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Dem GK's


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This has been changing A LOT.




3x Commandant

3x Descendant

3x Recruiter

3x Spy

2x Veiler

1x Assailant

1x Gale



3x Necrovalley

2x Stele

2x Wonder Wand

2x MST

1x Allure

1x BoM

1x Hole



2x BTH

2x CED

2x D-Pris

2x Chain

1x Mirror

1x Judgment

1x Warning

1x Starlight




1x Chief

1x PSZ

3x Lance

2x Dimension

2x Duality

1x Stele

1x Heavy

2x TT

2x Rite



1x Faerie

1x AFD

1x Volcan

1x BRD

1x BW Armor Master

1x Gaia

1x Stardust

1x TG Lib

1x Cowboy

1x Chain

1x Maestroke

1x Utopia

1x Corn

1x Papilloperative

1x Roach



CC appreciated.

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Is Plague actually working well? Sure, it bypasses Necrovalley, but returning a card to top of Deck seems counterproductive to GK's ability to control the game, since it'd reduce your card advantage and slow the Deck down at the same time.


Is 3 Stele necessary? I'll admit I don't know much about the typical GK's lineup, but I personally suspect running 2 is all you'd need. I suppose it's fine, since Magical Dimension wants more Spellcasters in hand.


Trap lineup seems oddly flimsy (they're all in Side). You also don't have Book of Moon, which would be awesome with Spy and is just overall a great defensive/offensive option.

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Is Plague actually working well? Sure, it bypasses Necrovalley, but returning a card to top of Deck seems counterproductive to GK's ability to control the game, since it'd reduce your card advantage and slow the Deck down at the same time.


Is 3 Stele necessary? I'll admit I don't know much about the typical GK's lineup, but I personally suspect running 2 is all you'd need. I suppose it's fine, since Magical Dimension wants more Spellcasters in hand.


Trap lineup seems oddly flimsy (they're all in Side). You also don't have Book of Moon, which would be awesome with Spy and is just overall a great defensive/offensive option.


Tbh, I haven't tested this yet. But in previous builds I had with PSZ, it worked pretty well.


3 Stele is what helps GK have so much control because you always have something to put out. And it helps spam Spy with Descendant as much as I want.


I usually do that with my traps. I didn't really have much room in here due to the high amount of cards that absolutely need to be in here.


And Book of Moon is most definitely in here.

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I have no idea how I overlooked it the first time. My bad.


I'm not sure which bugs me more: The Magical Dimensions or the Rite of Spirits. One of them for sure seems out of place and D-Prison would fit those slots better.

And you should feel bad.




Rite of Spirit is a bit less amazing than Magical Dimensions, but it's not that bad. I might end up siding it for more support.

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I should prolly update the list. :I


<no royal tribute




-2 rite of spirit

+2 royal tribute


also get rid of that plaguespreader and cut 1 assailant for 2 SIN Stardusts


OWUT. How did I forget about that?


At the moment, though, I have Rite sided.


I assume by SIN Stardust you mean Malefic? I would rather not have that in here, as my rate of dead drawing has been extremely high lately, and it just doesn't seem very consistent to me.

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don't listen to shard he doesn't know how to play ygo, royal tribute isn't necessary

anyways it's extremely inefficient to play gk without a large protection lineup and instead of protection you just have gimmicky cards like rite of spirit and magical dimension

you will never need more than one assailant

three wand and three stele clog so hard and you will realize this as you test them

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it's definitely not the best card by any means. it's only really good when you open it and you also need to open a small amount of monsters plus necrovalley to use it effectively. sure it's scary as fuck early game but like the more the game progresses the more situational it gets. not to mention considering your potential matchups it's not as good vs decks like windup and fire fist that utilize tenki to get their monsters (plus factory for wu), and those matchups can already be seemingly difficult since gorilla destroys this deck if you can't answer it. the only matchup it seems particularly good in is water, and vs basically every other good deck the card is just adequate.

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it's definitely not the best card by any means. it's only really good when you open it and you also need to open a small amount of monsters plus necrovalley to use it effectively. sure it's scary as fuck early game but like the more the game progresses the more situational it gets. not to mention considering your potential matchups it's not as good vs decks like windup and fire fist that utilize tenki to get their monsters (plus factory for wu), and those matchups can already be seemingly difficult since gorilla destroys this deck if you can't answer it. the only matchup it seems particularly good in is water, and vs basically every other good deck the card is just adequate.


meh good point

i'm being a fool as usual. I should stop commenting on decks I don't know fuck about. 

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meh good point

i'm being a fool as usual. I should stop commenting on decks I don't know fuck about. 


That would definitely help me out. :I


Anyways, deck updated with a couple things. Took the side out because I realized NOBODY ever comments about the sides.


Warning and the third Stele were moved there, btw.

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You want to run as many Traps as possible as your monsters alone aren't particularly powerful.


-1 Zephyros

-2 Trag

-1 Plague

-2 Magical Dimension

+1 Warning

+2 Torrential

+2 Fiendish Chain

+1 Mirror Force


It helps when I even get monsters in the first place.


And I like Magical Dimension because it has saved my ass so many times. I'll try siding it for now.

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I find Gale really gimicky in GKs. It has uses but not really. I personally would replace the Gale with a Dark Bribe. While Bribe is a -1, it can be played really well to keep control of the game. For example, your opponent is about to Heavy you causing you to lose 3 cards for their none. You use Bribe to turn a potential -2 into a -1. It can also be used more offensively, letting you make big plays without worrying about a Solemn or TT.

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I find Gale really gimicky in GKs. It has uses but not really. I personally would replace the Gale with a Dark Bribe. While Bribe is a -1, it can be played really well to keep control of the game. For example, your opponent is about to Heavy you causing you to lose 3 cards for their none. You use Bribe to turn a potential -2 into a -1. It can also be used more offensively, letting you make big plays without worrying about a Solemn or TT.


I need Gale as a synchro. It lets me do plays and adds the always extremely helpful Synchro engine. I don't want to rely on JUST Xyz in do or die situations. I don't even really like not having PSZ in here for other fun stuff. I'm trying to figure out a scenario where I wouldn't need a card so I can run PSZ. I might side it if Gale doesn't do the job well enough.


And a single Dark Bribe would draw unreliably, especially since it would be at 1. And I have a pretty high chance of dead drawing, stacked up with my own bad luck. I don't think the risk is worth the reward. 

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Well it's not as if Arcanite is absolutely necessary. I don't see any problem with excluding it. Then again, losing the Maestroke or the Roach for the Arcanite wouldn't be such a bad decision either. In the end, it just depends on what you think is best for variety.


Well maybe it's not entirely necessary but it's one of the better 7s you can make and in a Deck like GK finding room shouldn't be an issue.


-1 Librarian

-1 AFD

+1 Arcanite

+1 Wind-Up Zenmaister.

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I see you are not even running Royal Tribute. That likely has to do with the meta though which I don't know much about. Is the enemies back row really a big problem? Dropping an MST for a Guard might be an option.


Royal Tribute is too risky, imo. And I would like to keep the MSTs since I don't have Heavy mained.


EDIT: Also, sided the 2 TT's and put Veiler in. I've run into a lot of times where it would have been extremely helpful. And it also lets me mess around with Synchros more.

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