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Reach Out to the Truth - March 2013 Constellars


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Maybe you could try 1 Lightray Diabolos? The card is basically a LIGHT, balanced version of Dark Armed Dragon. With 6 different LIGHTs + LIGHT Xyz monsters in the deck, you should be able to set Diabolos' requirements in 4~5 turns, if not earlier. Also, you can go for Ptolemys to eventually get an additional name in the graveyard.

Of course, there is always the risk of drawing into it early game, but it can be a game sealer at mid and late game.

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Maybe you could try 1 Lightray Diabolos? The card is basically a LIGHT, balanced version of Dark Armed Dragon. With 6 different LIGHTs + LIGHT Xyz monsters in the deck, you should be able to set Diabolos' requirements in 4~5 turns, if not earlier. Also, you can go for Ptolemys to eventually get an additional name in the graveyard.
Of course, there is always the risk of drawing into it early game, but it can be a game sealer at mid and late game.

Why would I want to run that when:
A. They can chain the cards I target, thus rendering Diabolos useless beyond a beater that doesn't do anything
B. Promotes bad Ptolemys plays like you suggested, or sits dead in the hand.
C. I don't fill the grave up that fast. I keep what I need in the Grave, and nothing more. Monsters tend to be Xyz Materials or Sombres food.

It just feels extremely winmoar to run it.

...Dark Hole?

Isn't NEEDED, but I'd run it if I had the space, which I do not.
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