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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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One person I just dueled(didn't get a screencap).


I was using Darklords. I activate Valhalla. Opponent says "I hope Fairies get some more support". Immediately, I summon Kristya with it. Response: "Oh, Krystia" "Fairies don't need any more support" He then proceeds to admit defeat and leave. He later told me that he had the means of getting out Quasar in his hand.




This one was obviously going for Beelze

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  • 2 weeks later...

How high does your rating have to be in order to duel half decent players in matches?






I mean I'm happy to help but I'd rather discuss rules in single.


The game prior to this was what I can only guess was a Hats net decker. He guessed that I was net decking a artfact build (Kinda true but I'v made my own changes way before this duel) & I countered asking if he was running hats. He says no and  then proceeds to set 1 backrow making 3, flip two ice hands and attack. I flip Malcat & he quits. He had no cards in his hand and was about to lose an ice hand.leaving him with a ice hand & nothing else.

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Fun Vylons vs. Pendulum Apex; Opponent attempts to Pendulum by activating Timegazer while he controls Fader. I tell him that's not possible but he claims that's only for the following "cannot activate traps" clause. But it gets better:




"wtf with this guy he is so wrong...imma post the rulings without looking cuz it's got stuff that says he's wrong and im right!"


WTF is with these illiterate duelists on DN...

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