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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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Why go into Nova when you're not going to immediately go into Infinity? (he actually couldn't since he summoned Nova on my turn but that's even worse. You're asking for something to happen to it. I should have used Castel tho, cause Nova went to the Grave on the next turn and CoH then went into Infinity and that was basically game for me.

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This guy.  This f***ing guy.  This was the first time I've ever been even remotely hostile toward somebody on DN, but my god he deserved every ounce of it.  So with this guy we have two rounds of stupidity.  They'll be in their respective spoilers below.

[spoiler=Round 1: This Ain't Yosenju]So first, this guy Normal Summons Monki.  Okay, go for it.  Then he tries to use the effect of the thing he Special Summons, which he cannot do since SDRs only trigger when Normal'd.  I wasted no time in calling him out on this.


nashmash: eff
nashmash: eff
YuiTheGreat: no
YuiTheGreat: Special Summon =/= Normal Summon
nashmash: eff
YuiTheGreat: again, Special Summons aren't Normal Summons
YuiTheGreat: this ain't Yosenju
nashmash: When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Super Defense Robot" monster or "Orbital 7" from your hand
YuiTheGreat: yeah
YuiTheGreat: and for the third time in sixty seconds
YuiTheGreat: Special Summons
YuiTheGreat: are
YuiTheGreat: not
YuiTheGreat: Normal Summons
nashmash: special summon dont mean sacrifice it can also mean an eff allows it to
YuiTheGreat: I know how Special Summons and stuff work
YuiTheGreat: I've been playing this game for quite some time
YuiTheGreat: you still get Monki's eff, but only Monki's
nashmash: im 22
YuiTheGreat: so?
YuiTheGreat: I'm 21, what of it?
nashmash: and i played it since it came out
YuiTheGreat: then you should know how Special Summons work in these situations =.=
nashmash: look
YuiTheGreat: I am looking; I can see how this works perfectly fine
YuiTheGreat: don't even need my glasses to do it
nashmash: look it up
YuiTheGreat: I could say the same to you
nashmash: im gonna show the rules to u and u be wrong
YuiTheGreat: by all means, go for it =w=


About twenty seconds later, this goes into watcher chat.  He still never proved me wrong.


nashmash: tell her the definitions to specail summoning while i get the rules
YuiTheGreat: he*
YuiTheGreat: him**
flutterfly34: and you go look at normal summons? nash?
nashmash: the eff allows me to do so read it
YuiTheGreat: when you Normal yeah
YuiTheGreat: but once again, Special Summons are not Normal Summons
YuiTheGreat: if you're really older than me, it shouldn't be very hard to figure that out
flutterfly34: When this card is NORMAL SUMMONED: You can Special Summon
nashmash: When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Super Defense Robot" monster or "Orbital 7" from your hand. Once per turn: You can target 1 "Super Defense Robot" monster or "Orbital 7" yo
[Hyrulian] Darunia: Exactly
[Hyrulian] Darunia: When it's normal summoned
[Hyrulian] Darunia: And you didn't normal summon it, IIRC
YuiTheGreat: he normal'd Monki
YuiTheGreat: but only Monki
YuiTheGreat: so he gets the effect of only Monki
YuiTheGreat: for f***'s sake
nashmash: i normal summoned super defense robot monki
[Hyrulian] Darunia: Exactly
YuiTheGreat: yes, and I'm saying you get his effect
YuiTheGreat: but you don't get the effect of whatever you summon with that effect
[Hyrulian] Darunia: And then I guess you Special Summoned a monster with Monki's effect. That monster doesn't activate its effect.
nashmash: heres super defense robot lio eff When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Super Defense Robot" monster or "Orbital 7" from your hand. Once per turn, when exactly 1 "Super Defense
[Hyrulian] Darunia: Thank you, I already read it
[Hyrulian] Darunia: And it says
YuiTheGreat: see how it says "When this card is Normal Summoned" there?
[Hyrulian] Darunia: "When this card is NORMAL Summoned"
nashmash: kk
nashmash:  didnt read that ok
YuiTheGreat: you mean you're playing Super Defense Robots and didn't even bother to read your own cards? =.=;


Needless to say, I was pissed by this point.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Round 2: You Already Normal Summoned]Okay, so pretty much immediately after we resolved the above issue, this guy goes and Normal Summons his Platform.  Again, I wasted no time in pointing out his error.  I tried to be polite about things at first, but my patience on this guy had all but expired by the end.  This is where I started getting hostile.


YuiTheGreat: woah woah
YuiTheGreat: you already Normal'd
nashmash: edff
YuiTheGreat: wtf
nashmash: it can be summoned to equip it self on one machine
YuiTheGreat: you already Normal Summoned though
YuiTheGreat: you can only Normal Summon once per turn
YuiTheGreat: how the f*** have you "played since the game came out" and not even know the basic rules like this?
nashmash: its eff allows me to special
YuiTheGreat: noooooooo it doesn't
YuiTheGreat: I know that card; I used to run machines
nashmash: Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 Machine-Type monster you control; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it in Attack Position. While equipped by this effect,
YuiTheGreat: it lets you SS if it's equipped to something, but you have to equip it first
YuiTheGreat: and equipping means you'll have to Normal Summon it
nashmash: no its this game mat here he hasnt updated this yet for that
YuiTheGreat: what are you on about this time? =.=
nashmash: the thing was suppose to have a thing where u can atach a card to a card but the guy forgot to
YuiTheGreat: no he didn't
YuiTheGreat: and that's not the problem
YuiTheGreat: the problem is you already Normal Summoned a monster once
YuiTheGreat: you cannot do so again this turn
nashmash: yeah u have to press specail summon to summon it to attach. hgavent u been to a tournament duel. yet a guy did the same thing dude
YuiTheGreat: I think
YuiTheGreat: I've given you far more patience than you've been warranted
YuiTheGreat: and that before claiming to know how the rules of this game work
nashmash: if u go to a tournament duel u would know the problems to this games problems in this siute
YuiTheGreat: you should learn how proper spelling works
nashmash: im typing fast
YuiTheGreat: There's no rush; I'll be here all day, and can teach you about how this game ACTUALLY works all day.
YuiTheGreat: And for the record...
nashmash: i can teach u to
YuiTheGreat: If YOU'VE ever been to a tournament duel, you would at least have the competence to know that equipped cards go in the Spell/Trap zone, and not overlaid on the equipped monster.
YuiTheGreat: Please tell me who taught you how to play this game so that I can check the respective heads of the student and teacher to make sure there is no malfunction.
nashmash: Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 Machine-Type monster you control; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it in Attack Position
YuiTheGreat: Yes, I know how Platform works; like I've said, I've played many decks with Machine-Type monsters.
YuiTheGreat: However, like I've ALSO said many times, if you'd care to get this through your thick f***ing skull, is that you already Normal Summoned once this turn and can't do it again.
YuiTheGreat: You cannot equip Platform without Normal Summoning it
YuiTheGreat: Now get your head in this game to show me that there's actually any chance for you to do so.
nashmash has left the duel
YuiTheGreat: Class dismissed.


Never have I actually been glad that my opponent quit the duel.  But for this guy, I was ecstatic.[/spoiler]

This was lovely and intense from start to finish, now go and grab a cup of tea to calm down.

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Why not Beast King Barbaros which does more or less the same thing except 1000 times better?

Because I like being weird.


til: Shaddoll with Card Trooper is "cookie cutter"

He also had shit like BLS and Blue-Eyes. Convinced now?

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Ok, craziest duel ever! Me and Spinda were testing for traditional tournament. He Chaos Emperor Dragoned me and i was left with 200 LP, then i won by beating him down with stallerknight Vega and Altair.


Dueling random people on traditional format in DN serves as such good material for this thread. Such as people not understanding that they're in traditional:




That's probably the most common occurrence. That, and random scrubby players with 60 card decks that make no sense whatsoever. 

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