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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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Just putting it out there, you routinely face utterly horrid decks.

and? there's not much i can do about who i'm paired with, since i won't know until the rock-paper-scissors starts and even then, i don't know what my opponent is running. 


also, it's the only the horrid ones that i post about on here. so you're looking at only the worst of what i've faced, since they tend to rage quit/ do stupid shit the most

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Really sad the fact that this is how some of the High ranked guys on dn duel. Probably he does this everytime his "perfect tier 1" meta deck loses.


Silenth: BtH 1 exc 2 mask 3
Silenth: ur monster is summoned then mine resolves
dylan9130: no
dylan9130: u resolve then i summon
Silenth: you cant just activate mask during the resolution of my eff
dylan9130: why not
Silenth: basic rules
Silenth: mask resolves first
Silenth: then exciton
Silenth: since you chained it to exc
dylan9130: wait
Silenth has called an admin
dylan9130: ok
Silenth has canceled the admin call
dylan9130: cancel call i just checked
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[spoiler Are these really run in lightsworn? i'm thinking no.]








Then when I ss Onu he pulls a combo with Dragon Ice and Dandylion from his hand.




I was told by another 'noid player that the 'or effect' part of Onu's effect meant he could negate monster effects... maybe not O.o



I actually quit when the admin wouldn't answer and because he kept being childish. And it was really annoying bc I responded to him like once asking him to shut it so I could talk to the admin and the admin's like 'just continue' and called me childish bc I wanted an answer to my question. Right.. when he's calling me names and basically being a tattle tale (he kept saying loook eternal bp and such), to a person who could literally see what was happening, I'm the childish one for wanting an answer to my question. 

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While it wasn't on DN it could be stupid enough to be. I was playing artifacts and against Qlis, he activates Scout and I destroy it with double cyclone he then quits after seeing I popped Beagalltach (He couldn't have won on his next turn would have popped Aegis and Achillieshield and went for Digvorzhak). What makes it more stupid was he said before the match if I quit if I quit against decks I don't like.

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Stompilation, Part II: Vanilla Boogaloo!


[spoiler=Does this count as a turn 1 win? This was against Tellars, and I definitely was gonna win turn 2.]




[spoiler=Turn 2]




[spoiler=For some reason the guy wanted a rematch. Would have pulled the FTK if he didn't quit]




[spoiler=This game was close. This is currently turn 3 for me.]




[spoiler=Turn 1 win! Yeah!]



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Aaah, good ol' Gustos. The poster children for neglected and defamed deck that actually packs quite the punch. You definitely earned that one victory, Chi. I remember you wrecking my shit with them :D

I had a Gusto Deck on Dn, netdecked off someone. it was an epic deck. if there's a new deck list (what with the zefra's) i would appreciate someone posting it. if not, i'll go dig up the one netdecked previously.
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Yeah, the WIND Zefras are Ritual Beast Tamers. Which are connected to the Gusto via storyline, but don't work together (Gusto are Synchros, while RBTs are Contact Fusions).


Also, today I found what I believe is a rare specimen on DN: the guy didn't know what Skill Drain did (he thought he had to pay 1000 LP every time he wanted to negate an effect), and when I told him that he got it all wrong, he listened and (after a bit of explaining) corrected his play instead of insulting me and quitting.

rarity on top of rarity. 


so... you're chaining to nehemoth's eff... ok.... but... 

RvCSGLv.pngthe whatever was meant to be directly after my previous comment, didn't realize they were typing. they left seconds after my thing about the timing of nehemoth's effect

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Started using my Chaika Trabant account again, brought it in rated for the first time today.


[spoiler=Three Duels In]

Chaika Trabant: Good luck, friend!
AidanGB: \fyi youtube vid Rage/fun with people
AidanGB: u 2
Chaika Trabant: overlay
Chaika Trabant: eff
Chaika Trabant: shark eff
Chaika Trabant: factory eff
Chaika Trabant: golem eff
Chaika Trabant: synch 9
Chaika Trabant: eff
Chaika Trabant: dumpty to hand
Chaika Trabant: c40 to extra
AidanGB: neg
Chaika Trabant: negate? How, exactly?
AidanGB: eff
Chaika Trabant: of what?
AidanGB: scrap
Chaika Trabant: How are you negating?
AidanGB: material
Chaika Trabant: You have nothing that would negate an effect. C40 goes back to your extra deck
AidanGB: i negated
Chaika Trabant has called an admin
AidanGB: rlly...
Chaika Trabant: Yes
AidanGB: y
Chaika Trabant: because you have nothing that would negate scrap twin dragon, and aren't cooperating
AidanGB: forums i just looked it up
Chaika Trabant: I would love to see a link
AidanGB: im lazy and im tired
Chaika Trabant: And trying to get away with cheating, apparently...
AidanGB: im not trying to get away with cheat (murder)
Chaika Trabant: Which card are you using to negate twin dragon?
AidanGB: c40
Chaika Trabant: Mind copy-pasting c40's effect that negates things?
AidanGB: likei said there on konamis forums
Chaika Trabant: Dude, you are making stuff up and it is clear.
AidanGB: im not
Chaika Trabant: prove it
einstein9998: Problem?
AidanGB: how doi prove that im tired
Chaika Trabant: He claims c40 can negate my twin dragon's effect, somehow
AidanGB: im saying go check the forums
AidanGB: and im tired its 4;30 AM
einstein9998: C40's effect places String Counters
einstein9998: It doesn't negate effects
AidanGB: like i said forums
AidanGB: give me sec
einstein9998: It also can only be activated on your turn
AidanGB: i checked the forums
einstein9998: Please return C40 to the Extra
Chaika Trabant: Thank you
AidanGB has lost 3000 life points
AidanGB: meant to be in def
Chaika Trabant: you can't summon humpty dumpty in defense position
AidanGB: no im talking about doll
Chaika Trabant: Humpty dumpty still can't be summoned in defense. You can only normal summon in ATK
AidanGB: i switched it
Chaika Trabant: you can't switch it the turn you summon it
AidanGB: i normal summoned then switched
AidanGB: yes
Chaika Trabant: You can't
Chaika Trabant: Do I really need to call an admin a second time?
Chaika Trabant: Seriously?
Chaika Trabant: Humpty Dumpty should be in ATK. If you don't switch it, I will call and admin again.
AidanGB: Each monster's battle position can only be changed once per turn.
Chaika Trabant: Not the turn they are summoned, though
AidanGB: thtas from forums
AidanGB: dos it say that
Chaika Trabant has called an admin
Chaika Trabant: I don't know what forums you go on, but they are bull.
AidanGB: rlly i just went to the 2015 january 18 forums
Chaika Trabant: Dude stop making stuff up. It is just a waste of keystrokes.
AidanGB: im not
AidanGB: im copying and pasting
Chaika Trabant: Give me a link
AidanGB: noooooooooooo
AidanGB: im too lazy
Chaika Trabant: That excuse is such bull. You claim you are looking these up, yet can't copy paste a link? When the admin comes in, I will explain that you are making stuff up to try to cheat.
AidanGB: im not
AidanGB: im telling the truth
Chaika Trabant: What is your youtube channel, by the way?
AidanGB: my yt
Chaika Trabant: I want to subscribe
AidanGB: im not telling
AidanGB: why would I tell u anyway
Chaika Trabant: So that I can subscribe?
AidanGB: no
AidanGB: its called Brady Bergeron
AidanGB: no subscribers
AidanGB: process of video
AidanGB: not live
Chaika Trabant: Well, hopefully you manage to do better in the game in your videos, since this really isn't working out for you so far.
AidanGB: i hate u
Chaika Trabant: Why?
AidanGB: because of that text
Chaika Trabant: Ok then.
Chaika Trabant: Now we just wait for the admin
Sinner_00: Problem?
Chaika Trabant: He claims he can change the battle position of humpty dumpty the turn he summons it
Sinner_00: No, you may not.
Sinner_00: The battle position of a monster may not be changed by the person who summoned it without a card effect during the turn in which it was summoned.
Chaika Trabant: He might be AFK
Chaika Trabant: Not sure
Sinner_00: Aidan are you here? You have 30 seconds to respond.
AidanGB: wh
AidanGB: srry for caps
Sinner_00: Alright Aidan change Humpty to attack position
AidanGB: y
AidanGB: he was in defense when i put him there
Sinner_00: Youcannot change it to defense position after you normal summoned it.
AidanGB: i flipped him....
Chaika Trabant: No you didn't
Chaika Trabant: you summoned it after I bounced it with twin dragon
Sinner_00: You did not flip Humpty. You normal summoned it.
AidanGB: no i flipped
Sinner_00: No. You did not.
Sinner_00: I can view the logs and saw you normal summon it.
Sinner_00: Change it to attack position now, and do not try to blatantly lie to an administrator in the future.
Sinner_00: Aidan you have 30 seconds to change Humpty Dumpty to attack position before being given a gameloss
AidanGB: y i flipped him
Sinner_00: No, you did not.
AidanGB: and im recording all of this
Sinner_00: I've told you this numerous times.
AidanGB: ill shiw u proof
Sinner_00: By all means, record away.
AidanGB: once its done...
Sinner_00: I'm viewing the logs, which specifiaclly state you normal summoned Humpty this turn
AidanGB has left the duel
Chaika Trabant: thank you
Chaika Trabant: fuck
Chaika Trabant: that was dumb
Is this what it is like to have a low rating? I swear it didn't used to be this bad...
Forest Fire. He thought Infernoids weren't summon inherently, and was chaining to a nonexistent summoning effect. A simply explanation would have cleared things up easily. 
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Started using my Chaika Trabant account again, brought it in rated for the first time today.


[spoiler=Three Duels In]

Chaika Trabant: Good luck, friend!
AidanGB: \fyi youtube vid Rage/fun with people
AidanGB: u 2
Chaika Trabant: overlay
Chaika Trabant: eff
Chaika Trabant: shark eff
Chaika Trabant: factory eff
Chaika Trabant: golem eff
Chaika Trabant: synch 9
Chaika Trabant: eff
Chaika Trabant: dumpty to hand
Chaika Trabant: c40 to extra
AidanGB: neg
Chaika Trabant: negate? How, exactly?
AidanGB: eff
Chaika Trabant: of what?
AidanGB: scrap
Chaika Trabant: How are you negating?
AidanGB: material
Chaika Trabant: You have nothing that would negate an effect. C40 goes back to your extra deck
AidanGB: i negated
Chaika Trabant has called an admin
AidanGB: rlly...
Chaika Trabant: Yes
AidanGB: y
Chaika Trabant: because you have nothing that would negate scrap twin dragon, and aren't cooperating
AidanGB: forums i just looked it up
Chaika Trabant: I would love to see a link
AidanGB: im lazy and im tired
Chaika Trabant: And trying to get away with cheating, apparently...
AidanGB: im not trying to get away with cheat (murder)
Chaika Trabant: Which card are you using to negate twin dragon?
AidanGB: c40
Chaika Trabant: Mind copy-pasting c40's effect that negates things?
AidanGB: likei said there on konamis forums
Chaika Trabant: Dude, you are making stuff up and it is clear.
AidanGB: im not
Chaika Trabant: prove it
einstein9998: Problem?
AidanGB: how doi prove that im tired
Chaika Trabant: He claims c40 can negate my twin dragon's effect, somehow
AidanGB: im saying go check the forums
AidanGB: and im tired its 4;30 AM
einstein9998: C40's effect places String Counters
einstein9998: It doesn't negate effects
AidanGB: like i said forums
AidanGB: give me sec
einstein9998: It also can only be activated on your turn
AidanGB: i checked the forums
einstein9998: Please return C40 to the Extra
Chaika Trabant: Thank you
AidanGB has lost 3000 life points
AidanGB: meant to be in def
Chaika Trabant: you can't summon humpty dumpty in defense position
AidanGB: no im talking about doll
Chaika Trabant: Humpty dumpty still can't be summoned in defense. You can only normal summon in ATK
AidanGB: i switched it
Chaika Trabant: you can't switch it the turn you summon it
AidanGB: i normal summoned then switched
AidanGB: yes
Chaika Trabant: You can't
Chaika Trabant: Do I really need to call an admin a second time?
Chaika Trabant: Seriously?
Chaika Trabant: Humpty Dumpty should be in ATK. If you don't switch it, I will call and admin again.
AidanGB: Each monster's battle position can only be changed once per turn.
Chaika Trabant: Not the turn they are summoned, though
AidanGB: thtas from forums
AidanGB: dos it say that
Chaika Trabant has called an admin
Chaika Trabant: I don't know what forums you go on, but they are bull.
AidanGB: rlly i just went to the 2015 january 18 forums
Chaika Trabant: Dude stop making stuff up. It is just a waste of keystrokes.
AidanGB: im not
AidanGB: im copying and pasting
Chaika Trabant: Give me a link
AidanGB: noooooooooooo
AidanGB: im too lazy
Chaika Trabant: That excuse is such bull. You claim you are looking these up, yet can't copy paste a link? When the admin comes in, I will explain that you are making stuff up to try to cheat.
AidanGB: im not
AidanGB: im telling the truth
Chaika Trabant: What is your youtube channel, by the way?
AidanGB: my yt
Chaika Trabant: I want to subscribe
AidanGB: im not telling
AidanGB: why would I tell u anyway
Chaika Trabant: So that I can subscribe?
AidanGB: no
AidanGB: its called Brady Bergeron
AidanGB: no subscribers
AidanGB: process of video
AidanGB: not live
Chaika Trabant: Well, hopefully you manage to do better in the game in your videos, since this really isn't working out for you so far.
AidanGB: i hate u
Chaika Trabant: Why?
AidanGB: because of that text
Chaika Trabant: Ok then.
Chaika Trabant: Now we just wait for the admin
Sinner_00: Problem?
Chaika Trabant: He claims he can change the battle position of humpty dumpty the turn he summons it
Sinner_00: No, you may not.
Sinner_00: The battle position of a monster may not be changed by the person who summoned it without a card effect during the turn in which it was summoned.
Chaika Trabant: He might be AFK
Chaika Trabant: Not sure
Sinner_00: Aidan are you here? You have 30 seconds to respond.
AidanGB: wh
AidanGB: srry for caps
Sinner_00: Alright Aidan change Humpty to attack position
AidanGB: y
AidanGB: he was in defense when i put him there
Sinner_00: Youcannot change it to defense position after you normal summoned it.
AidanGB: i flipped him....
Chaika Trabant: No you didn't
Chaika Trabant: you summoned it after I bounced it with twin dragon
Sinner_00: You did not flip Humpty. You normal summoned it.
AidanGB: no i flipped
Sinner_00: No. You did not.
Sinner_00: I can view the logs and saw you normal summon it.
Sinner_00: Change it to attack position now, and do not try to blatantly lie to an administrator in the future.
Sinner_00: Aidan you have 30 seconds to change Humpty Dumpty to attack position before being given a gameloss
AidanGB: y i flipped him
Sinner_00: No, you did not.
AidanGB: and im recording all of this
Sinner_00: I've told you this numerous times.
AidanGB: ill shiw u proof
Sinner_00: By all means, record away.
AidanGB: once its done...
Sinner_00: I'm viewing the logs, which specifiaclly state you normal summoned Humpty this turn
AidanGB has left the duel
Chaika Trabant: thank you
Chaika Trabant: f***
Chaika Trabant: that was dumb
Is this what it is like to have a low rating? I swear it didn't used to be this bad...
Forest Fire. He thought Infernoids weren't summon inherently, and was chaining to a nonexistent summoning effect. A simply explanation would have cleared things up easily. 



Ha. That always happens in the wonderful world of DN  :526087_key:

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