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Legalization of Marijuana


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Here is my two cents (well, more of a small rant) on everything:


If Tobacco and Marijuana were to go extinct, then we have an apathetic solution to everything.  The whole argument about legalization has been so dragged on for what feels like eons, and both sides just keep getting aggressive with each other.  People apply logic in the hopes of appealing to reasoning, which has had limited to good success, but I'm just annoyed by it.  People say that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 because people go to war at 18.  Well, what if the war age was raised to 21?  Would people argue further about the drinking age if that were to happen?  If tobacco was made illegal, would people even be giving heavy thought to marijuana being legal?  We know that the government doesn't want tobacco to be banned, and marijuana being legalized is such a controversial topic.  It would be better if both plants went extinct, so everyone would shut up about it.


Yes, I had to let that out.  It gets me worked up with people arguing over pointless squabbles.

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The true question is, "If you make this legal, where do you stop?" I, personally, would like all drugs to be legal for two reasons.


1. Crime goes down and revenue goes up to stores selling these drugs.


2. If people want to harm their own body, let them. Do not bubble wrap society for the idiotic needs of the few.

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I think every drug, including cigarettes, should be illegal. Not because they can harm the ones who consume them, I don't give a buck about it, but because they harm people who don't consume it as well. Passive smoke is something I really really hate, and I hate whoever smokes too nearby. Do you want to take the risk to get lung cancer just to appear cool? Well, do it without compromising other people's health, or get the buck out. From this point of view, I'd rather legalize heroine or crack than marijuana or common cigarettes. But god Money rules, obviously.

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I think every drug, including cigarettes, should be illegal. Not because they can harm the ones who consume them, I don't give a buck about it, but because they harm people who don't consume it as well. Passive smoke is something I really really hate, and I hate whoever smokes too nearby. Do you want to take the risk to get lung cancer just to appear cool? Well, do it without compromising other people's health, or get the buck out. From this point of view, I'd rather legalize heroine or crack than marijuana or common cigarettes. But god Money rules, obviously.

Heroine and crack would only increase crime rates though, which is a lot worse. At least I can hold my breath around cigarettes.


Crack is also smoked, I'm pretty sure. Heroine could be forced onto a person and make them addicted.

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I think every drug, including cigarettes, should be illegal. Not because they can harm the ones who consume them, I don't give a buck about it, but because they harm people who don't consume it as well. Passive smoke is something I really really hate, and I hate whoever smokes too nearby. Do you want to take the risk to get lung cancer just to appear cool? Well, do it without compromising other people's health, or get the buck out. From this point of view, I'd rather legalize heroine or crack than marijuana or common cigarettes. But god Money rules, obviously.


Marijuana doesn't have to be smoked, it's just the most convenient way for those who obtain illegally.  Those who use medical Marijuana mostly use baked goods, tea, and vaporization.

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I know many people who've smoked Marijuana. At least half of them started showing Schizophrenic tendancies sooner or later, and a few of them have gone total Schizo; I know one guy who swaps between Max and Ben.


And yet, no none users of it have it. The mental issues are more prevalent in the smokers.


Now, I think it's stupid to ban all 'drugs'. Because then we'd be reverting to an, essentially, incredibly primitive stage. Most of our society is based off of one drug or another. 90% of Americans consume Caffeine on a regular basis, for example. Now, Caffeine is hardly the best example; there are a lot of good things it does to counterbalance the bad (for example, reduced chances of Alzheimers and Dementia, and apparently a reduction in all-cause mortality). But it's still an example of why Drugs should not be banned as a whole. Medicines are drugs. Medicines should not be banned.


However, I'm not especially fond of recreational drugs. Especially things like Marijuana, Tobacco, Alcohol, etc. Easily accessible, common and rather cheap drugs that have massive effects. Alcohol I'm surprisingly not as bothered about (even though it's the most likely to cause harm to others and it's possibly the worst :/) but Smoking has a horrible smell, and Cigarettes are filled with things a lot worse than Tobacco. Marijuana, I know friends who've been hit hard by it.


So my whole post was pretty much pointless, and I feel as if I've wasted all your time. My opinion's split, and I'm on no real side. I dont really believe Marijuana should be legalized, and I sort of think Cigarettes should be banned (not necessarily tobacco, other forms aren't as bad), but I also see the other side of things.

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