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Gagaga Cowboy

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cowboy isnt winmoar and if youve never seen people use the first effect youre watching bad duelists.

There are usually other ways to eliminate problems than his first effect. I only use it if I can't kill the problem with Maestroke, especially considering this has pitiful attack. On the other hand, the second effect has ended more duels than it should have.

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There are usually other ways to eliminate problems than his first effect. I only use it if I can't kill the problem with Maestroke, especially considering this has pitiful attack. On the other hand, the second effect has ended more duels than it should have.


there are a lot of things that maestroke cant get over and this can (ie, anything with 1800+ DEF) and again, 800 damage is so pitiful.


dont be bad. :s

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there are a lot of things that maestroke cant get over and this can (ie, anything with 1800+ DEF) and again, 800 damage is so pitiful.


dont be bad. :s

...And I just said you use this when Maestroke can't get over the problem. Most decks have outs to things that doesn't require you to use either. And you use the 800 damage when it's going to win you the game, either because they have 800 or less or if they have 1600 or less in order to put the pressure on them to remove it on their turn or lose.


You don't be bad. =/

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