
synczei: and just ban people for knowing rules also
synczei: smh
Drumbledore: Good luck with that.
devilslayer1230: We'll still figure you out if you try that, just saying.
Drumbledore: Enjoy your evening, folks!
synczei: you suck admin
synczei: jabroni didnt even say nothing for cussing
synczei has left the duel

[spoiler=Watcher's Chat]
AndieKing: nub
Lexi the Queen: i wish i passed the test ik my rulings just not DN policy to well 
TopLaner: Shouldn't it work with crane crane summon effect activate, then chain knight?
Lexi the Queen: technically yes
Lexi the Queen: but by him drawing for knight he accepted resolution
Dank Law: he's just stalling now
Lexi the Queen: pretty much yeah
Dank Law: he's not fighting for YGO, he's fighting for being a btich
Dank Law: and the admins are tolerating it for w/e reason
TopLaner: So is he saying whether or not he can vieler the crane crane
AndieKing: admin have no respond?
synczei: i drew from ss knight
Dank Law: you shuffled
Dank Law: why
synczei: and i coulda drew veiler 
synczei: im just saying
Dank Law: yiou're saying sure
Dank Law: but you're not answering
Dank Law: why did you shuffle
Lexi the Queen: i wish i could give devil a real cookie
ByakuyaKuchiki6: He's arguing that because I summoned Knight, I can't use Crane cause he assumed I didn't do itdespite the fact I had intentions
Dank Law: he assumed wrong
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Because of communication error
Dank Law: he should have asked if he had a doubt
Dank Law: and he did not
TopLaner: How does that get communicated wrong
TopLaner: summon crane crane
TopLaner: summon knight
TopLaner: crane cran eff
Pimpmaster6: what
Dank Law: COULD=/=DID
Pimpmaster6: omg
Dank Law: jesus christ
synczei: admins do not know the rulings
Lexi the Queen: admins are normally correct with rulings
(Omega) Kurama: they do
synczei: i know i didnt because he didnt use eff
Lexi the Queen: only had 3 cases otherwise and all 3 were on just released cards so i can understand somewhat
TopLaner: Wait I'm so confused now
Pimpmaster6: me too 
AndieKing: just banned synczei
(Omega) Kurama: lol
Dank Law: ^^^^
synczei: i have another acc
synczei: lol
Dank Law: ban that one too
(Omega) Kurama: then ip ban lol
Pimpmaster6: lol
AndieKing: both banned lolol
TopLaner: Threatening to commit ban evasion
Dank Law: Devil needs to just put this guy down
(Omega) Kurama: they can just ip ban
Dank Law: he wont shut up
synczei: ok hot spot lol]
TopLaner: Lol tfw you realize they mean the admin when they say dvil
synczei: ygo is better anyways
TopLaner: devil*
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I just want this duel to end
TopLaner: ygochrome
Pimpmaster6: you and me both 
(Omega) Kurama: synczei ygo is terrible
ByakuyaKuchiki6: I want to wombo combo already
Lexi the Queen: i think devil should just answer it one more time clearly and then give him 30 seconds to contine
Dank Law: DUDE
Dank Law: HOLY funk
synczei: no
Lexi the Queen: he gets his answer and the duel with contine or he'll be given a match lose or a ban likely with how this is going
ByakuyaKuchiki6: *bang head on wall repeatedly*
Dank Law: ban him please, these sorta funk are the reason that DN sucks to play in rated
AndieKing: *palm*
Dank Law: DN garbo too
Pimpmaster6: i thought drumble left cause of bs 
Dank Law: you woulda
Dank Law: but you didn't
Dank Law: sucks
Dank Law: misplay
AndieKing: everyone is garbage anyways
(Omega) Kurama: dank law dn cant be garbage the world will end if that happens
AndieKing: special not ppl 
handicap_explos: him missplay
AndieKing: what js
AndieKing: js
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Does he even have something else more better to do
AndieKing: jizz?
Pimpmaster6: do ti
AndieKing: BAN HIM
Pimpmaster6: it
AndieKing: NAO!
Pimpmaster6: do it 
AndieKing: NOW!
AndieKing: gg
AndieKing: ban him
Dank Law: GGGGGG
AndieKing: gogogogo
Dank Law: BAN HAMMER :)
Pimpmaster6: omggg
Lexi the Queen: dumbness is OP
Lexi the Queen: the levels is over 9000
Dank Law: HAMMER
Dank Law: HAMMER
AndieKing: I make upload Youtube! 
AndieKing: jk
Dank Law: wait
Dank Law: 30 seconds is up
Dank Law: I counted
Pimpmaster6: lol
AndieKing: what admin is waiting.....
Dank Law: That's enough. You have 30 seconds to proceed.
AndieKing: ^
Lexi the Queen: someone ban this rtule shark please
Lexi the Queen: i dont want to end up dueling him XD
Dank Law: HAMMER
Dank Law: HAMMER
AndieKing: with twerk..
Pimpmaster6: still waiting 
AndieKing: ^ twerk...
Pimpmaster6: poor byaku 
handicap_explos: him would have an game lose
AndieKing: Guys I dare you repond devil ban synczei twerk now.
AndieKing: respond*
synczei: lmao
AndieKing: GG
Pimpmaster6: gg
Dank Law: not a ban?
AndieKing: Congratz hammer
(Omega) Kurama: HAHAHA IDIOT
Dank Law: I don't wanna face this funk 
AndieKing: LMAO
Pimpmaster6: oh 
AndieKing: BAN 
AndieKing: BAN
Pimpmaster6: name calls
AndieKing: BAN
(Omega) Kurama: CALL HIS MOMA
ByakuyaKuchiki6: oooh sheet
handicap_explos: banned
BurritoBoi: lmao
AndieKing: he called sucking cock
Pimpmaster6: hahaha 
AndieKing: wow BANN
Pimpmaster6: gg byaku 
Dank Law: I don't wanna face this jabroni later on
Pimpmaster6: damn 
ByakuyaKuchiki6: It's cool
BurritoBoi: synczei is a cyber bully
AndieKing: Good for you.
synczei: bully bully bully
Pimpmaster6: im still waiting 
BurritoBoi: synczei how does it feel to be a bully on the internet?
AndieKing: its no excuse!
ByakuyaKuchiki6: So much crying
BurritoBoi: do u feel tough?
AndieKing: tsk..tskk goodnight
Lexi the Queen: ban please
(Omega) Kurama: LETS TRACK HIS IP
(Omega) Kurama: JK BTW
Dank Law: ban him
BurritoBoi: synczei is a fatty irl
(Omega) Kurama: dont kill the man
BurritoBoi: he is insecure
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Donate $1
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Contribute to ban
Pimpmaster6: lol
BurritoBoi: lol
BurritoBoi: im sorry u had to duel that idiot
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Its ok
Dank Law: jabroni
Dank Law: basket
ByakuyaKuchiki6: Couldn't wombo combo though
Dank Law: this is why DN sucks
(Omega) Kurama: byakuya the guys u meet on the internet u need to ditch your computer
(Omega) Kurama: Dank Law its not because dn sucks the admins are just 2 nice
ByakuyaKuchiki6: This is a story to tell the kids
ByakuyaKuchiki6: About a baby who needed a bottle

Will post specifics later.
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I... I wish I could say I was surprised, honestly. Though I am kinda surprised that I actually found someone who thinks MST negates.




EDIT: Holy sheet, this guy. Such a massive jabroni I have never seen. Especially not such a peculiar flavor of jabroni. Sorry for not having it all in a folder, I'm not actually sure how to go about that.











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