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GX 179: Appearance of God Neos

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I've read that God Neos is going to appear in GX 179. It's suppossed to be a CONTACT FUSION (uh-oh) of Neos and ALL of the Neo-Spacians. Now, as a Hero fan, that sounds really terrible if it was a real card. How are you gonna contact fuse 6 neo-spacians with Neos?! You can only hold 5 monsters on the field! There will probably be a Spell card that instantly fuses Neos and the Neo-Spacians.

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It is true. I just saw it. He used some kind of card to remove all five the Neos-Spacians he had in his deck to the graveyard and the Dark Panther and Neos on the field together with Polymerization to summon God Neos.


Just a moment, I give you some pics.



(card he used to do the above said things)



(the contact fusion)



(God Neos)

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Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.


You are seriously ****ing kidding.


Oh dear God, now some idiots will run Neo-Spacian because of this and think they're "awesome".


And then, and then, if they actually manage to get him on the field?


ATK/5000 (Minimum)



-Once per turn, by discarding 1 card, look at your opponent's hand and select 1 Monster Card in it. If you control a monster with ATK greater than or equal to the ATK of the selected Monster Card, destroy the selected card and inflict 500 damage to your opponent. Otherwise, take 500 damage.

-This card gains 400 ATK for each Spell and Trap Card your opponent controls.

-Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can gain 500 Life Points for each card in your opponent's hand.

-When this card attacks or is attacked, your opponent draws 1 card. Reveal that card, and based on its type apply the proper effect: ● Monster: End the Battle Phase. ● Spell: You can change this attack to a direct attack instead. ● Trap: This monster is changed to Defense Position.

[Personally, I wouldn't do either Panther or Grand Mole, so eh...]

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