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Probably my deck for this format [Evilswarm]


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So I kinda dislike Mermails, Fire Fist, Spellbooks (blame Judgement) and Incarnate Dragons. And while I really like Constellars, I don't think they will be more than a rogue deck. So I'm sticking with Evilswarm (plus probably Karakuri Geargia) for competitive play this format. It has some really good matchups against some meta decks (though the Fire Fist one is kinda weird), and it's a pretty solid deck overall.




Any advice is appreciated.

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I'd run Fiendish Chain over the Veilers, because it's actually looking good in this format, and Veiler's pretty much useless against Incarnate Dragons, doesn't hurt Mermails TOO much, and doesn't protect you from the assorted OTKs and potentials for such of the format.


3 MST seems excessive, as does the third Infestation Lance. I'd neg them for another Torrential and another Infestation trap.


Duality really rubs me the wrong way here, but eh...


Evilswarm Nightmare over Giant Hand

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