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[MtG] So... I wanna build...

Resident Fascist

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Scarecrow Artifact Creatures Commander. Reaper King as the General. Scarecrone to bring back big artifact creatures like Wurmcoil Engine, Sphinx of the Steel Wind and Inkwell Leviathan. So obviously I'm gonna need some way to get these guys in the Graveyard, probs with cards like Buried Alive. I'm also thinking of playing Conspiracy to make all these guys Scarecrows so Reaper King can obviously blow up their lands and stuff while reviving these things.


 Unless there's a cheaper way of doing it. Obviously a few scarecrows in the deck other than those two so Reaper King isn't totally obsolete.


Help me eirin?

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You could use Jarad's Orders to tutor a creature card to your as well one into your graveyard. Grisly Salvage if you want to gamble alittle.


There are probably  a few more, Probably mulch. Green  a has a few look at top of deck get X then ditch the rest. Also looting abilities could work as well


Thanks. I'm still stumped on what Scarecrows to play, I'll have a look at what there is. I know there's that one that makes everything one colour, but I believe that's banned in Commander, there's obviously Scarecrone, and that one that you Sac to remove from a Graveyard, and the 7/7 one.

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Depends how tribal you want to make it. And I'm genuinely surprised you just don't play Sharuum if you're doing all the reanimator stuff.

If you're going Scarecrow tribal: Xenograft, the good Changelings from Lorwyn-Shadowmoor, Volrath's Laboratory, Riptide Replicator etc.

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Depends how tribal you want to make it. And I'm genuinely surprised you just don't play Sharuum if you're doing all the reanimator stuff.

If you're going Scarecrow tribal: Xenograft, the good Changelings from Lorwyn-Shadowmoor, Volrath's Laboratory, Riptide Replicator etc.


Reaper King sorta has a place for me because it's sorta my favorite card, so yeah. Yeah, changlings and replicators where on my list, because it lets you cause Mass Destruction and boosts Reaper King.

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You basically forced to play all Changelings. Luckily you have a number of good options. Side from that if you want to go with a grave based deck the dredge cards are a must. Golgari Grave-Troll, Stinkweed Imp, and Fife from the Loam are best. Birthing Pod is also really good since it search the deck and gets things in the yard. Side from that since your in 5 colors you can just play the best those colors have.

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