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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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He summoned the bouncing Tellarknight and then after attacking with it put the one who can negate the activation of DARK monster effects over that, since he knew I had Jinzo having just bounced it. When, on the next turn I tribute Carrier to summon Jinzo and bounce back his Wyrm chap, he argues that Jinzo's continuous effect which does not start a chain does in fact both activate and start a chain, prompting my efforts to make him understand the error of his ways.


[spoiler=It took far longer than it should have]
TheGreatEnguin: Pen 1
TheGreatEnguin: Carrier
TheGreatEnguin: Doesn't activate
blue eye dragon123: eff 
blue eye dragon123: ofc 
blue eye dragon123: it does
blue eye dragon123: when u summon u activate
TheGreatEnguin: It's continuous
blue eye dragon123: yeah so when u activate something it doesnt mater if it is contionious or what ele
blue eye dragon123: else
TheGreatEnguin: It's not an effect that activates just like Denko Sekka doesn't activate
blue eye dragon123: look
TheGreatEnguin: It's applied once it hits the field but doesn't actually activate
blue eye dragon123: when jinzo isnt on the field
blue eye dragon123: was the eff there?
blue eye dragon123: no
TheGreatEnguin: You're wrong so whatever you are going to say makes no odds
blue eye dragon123: but 
blue eye dragon123: like chemistery
blue eye dragon123: if u want to start something u have to create/make an effect
blue eye dragon123: so u activated jinzo's eff
TheGreatEnguin: Oh my god you are talking some true premium bollocks
blue eye dragon123: if u say so 
blue eye dragon123: idc
blue eye dragon123: u had to acivate the eff to resolve it
TheGreatEnguin: You are utterly incorrect
TheGreatEnguin has called an admin
blue eye dragon123: am gonna search it
TheGreatEnguin: ...
blue eye dragon123: we also just 
blue eye dragon123: can go on
blue eye dragon123: my mosnter goes to grave
blue eye dragon123: and ur monster to grave
blue eye dragon123: m monster for sure goes to grave
blue eye dragon123: ikr
blue eye dragon123: bu stilll
TheGreatEnguin: Yours returns to the extra
TheGreatEnguin: Not destroyed
blue eye dragon123: ikr
blue eye dragon123: but ur jnzo 
TheGreatEnguin: It's a continous effect that is applied once he is successfully summoned, it doesn't activate so you can't negate it with that
blue eye dragon123: to begin with
blue eye dragon123: can u pls cancel the call
blue eye dragon123: cuz am reading
TheGreatEnguin has canceled the admin call
TheGreatEnguin: Since Continuous Monster Effects do not start a Chain, they cannot be negated by cards that can only respond to the activation of effects, such as "Divine Wrath" and "Doomcaliber Knight"
TheGreatEnguin: "Jinzo" and "Starduston" are two such cards with Continuous Effects.
blue eye dragon123: hmm
blue eye dragon123: a sec
TheGreatEnguin: What the funk
TheGreatEnguin: What more can I do
blue eye dragon123: nothing
blue eye dragon123: go on
TheGreatEnguin: How is that not enough proof
blue eye dragon123 has lost 2400 life points
TheGreatEnguin: Mono
blue eye dragon123: wait
blue eye dragon123: stop
blue eye dragon123: i manige
blue eye dragon123: lol
blue eye dragon123: u had 
TheGreatEnguin: What
blue eye dragon123: scout and mono on the field when u summoned jinzo?
TheGreatEnguin: Yes
blue eye dragon123: yes u had
blue eye dragon123: and
blue eye dragon123: the descrition is
blue eye dragon123: u cant
blue eye dragon123: summon other monsters than qli monsters
TheGreatEnguin: I can normal summon anything
blue eye dragon123: and jinzo isnt a qli
TheGreatEnguin: I can't special other things
TheGreatEnguin: You're really taking the piss at this point
blue eye dragon123: oow right..
TheGreatEnguin: Pen 4
blue eye dragon123: i though i had u dammit
blue eye dragon123 has left the duel

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Apparently I am a dick for not wanting to let him use Heraldic Pat's effect when he didn't even activate its effect when he should  have. His whole argument of it being unrated is complete bs, it's not my fault that he can't keep track of his own card effects and then tries to activate it in the wrong phase. :|


The PM that followed suit:


Zandaa of the Thunde: Play correctly and I wouldn't need to be a dick
Zandaa of the Thunde: :|
Rustywolf: Or, you know
Rustywolf: Don't be a dick in normals
Rustywolf: Ranked, whatever, be a dick, there's a point
Zandaa of the Thunde: Guess I am a dick for not wanting to give my opponent free advantage when he/she passed the correct timing for a card effect.
Rustywolf: yes, in normals, when three effects went off at the same time
Rustywolf: You're being a dick
Rustywolf: Gz
Zandaa of the Thunde: Not my fault that you can't keep track of your own card effects. :|
Rustywolf: Look, if you want to be a dick, play ranked. It's quite simple
Rustywolf: If you don't want to play against people making mistakes and trying new decks and who want to play to their maximum potential, regardless of small fuckups
Rustywolf: Then don't play normals. It's not for you.
Rustywolf: You clearly want a competitive place. That's not normals.
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Imperial Iron Wall was a true nightmare: no BTH, no Allure, nothing. A never-leaving Chiwen and Skill Drain on top that.

No Kaluts left, no Typhoon/Icarus drawn,... Apparently, I lost.


(In case you wonder about Ghibli: It's rather a fan-made deck than a very solid one.)

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So like, I used Godnarch!Erebus on this guy first turn, he accidentally discards instead of shuffling his hand target, turns out it's Majespecter Cyclone.

I use the banished Pandeity to get triple Tenacity, search for March and activate.

Set, end. He opens Raccoon, and then quits.


Maybe he realized that defeats the point of his whole deck





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I'll be one-upping Neph in just a moment, but first is my obligatory "Never underestimate Hustle Rustle" post:


He already went -2 getting rid of a Machina Fortress I had summoned; first by using Sharp to TARGET it and switch it to DEF (discarded a RUM Astral), then destroyed it by battle, letting me kill his Vanity's Emptiness. So then after that, he went for a direct attack where all I had was a set Terraforming and then...


And now, the one-up:


See, what's missing from this picture is not only the Raigeki he tried to use that I initially chained on, but the Tenki he sent to the grave with Bear to try and pop it afterwards. THEN, he tossed his hand on the field and hoped he could use Dark Rebellion to lower his attack. It's hilarious, because he clearly didn't read the card, and his line of thought was "Oh, maybe it prevents destruction once. Oh, maybe it just prevents destruction. Oh... it's like Felgrand..."


Remember kids, READ YOUR CARDS.

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I'll be one-upping Neph in just a moment, but first is my obligatory "Never underestimate Hustle Rustle" post:


He already went -2 getting rid of a Machina Fortress I had summoned; first by using Sharp to TARGET it and switch it to DEF (discarded a RUM Astral), then destroyed it by battle, letting me kill his Vanity's Emptiness. So then after that, he went for a direct attack where all I had was a set Terraforming and then...


And now, the one-up:


See, what's missing from this picture is not only the Raigeki he tried to use that I initially chained on, but the Tenki he sent to the grave with Bear to try and pop it afterwards. THEN, he tossed his hand on the field and hoped he could use Dark Rebellion to lower his attack. It's hilarious, because he clearly didn't read the card, and his line of thought was "Oh, maybe it prevents destruction once. Oh, maybe it just prevents destruction. Oh... it's like Felgrand..."


Remember kids, READ YOUR CARDS.

Fear the trains.

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Completely stole the win from this sucker.



This is basically just another duel against Scrub-Eyes Noob Dragon. He's running a primarily-fusion deck with 3(!) Summoned Skulls. My first turn, I open: Switchyard, Machina Fortress, Scrap Recycler, MST, and Instant Fusion. I summon Scrap, mill Ruffian, then activate Switchyard and trade the Fortress for a Night Express Knight. I set MST, then at the end of my turn use Ruffian to search Hustle Rustle.


On his turn, he uses a bunch of mill/draw cards, and ultimately MST's my MST. Then, uses Red-Eyes Fusion to summon Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, then equips it with Black Metal Dragon for massive damage against my poor Recycler. he sets 1 card (Champion's Vigilance) and ends his turn.


On my next turn, my options are thin. I draw Gearframe. To destroy the BSD, I can't beat over it. My LP were at 2700, so playing defensively would be risky with the burn effects on board. Gangaridai is an option, but ultimately fragile with no inherent protection. So what do? I start with Instant Fusion to use Norden. Get Ruffian back out; R4 into Castel. I then use Castel to bounce the BSD and see what they would search with Black Metal Dragon. I mean, even a bad Red-Eyes deck is only going to run ONE Summoned Skull, right? Well he used Black Metal Dragon to search another Fusion. It was this moment I knew that he must have had at least one more Summoned Skull in the deck or on hand, and that this was potentially my last turn. He didn't use his set to stop Castel, so I knew there was a good chance that I had an opening. I mean, Castel was on board and Archfiend BSD deals piercing + burn damage. With only 1700 LP, my options were to either go all-in-no-fear, or lose. After doing some math, I took the latter.


I summon Machina Gearframe, search my second Fortress, then pitch both Hustle and Night Express Knight for two Fortresses on the field. Then, I unleash hell and beat down a real quick OTK, stealing the win. Seriously, who runs Champion's Vigilance?! I was expecting at LEAST a Mirror Force or a Fiendish Chain.


Anyways, don't run Fusion Red-Eyes. It's a bad deck, and pales in comparison to Xyz Red-Eyes.

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Instead of consistancy issues i read conspiracy issues. Monarchs illuminati confirmed

It's not your fault; the wrong is written wrongly in a way that it looks more like "conspiracy" instead of "consistency".  ;)




There's more from today's exercise. A battle between character decks. Kaiba vs Shark. A splendid duel:

[spoiler= ]78de0236fe8a2ea13030380dd150cbe1.png


[spoiler= ]fdf5be48cfd353e132be5c319ee79f11.png



  Lots of Give 'n' Take. I struggled more, though, because 1) Kaiba's original deck cannot compete as it does in the Anime and 2) because I hadn't drawn Pot of Greed or Graceful Charity - two very important cards for the incosistency the decks has.

  I wanted to screenshot the moment when I drew Spell Reproduction (LMFAO when I did, the only cards in my hand were 2 useless Spells and 1 Blue-Eyes)

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