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[Finished]Contest Finished!


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  • No Spamming/Trolling
  • No Written Cards
  • All YCM Rules Apply
  • Judges Cannot Enter
  • Effects Required
  • 4 contestants
  • 2 rounds
  • At the end of the first round, the two people with the highest score will continue to round 2
  • I have the Right to change/edit rules[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Card Amounts (per round)']

  • 4 Effect/Tuner/Gemini/Union/Toon/Spirit/Ritual monsters
  • 2 Spells
  • 2 Traps
  • 1 Xyz/Synchro/Fusion[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Entry Fee']

  • 25 points[/spoiler]



  • 1st place: 50 points
  • 2nd place: 25 points
  • 3rd place: 15 points
  • 4th place: 10 points[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Rating System (per card, per round)']

  • 0-5 OCG
  • 0-5 Card Art
  • 0-5 Card Balance
  • 0-5 Card Creativity

(up to 20 points possible per card)[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Contestants']1. AixDivadis
2. Brown_Thing
3. Kuriboh22
4. Toadette68[/spoiler]



  • 100 points[/spoiler]

post cards here. cards for Round 1 are due March 10, 2013 at 5:30 pm EST.

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I don't exactly get what card(s) I have to make is it any 4 monsters, 2s/2t and 1 s/x/r = total 9 cards, or do they have to be a particular theme?


And wai no Spirit/Toon? u.u

any 4 main deck effect monsters

1 Synchro/Xyz/Fusion

no, they do not have to be a particular theme

you can use Spirit/Toon monsters if you want, i was just trying to give a general direction: no Normal Monsters

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I hope i make it to Round 2...

Anyway here is Round 1 cards:



[spoiler='Angel of Passion']AUbF194.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']When this card is Summoned, add 1 Equip Spell card from your deck or Graveyard to your hand.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Fairy Dancer']pTRcOxE.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']All LIGHT monsters you control gain 100 ATK times their Level. Once per turn, you can decrease this card's ATK by any multiple of 100, up to 1000 and target 1 other monster on the field: the targeted monster gains ATK equal to the amount this card's ATK decreased.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Nocturnal Know-It-All']6VsycN6.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']FLIP: Look at your opponent's hand and select 1 card. Send the selected card to the Graveyard.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Princess of the Sky']VbRmcDN.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']All WIND monsters you control gain 400 ATK. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Queen of the Sky" from your hand or deck.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]



[spoiler='Fairy Sword']PxbTTto.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']Equip to a Fairy-Type monster. The equipped monster gains 700 ATK for each LIGHT monster you control.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Mythical Horn']TW9oISp.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']Equip only to a LIGHT monster you control. The equipped monster gains 600 ATK. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: you can pay 500 Life Points; return this card to your hand.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]



[spoiler='Angelic Escape']c0bTiEe.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']Activate only when an opponent's monster declares an attack: targeting a Fairy-Type monster you control. Negate the attack and end your opponent's turn.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Golden Angel Wings']jUn5vQO.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']Special Summon 2 "Golden Feather Tokens" (Fairy-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0 /DEF 1000) in Defense Position. These Tokens can only be Tributed for the Tribute Summon of a LIGHT monster. You cannot Normal Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card, except for LIGHT monsters.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Extra Deck']

[spoiler='Spacial Pegasus']v9Iatcn.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']1 LIGHT Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn: You can discard 1 Level 5 or lower LIGHT monster; increase this card's Level by the Level of the discarded monster, until the End Phase of this turn. Once per turn: you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster from your Graveyard. You cannot Normal Summon the turn you activate this effect (but you can Set).[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]


Hope i did okay!

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All good/competitive/meta Decks these days focus on herp-derp swarming and OTKing or beating your opponent down by the second turn, well it's time for a change in pace. The Guardian Angels initiate a balanced way of creating an invincible monster for a turn, if you want to get an invincible monster, you have to -3 yourself: so you gotta actually think before you do stuff.




[hr][spoiler='Extra Deck']If you can get out 2 monsters of an Archetype that doesn't involve Special Summoning, then you certainly deserve a reward... right? This card is for breaking through those pesky meat shields and back row.



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[spoiler='Round 1 Scores so far...'][spoiler='brown_thing'][spoiler='Monsters'][spoiler='Ninja Penguin']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 3/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 3/5
Overall: 14/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Apocalyptic Sphinx']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 19/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Infernal Leo']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 4/5
Overall: 17/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Infernal Tigre']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 3/5
Card Creativity: 3/5
Overall: 15/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Spells'][spoiler='Meteor of Annihilation']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 4/5
Overall: 18/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Halberd of Darkness']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 3/5
Overall: 17/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Traps'][spoiler='Circle of Darkness']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 3/5
Overall: 16/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Dark Moon']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 3/5
Overall: 16/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Extra Deck'][spoiler='Mountain Chimera']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 4/5
Overall: 18/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Total Overall']16/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Toadette68'][spoiler='Monsters'][spoiler='Angel of Passion']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 4/5
Overall: 17/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Fairy Dancer']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 18/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Nocturnal Know-It-All']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 3/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 17/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Princess of the Sky']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 3/5
Card Creativity: 4/5
Overall: 16/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Spells'][spoiler='Fairy Sword']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 3/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 4/5
Overall: 16/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Mythical Horn']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 3/5
Overall: 16/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Traps'][spoiler='Angelic Escape']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 3/5
Overall: 16/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Golden Angel Wings']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 16/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Extra Deck'][spoiler='Spacial Pegasus']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 17/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Total Overall']16/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='AixDivadis'][spoiler='Monsters'][spoiler='Guardian Angel- Divine Spear']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Guardian Angel-Valiant Blader']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Guardian Angel- Faithful Protector']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Guardian Angel- High Witch']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Spells'][spoiler='Guardian Angel's Resurrection']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Sanctuary of the Guardian Angels']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Traps'][spoiler='Coming of the Guardian Angels']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Feather Storm of the Guardians']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Extra Deck'][spoiler='Guardian Angel- Holy Avenger']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 20/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Total Overall']20/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

AixDivadis congrats you made it to the 2nd round because of a perfect score!

[spoiler='Tie Breaker (Toadette68/Brown_thing)']Make 1 Ritual Effect Monster and 1 Ritual Spell card[/spoiler]

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[spoiler='Ritual Monster']TMFEQOx.jpg

[spoiler='Effect']You can Ritual Summon this card with "Shining Sword of Light". When this card attacks a Defense Position monster: inflict piercing Battle Damage to your opponent. Once per turn, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap card: You can discard 1 card; negate the activation of that card and return it to its original position, also your opponent cannot activate that card until the End Phase of their next turn.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Ritual Spell Card']2rgMltJ.jpg
[spoiler='Effect']This card is used to Ritual Summon "White Shining Paladin". You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal 7 or more.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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[spoiler='Tie Breaker'][spoiler='Ritual Monster']WrbVXgJ.jpg

[spoiler='Effect']You can Ritual Summon this card with "Rainbow Petal Ritual". Once per turn: You can banish 1 Level 4 or lower Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard. This card gains ATK equal to the banished monster's ATK.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Ritual Spell']lhcE4gD.jpg

[spoiler='Effect']This card is used to Ritual Summon "Rainbow Petal Witch". You also must Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Level's equal 5 or more.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

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[spoiler='Tie Breaker Scores'][spoiler='Brown_thing']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 5/5
Card Creativity: 4/5
Overall: 18/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Toadette68']OCG: 5/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 5/5
Overall: 19/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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[spoiler='Kuriboh22 Score'][spoiler='Star Portal']OCG: 2/5

Card Art: 3/5
Card Balance: 4/5

Card Creativity: 3/5

Overall: 12/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Pixel Bot']OCG: 3/5
Card Art: 3/5
Card Balance: 3/5

Card Creativity: 4/5

Overall: 13/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Pixel Soldier']OCG: 4/5
Card Art: 2/5
Card Balance: 4/5

Card Creativity: 3/5

Overall: 13/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Pixel Warrior']OCG: 2/5
Card Art: 2/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 4/5

Overall: 12/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Wraith']OCG: 2/5
Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 2/5

Card Creativity: 3/5

Overall: 12/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Xylnthian the Golden Xyz Dragon']OCG: 3/5
Card Art: 4/5
Card Balance: 4/5
Card Creativity: 5/5

Overall: 16/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Warp Space']OCG: 3/5
Card Art: 3/5
Card Balance: 3/5
Card Creativity: 2/5

Overall: 11/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Trap God-Lightning Dragon']

OCG: 3/5

Card Art: 5/5
Card Balance: 3/5

Card Creativity: 4/5

Overall: 15/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Missile to the Moon']OCG: 3/5
Card Art: 2/5
Card Balance: 3/5
Card Creativity: 4/5

Overall: 12/20[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Total Overall:'] 12/20[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Toadette68 and AixDivadis congratulations! You 2 have made it to the Round 2! have your cards posted by Thursday, March 14!

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