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Infuriating video game levels.

Northern Sage

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So yeah, because of things like this:


And this:


I feel the necessity to discuss infuriatingly hard levels in video games. Share your experiences, etc.

I'd be more than happy to introduce this topic with the level Mecha no Mistake from Rayman Origins. Most annoying enemies in the game (very much saying something…), annoying precision jumps and an insane time trial.

Have at it, YCM.

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It's A Little Out There, But the multiplayer missions in Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs Have Some very infuriating levels.

 Mainly in the dark temple, the levels with vespiquen and gliscor, it is infuriating trying to get any damage on them before time runs out.

I know it will probably get easier as my level increases, but still...

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Kaldwin's Bridge in Dishonored irritiates me, at least. It's not particularly difficult, that's not the thing. It's just so... bland, and repetitive. It feels like such a grind, going through each zone, always going the same way, forward and forward.

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Those Motorcycle levels in Crash Bandicoot Warped. Probably some other ones too. It's just you have to get in first place to get the crystals, and at least in the first one, that almost guarantees you the time trial thing too, only you can't play that until you've beaten it.

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Those Motorcycle levels in Crash Bandicoot Warped. Probably some other ones too. It's just you have to get in first place to get the crystals, and at least in the first one, that almost guarantees you the time trial thing too, only you can't play that until you've beaten it.

The motorcycle levels are only harder, as they go on, and ONLY because you have to do them in a set manner.
It makes them tedious, yea, but things in Crash 2 are a lot harder then things in Crash 3.
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The motorcycle levels are only harder, as they go on, and ONLY because you have to do them in a set manner.
It makes them tedious, yea, but things in Crash 2 are a lot harder then things in Crash 3.

Yeah, very true. 


Also imo, it's only slightly, but still slightly infuriating when in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon there are dungeons with quite a few restrictions. Well not really, I never actually get irritated by it, but I don't really seem to play them as often as other ones. 

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chasing the thieves in Spyro


I got the hang of those, finally. Haven't tried in further ones for some reason, [spoiler=Yeah, maybe some people would rather not know it's kinda easy, so]but you're faster if you jump while you run in the first one. And some of them are easier if you just flame them. Last time I played, I got at least the egg thieves before I left their last world (Magic Crafters), and got the keys in Gnorcs World really easily.[/spoiler]


... but still, I'll have to agree.

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... but still, I'll have to agree.

I grew up with the original Spyro 3 games, and still play them to this day.
Likely, its why I find that so easy.

But really... As soon as you see one, you can, more or less, just flame as soon as he starts running(While you hold Square, of course), and you can basically take them down right away.
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Honestly, anything with Water probably qualifies

Cuz' water levels are always gimmicky, in addition to whatever tedious event they want to force you into.
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Oh, that reminds me:

I know I like Tentacool more than Zubat, but for some reason it's always been it that annoys me more. Aren't you supposed to find more animals in the water than a cave? I suppose it has something to do with the fact that it kind of does, and where you are in the water. Like for instance, on top of it.

I grew up with the original Spyro 3 games, and still play them to this day.
Likely, its why I find that so easy.
But really... As soon as you see one, you can, more or less, just flame as soon as he starts running(While you hold Square, of course), and you can basically take them down right away.


I unfortunately grew up with only the first one, but yeah, it's easy now, not so much way back when.


Chasing the thieves was more annoying when I was younger.

I had to agree because I feel the same.

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