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Night Sakura of Dead Spirits [Blue-Blooded Oni.dek]

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Have you considered Revived Ha Des? How does Zombie World test, I'm curious.


was running revived ha des earlier, useless. i only run the few synchros i do to get over things. doomkaiser is situational but damn hilarious. zombie world is pretty cool. lets me grab armageddons and monks with zombie master/oni so im less reliant on lavalval chain (though i do love him). not running 3 because its not entirely necessary to the deck goal, but when i have it then it helps immensely.



That's like..., my third favorite song from TD.


I'd suggest dropping Zombie World + Paladin, seems unnecesary in this build. Maybe add TGU? 3 Books is also nice.


zombie world is, again, useful enough to keep. if nothing else its monk fodder.


paladin IS less useful but hes got a few things going for him:

1) opportunistic grabs of weak monsters for rank 4

2) is a level 4 zombie

3) can be master fodder if nothing else


TGU seems problematic since it isnt level 4, and the only rank 3 id possibly want to go into is leviair, which shutendoji makes rarely necessary. not to mention burial from the dd.

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gagagigo is too expensive material wise. i wouldnt want him anyways since either way i burn through all of a monsters materials in one turn. it requires me to make the extra effort in getting 3 monsters out for a pittance more in attack. i actually sont often have 3 monsters out that are all non-xyz so its even more situational.


soul rope is bad and wont work by battle. and between turtle goblin and milling im good in that area.


monster slots if even worse. i dont want to banish a monster unless its a mezuki using its effect. rarely ill throw away spent xyz monsters if i have zombie world if i need to draw. but thats rare.

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