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[March '13] Raizbellt Psychics


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This new updated version has a TON of reworkings and fat trimmings. A lot of the recycler cards have been replaced with more removal, as well as a fully reworked extra deck that takes better advantage of Rizebeltt and the classic Psychic shenanigans.

[spoiler='Older Versions']



Hilarious. Rank 6 plays with Overdrive, Rank 5 plays with itself, Synchro shenanigans that end with Nightmare and Hyper Psychic, and more.


The extra is what I'm having a whole lot of trouble with. Mostly because there are so many possibilities here that I don't know which to try. Risebelt's up to clause makes for a lot of flexibility with regards to the extra. Halp?


EDIT: Gaia Knight is in there to be a placeholder for Psyconductor Behemoth.


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