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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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Hey. I've had plenty of chronicles on this site before, including a guy saying that Dueling Network used some weird unofficial rules instead of the official rules of YuGiOh. I tried and tried again to tell him that you could use any rules you want as long as you and the other person agreed, and that the rulings I was using were the official ones, even going so far as to post links.


But as soon as he said the official rules were from some sort of console yugioh game he played, I just couldn't take it anymore.



But I have a question. You see, back before Christmas, I had an old Windows XP computer. It could run DN fine, with a bit of lag from shuffling, is all. It never really crashed, I just occasionally disconnected.

But ever since I got this new, powerful, Windows 7 computer, I can't really duel without the Adobe Flash Plugin crashing at one point. Even if I close the youtube tab, there will be a point where Firefox just locks up for a while, having me wait until it finishes crashing. Then it gives me a sad lego face, saying the flash plugin has crashed.

Any neat solutions to this problem would be welcome.

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I forgot to get a Screen of this, because flash was being annoying..


I was playing someone who'd obviously band wagoned onto judgement day, and rather than use his brain to work out if he searched for power instead of Alma with Master he'd have won that turn. He'd done the +6 combo, had like 3 backrow, a Junon, and a Breaker, and a pair of Spellbook magicians. He's annoyed after I point out how he could win, and said he was being nice in letting me have an extra turn.


I draw.  Activate Miracle Fusion to make Ab0. He plays Fate to set it. I tribute it to summon Fortune Lady Dark. Ab0 goes to field nuke, and he chains Starlight Road, getting out a Stardust.


I go into battle phase, attack and destroy stardust by lancing it. I get back Lady Water, drawing two. Lady water attacks over one Spellbook magician. I Lget a second Lady Water, draw two, attack the second Magician with my new Water, get the third and draw two more. I get back my second Lady Dark, and attack Junon, lancing it.


He then calls me a fag, saying I should play a proper deck, instead of one that makes so much card advantage. And as is right to do in that situation, I say 'And judgement isn't?' He then has a very long stream of verbal insults, and quits. Victory by rage it seemed.

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I forgot to get a Screen of this, because flash was being annoying..


I was playing someone who'd obviously band wagoned onto judgement day, and rather than use his brain to work out if he searched for power instead of Alma with Master he'd have won that turn. He'd done the +6 combo, had like 3 backrow, a Junon, and a Breaker, and a pair of Spellbook magicians. He's annoyed after I point out how he could win, and said he was being nice in letting me have an extra turn.


I draw.  Activate Miracle Fusion to make Ab0. He plays Fate to set it. I tribute it to summon Fortune Lady Dark. Ab0 goes to field nuke, and he chains Starlight Road, getting out a Stardust.


I go into battle phase, attack and destroy stardust by lancing it. I get back Lady Water, drawing two. Lady water attacks over one Spellbook magician. I Lget a second Lady Water, draw two, attack the second Magician with my new Water, get the third and draw two more. I get back my second Lady Dark, and attack Junon, lancing it.


He then calls me a fag, saying I should play a proper deck, instead of one that makes so much card advantage. And as is right to do in that situation, I say 'And judgement isn't?' He then has a very long stream of verbal insults, and quits. Victory by rage it seemed.




Behold the majority of netdecker noobs if anywhere... except that one was a bit worse.

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