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Northern Sage

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[spoiler='Rules:']Unlimited amount of contestants.
All YCM rules apply (no flaming, spamming, etc.)


Cards submitted need to be realistic.
Deadline is March 16th.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Entry rules:']You are going to retrain any Normal Monster of your choosing. It can be any type of card, as long as it is actually treated as a monster and has an effect. 
High demand for creativity here. The effect should bear a resemblance to the current lore of the monster of choosing. This puts extra pressure on choices like BEWD, Dark Magician or any of the Elemental HEROs.

Written cards are as always accepted.

Additional tip for finding images: Most older vanillas have been in Tag Force games, which makes the card art without the actual card easy to find with a google search or lolwiki's Card Gallery pages.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Judging:']Creativity: ?/7
Balance: ?/5
OCG: ?/1
Playability: ?/5[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Prizes:']1st place: 500 points and 4 likes
2nd place: 250 points and 2 likes
3rd place: 100 points[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Contestants:']1. Plainview (Card in)

2. J U D A S (Card in)

3. Renegade (Card in)

4. Aixdivadis (Card in)

5. newhat (Card in)

6: Paladincards (Card in)

7: Prime-Ace John (Card in)

8: Zanda Panda (Card in)[/spoiler]

Inb4 forgetting something.


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Sent my entry in :) It's one of my favorite random Normal monsters, and I tried to stick to the lore as much as possible.



Entry in. Doubt anyone has ever heard of that vanilla. :D

For future reference, this will be my last time posting about the acceptance of entries. I just edit the OP with a parenthesis that says that the entry has been submitted next to the contestant.

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