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[Finished]Contest Cancelled! Lock Please!


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-All YCM rules apply
-No written cards
-Effects required

-Judges cannot enter

-NO Dark Synchros/Dark Tuners[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Card Amounts']

-6 Effect/Tuner/Gemini/Union Monsters (can be mixed)

-3 Spells
-3 Traps
-1 Synchro/ Fusion/ Xyz/ Ritual[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Entry Fee']

-20 points to enter

-4 entrants[/spoiler]



1st - 40 Points
2nd - 20 points
3rd - 10 points

4th - 5 points[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Rating System']

0-5 OCG
0-5 Card Balance
0-5 Card Creativity
0-5 Card Usability
0-5 Card Art[/spoiler]






1. AixDivadis
2. Brown_Thing


I will post card due dates when the contestant spots are taken. if there are not 4 contestants by March 5th, then i will start the contest!

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