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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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thanks mr skeltal doot doot


In all seriousness, though, this was an awesome duel. At one point he managed to pull double Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and REDMD out of his ass when I couldn't do anything to stop it. He didn't attack for whatever reason, so I could summon my Skull Servant, swing with it into REDMD, which then powered up my kings enough to run over his monsters and eventually let me win. He was a great sport about it too.


Also, I was listening to this the whole time. Naturally, I made Undertale references.

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Facing LS with Raidraptors. He had JD and stuff out, all I could manage was to make a Strix and search Tribute. He said, and I quote, "too little too late my nigga", forgetting about my Readiness lying in wait in the grave. He recklessly milled 2 with Raiden and then swung, thinking he had won only to be blocked. Milling 6 at the end phase and he was down to 11 cards in the deck, reacting with a cheeky "lol".


Next turn he wishes me good luck with much disingenuity. I summon Tribute and mill a Readiness, setting up the stall. He starts, barely, to realise what's going on and is less reckless with the milling but still summons more monsters, and by this end phase he's panicky, milling 8 total and with 3 in the deck tells me to "give up". Sadly I end up with a dead spell and useless old Singing, but I set them both and see what happens. In his confused state he synchros for HRDA and then JDs the field, quitting without a word once I admit, his former disbelieving panic disregarded.


This was without a doubt the most disappointed I have ever been to lose.



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He Book of Moon'd my 101 like an absolute pro and become disillusioned with the world when he realised I wasn't retarded enough not to realise it'll be flipped face-up once attacked and be able save itself.


[spoiler=He quit moments after this without a word]




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MrSaw: standby phase

TheGreatEnguin: You're not allowed activate it

MrSaw: yes i can

TheGreatEnguin: Nah

TheGreatEnguin: There's a ruling on it

MrSaw: ya makes you lose your hand

TheGreatEnguin: I'll find it here now

MrSaw: go ahead cause ik theres no ruling stoping me from doing this

TheGreatEnguin: You cannot activate cards if they make your opponent draw, such as "Dragged Down into the Grave", "Card Destruction", or "Disturbance Strategy".

TheGreatEnguin: I used the same kind of deck

TheGreatEnguin: It's how I found out about this

MrSaw: from what im reading it does not say that

TheGreatEnguin: Well you mustn't be able read then

TheGreatEnguin: I even quoted the relevant part

TheGreatEnguin: Protector of the Sanctuary: You cannot activate cards if they make your opponent draw, such as..."Disturbance Strategy".

TheGreatEnguin has called an admin

MrSaw has left the duel


People quitting when they realise they're wrong is always good stuff.

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No screenshot because DN is being sh!t BUT...


I was dueling this guy who wanted to life equalizer OTK me. He was about to deck out, when he finally got the equalizer out, to which I chained 7 Tools. Their response was, and I quote:


Banquet: funking garbage duelist

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This one guy had 'entire hand is deck' as his duel note. So of course, I join with my Exodia deck. When the duel starts, he starts drawing his entire deck. I go into my deck and start special summoning the pieces of Exodia. The guy realizes his crippling lack of foresight and quits.

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Testing with BOSH cards against an IRL friend and this happeneds4GiEeu.png



[spoiler=Plus his hand]



Wow, when i play, DN enjoys giving me either just spell and traps (the unusable ones...) or just 1/2 monsters (and 90% chance is that they are the ones who can't start combos)

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