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Attempting Koa'ki

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You only have a few Beast-Warriors, but they're very important. Urnight allows you to make instant Rank 4 monsters, or search for Tornado for a field wipe. Or both.


I suggest Mirror Force over Koa'ki Meiru Shield. Also Prototype is real pretty but not real good.

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You only have a few Beast-Warriors, but they're very important. Urnight allows you to make instant Rank 4 monsters, or search for Tornado for a field wipe. Or both.


I suggest Mirror Force over Koa'ki Meiru Shield. Also Prototype is real pretty but not real good.

Tornado is Winged Beas. t only works for Urnight, pretty much.

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RUn 3 Urknight ALWAYS! Also, crusader is a beast warrior so tenki is viable. Kinda hard to help you without knowing what type of build your trying to make. Imo, I would go for a Koa'ki Fist build.

I did, I put in 2 Tenki, kinda saved my bacon. I did change it up, but I thhink that's a good idea.

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I didn't mean Tenki searches Tornado. Tenki searches Urnight, who uses his effect to search Tornado.


What's your Extra Deck like?

Non-existant, hence it not being in the picture. I completely re-did this into some shitty mix of Rock stun and Fire Fist, I onno what Im doing with it rofl. I wanted to try and keep the deck as pure to the Koa'ki theme as possible

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Can you post the new deck list, that would make helping you a LOT easier.

The closest I can really tell you due to computer stupidity is this: I'm a deck purist, I'd like to keep as much Koa'ki theme in this as possible, and preferably not doing the Rock Stun deal. I really don't know waht I'm doing other htan that xD

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