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lololol nekroz got rekt by trains
there's no brakes on the pain train

[spoiler=Arguing with the admin.][spoiler=The Image]Oka26vh.png


[spoiler=The Chat Log]http://pastebin.com/dxJ5c79c



[spoiler=Him warning me lol][spoiler=The Image]Zrx2bjl.png





[spoiler=What happened]I'm using Trains, opponent was apparently using some crappy Nekroz deck. According to Cat's guide, this is the worst possible match-up for Trains, since they have lots of outs to 81: Dora the Explorer. Surprisingly enough, I ended up practically decimating my opponent.

So the final Battle Phase, I had 81 and Machina Fortress out while he had a single Valkyrus and nothing else. I suicided Fortress into Valkyrus to remove it, and then attacked with 81 before proceeding to discard the Night Express in my hand to try and SS Fortress to attack with it to go for game. Opponent tells me I can't, so I go to check rulings, takes maybe ~10 seconds. I come back, realize I'm wrong, and return the situation to the way it was pre-SSing MF, since he had been refusing to take the 3200 damage from 81.


He calls for an admin, saying that by SSing Fortress, it moves it to M2, at which point he practically goes and straight-up lies to an admin (AnyObjectionsLady) before taking a screenshot of the PM and essentially bragging/cheering about it in the main chat. I simply PM the admins I see online, one of them (Vesplah) ends up responding to me and entering the duel.

Obviously, at this point, as seen by the pictures and chatlog, he's fairly upset, and starts being rude to Vesplah as well, before demanding the actual time that it took (for me to go check rulings), continually arguing it was "like a minute". At that point, Vesplah finally goes and proves him wrong by saying it's roughly 10 seconds, as I had said it was, since Vesplah had accessed the admin log to check for himself.

At this point, the other person is extremely upset, and proceeds to start throwing derogatory terms around as well as full-on argue with the admin and call them a liar before ragequitting.


At least it was quite an amusing spectacle to watch.


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tl;dr I Pendulum Summoned Stealth, he thought I normal summoned, and his Meaning of Death/Dark Law was at 2100, and my Stealth was 3100.


I explained to him that Pendulum summoning =/= Normal Summoning.


What does he do?



you do realize that it states normal summoned without tributes or special summoned, right?

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I mean, the problem with that is that Night Howling stops you from summoning non-fiends, and there are no Fiend rank 7 monsters.


Caesar does more than just stop Mirror Force, as well. He stops all forms of destruction. You can even activate cards like Needle Ceiling, Dark Hole, or Torrential Tribute to clear the opponent's field as well as gain some life points.


Saying you want to run D/D/D without Caesar is like saying you want to run Nekroz without Valkyrus.

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at least you read, unlike some on Dn

True. I remember one guy who used Lightsworns, he had a Lightsworn monster that said "Lightsworn monsters cannot be targeted by your opponent's card effects", do I used Dark Hole. Only for the twat to keep telling me "you can't", and he wouldn't read his card to see that it states "targeted"; last I checked, Dark Hole doesn't target anything.
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After GarlandChaos made a topic about it, I decided to make a deck that could use Torrential Reborn well. I decided to use Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth, with Nimbles for Tribute, Synchro and Xyz fodder. So far it has been fairly effective, though I haven't used Torrential Reborn much:



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After GarlandChaos made a topic about it, I decided to make a deck that could use Torrential Reborn well. I decided to use Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth, with Nimbles for Tribute, Synchro and Xyz fodder. So far it has been fairly effective, though I haven't used Torrential Reborn much:



Oh my god. You actually made it work. XD

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He then two turns later decides to use Utopia's effect and says "No attack change" I assume referring to Moon Mirror's effect.



He discarded Mimicry for Monk effect. He eventually got it right though



I think he forgot that pendulum monsters go to the Extra Deck face-up.



I don't even know

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I just duelled  a complete and absolute noob. They activated Dark Hole, and I Tributed Stardust Dragon to negate it. They then summoned Dark Armed Dragon and used its effect to destroy my Coelacanth, at which point I just Tributed Oyster Meister to negate and destroy DAD.



Next turn, they complained that I couldn't Special Summon another Coelacanth... I wasn't. I was Tribute Summoning it.


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