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Plants vs Zombies


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Its a very Arcade-styled game(at least, the way I see it) with a large variety of plants to battle the hilariously-gimmicky, and oh-so-silly, zombies.
The game is wonderful, and quickly became one of my favorites.
(...Despite the fact I'm to lazy to get the rest of the achievements)

Best plant ever, IMO, is Garlic.

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Instead of Tallnuts, you could try Chompers.
Since if your yard ends up looking like this:
Zombies either die from all the rows of spikes, or on the off-chance they somehow make it to the end, the first Chomper will eat whatever is infront of him. Then, if by some chance, another zombies tries to eat your Chomper while hes digesting a zombie, the second Chomper will just eat that Zombie through the first Chomper, giving the first one enough time to finally digest whatever he was eating, and prepare for his next meal.

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My dream set up.

Yea, I played a lot of this game.

[quote name="Armadilloz" post="6155493" timestamp="1362373484"]
[b]Instead of Tallnuts, you could try Chompers.
Since if your yard ends up looking like this:
Zombies either die from all the rows of spikes, or on the off-chance they somehow make it to the end, the first Chomper will eat whatever is infront of him. Then, if by some chance, another zombies tries to eat your Chomper while hes digesting a zombie, the second Chomper will just eat that Zombie through the first Chomper, giving the first one enough time to finally digest whatever he was eating, and prepare for his next meal.[/b]

I've done that
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Hey Flame, how did you overcome the onslaught of Gigantaurs?



The cannons are REALLY important. The water is a lot easier to protect then the land so placing 4 there and using them to kill the Gigantaurs always felt like the best way to fight them. Also, the spikes are very helpful since that slows them down a lot. After those 2 things having a bunch of explosives in your hand helps once they start to break through.

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Alright, Topic, whats your opinion on Rooftop stages?
I find them rather annoying, mostly because its so gimmicky;
Catapult Zombie
Bungee Zombie
Umbrella Leaf
Potted Plant
Non-Lobbed plants only work in the front row
Garlic is useless

But other then that, its actually a good challenge.

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Alright, Topic, whats your opinion on Rooftop stages?
I find them rather annoying, mostly because its so gimmicky;
Catapult Zombie
Bungee Zombie
Umbrella Leaf
Potted Plant
Non-Lobbed plants only work in the front row
Garlic is useless

But other then that, its actually a good challenge.



Yea, they aren't the best, but the best weapons can all be used so I'm fine with it.



Personally, I hate the Catapult Zombie. Its like, ga, I have an Umbrella Leaf for the Bungee Zombies already so not only do you do nothing but you take 1/9th of my upgraded spikes with you. 

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Yea, Catapult Zombies are just trolls.
Since when they aren't bombing your Umbrellas, they run over your yard/roof.
And Rooftop only truly gets annoying when you start loosing your pots.

Anyway, I think one of the best achievements was Good Morning.
I mean, when you depend on nothing but the random sun dropping in order to get started, and Mushrooms + Coffee Beans costing 100 in total, it gets pretty scary when even Basic Zombies are a force to be reckoned with.

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I personally hate the Fog levels a lot more than the rooftop levels, but those ladder zombies are really annoying >>

Also I've been playing the iPhone version lately... It's like the game was MADE for it honestly, it works really well. :'o

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Yea, Catapult Zombies are just trolls.
Since when they aren't bombing your Umbrellas, they run over your yard/roof.
And Rooftop only truly gets annoying when you start loosing your pots.

Anyway, I think one of the best achievements was Good Morning.
I mean, when you depend on nothing but the random sun dropping in order to get started, and Mushrooms + Coffee Beans costing 100 in total, it gets pretty scary when even Basic Zombies are a force to be reckoned with.




Yea, I just did the basic day survival with just Mushrooms. Gogo chump blockers. 

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