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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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[spoiler=The beginning]7Xnpby3.png


With an opening line like that this wasn't ever going to go well. Down the bottom of that chat you may notice me referring to him randomly deciding to search his deck during the battle phase. Don't worry though his explanation is bullet proof.



[spoiler=The middle]



As I said, bulletproof. He then went on to demonstrate that he does not even understand his nemesis the pendulum.




He is asking here what scale I used to pendulum summon apparently, and with his previous cuntishness in mind I was in no helpful mood.



[spoiler=The end]a0CfIR7.png



This segment more or less speaks for itself, in the end I didn't know what to say.


i wish i could get such hilarious duels
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  Everything Shaddolls want to avoid at any cost. Nicely done, Tsusumikazu@%^


Now, this is really surprising:



  Either the guy was new to the Deck or they didn't care. G2 and no use of their Pendulum Cards' effects.  :?


(The Machinas you see are part of a Train deck, mixed with R4 strategies.)

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[spoiler=The banter begins]

GreeD09 has lost 2000 life points
TheGreatEnguin: You set that this turn
GreeD09: Sure?
TheGreatEnguin: Yes and you know
GreeD09 has gained 2000 life points
GreeD09: no
GreeD09: i dont know
TheGreatEnguin: You don't remember less than 2 minutes ago
GreeD09: no
This occurs when he sets a Solemn Warning and I drop a Gorz after he attacks, to which he chains the Solemn he had set literally not more than a minute beforehand.

[spoiler=The banter ends]
And so concludes the duel. He also tried other things like searching a Shadow Mist with Shadow Mist and using 2 Shadow Mists the same turn.

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This guy, this guy confused me. Assumed it was a disconnect but he wasn't back on for 2 or 3 minutes so I just messaged him to see if he had actually quit.




[spoiler=It did not go as anticipated]
TheGreatEnguin: ?
The Lord999: wat?
TheGreatEnguin: Why'd you quit?
The Lord999: i dont play meta
TheGreatEnguin: And...?
The Lord999: you were playing meta
The Lord999: werent you?
TheGreatEnguin: No
TheGreatEnguin: Why would you even think I was based off nothing
The Lord999: were you plying constellar?
TheGreatEnguin: No...
TheGreatEnguin: That's my deck which is now meta apparently
The Lord999: sorry wrong guy then
TheGreatEnguin: But why'd you quit on me then
The Lord999: dont think about it
TheGreatEnguin: We were having a perfectly banterous game and you just left
The Lord999: if you want a rematch i can do it if you wnat
TheGreatEnguin: Nah just wondering
The Lord999 has logged out
So now I suppose I'll never find out for sure, outside of it being looking like he didn't disconnect his reasons for leaving will probably never be explained.

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This one kinda seems like you played swamp and that you're being a bit stupid but that's just what I'm thinking without context. Correct me If I'm wrong

I had activated the actual spell last turn. If I had been activating that turn, my opponent wouldn't have quit on realizing he tried to do something he couldn't, now would he?
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probably, but i was still confused, i checked the ruling and it said nothing about its effect being activated the other's turn (he activated it the turn before) so. i also checked the ruling and nothing.

Continuous Trap effects are quick. In Aerial Recharge's wiki page, the first effect is even listed as "Quick-like". So yeah.


Guess I better tell a funny story about DN. So once, I was dueling this noob with a netdecked E-Hero deck that he had no idea how to use. First of all, I had to tell him that he had to set if he wanted to summon in defense mode. Then he tried to activate Call of the Haunted without setting, so I had to explain that. Then, during the next battle phase, I had to remind him to activate the trap to summon Neos Alius so he would survive with 200 LP. He activated it, and summoned an Alius from his deck. I had to explain to him how CotH worked and where exactly it summoned from. I also had to remind him to return Alius to his deck twice, tell him to shuffle his deck three times, and remind him to send CotH to the graveyard. After that, he lost, and I decided to follow him to his next duel like some well-meaning duel stalker.

He got into a duel with a person who was significantly less tolerant towards noobs than me. He starts by playing Dark World Dealings, and it takes forever for the noob to draw, then he discarded Mask Change despite having an Alius on the field. The opponent just quits.

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