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Gladiator Beast Deck[No longer exists, please lock.]

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A Friend of Mine never used it and gave it to Me. Only downside to them is that they have to survive the battle phase for their effects to work, in other words, no suicides .



Gladiator Beast Alexander

Gladiator Beast Laquari X2

Gladiator Beast Secutor X2

Gladiator Beast Bestiari X2

Gladiator Beast Murmillo X2

Gladiator Beast Spartacus X2

Gladiator Beast Darius X2

Gladiator Beast Dimacari X2

Gladiator Beast Hoplomus X2



Fusion Monsters(3):

Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz X2



Spell Cards(17):

Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica X2

Colosseum - Cage of The Gladiator Beasts

Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield X3

Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightening Vortex

Gladiator Beast's Respite X2

Heavy Storm

Gladiator's Return

Monster Reborn

Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd X2


Kishido Spirit


Trap Cards(8 ):

Defensive Tactics

Parry X2

Disarm X2

Double Tag Team X2




Cards I'm in need of:

Wild Nature's Release(x3)

Test Tiger(x1-2)

Gladiator Beast Octavius(Maybe)





Edited as of 3/31/08

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Only downside to them is that they have to survive the battle phase for their effects to work' date=' in other words, no suicides .



Waboku... and your deck has none.


Defensive Tactics is basically the same as Waboku. >_> That's still no excuse for lack of Waboku. That's also no excuse for 3 Secutor, Andal, 3 Spartacus, and overall theme slavery.

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Defensive Tactics is Waboku for Gladiator Beasts, and I just looked through all extra traps, no Waboku. Good suggestion though. I've been told multiple times to get rid of Andal, I should have listened. Though Secutors and Spartacus I don't understand, I've been told to keep at least three.

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in my GB deck i run 2 Waboku and 2 Defense Tatics, and please take out Test Apes they're no good in a gb deck you're better of running straight GB's then them. Now take out Gladiator Beast's Respite if you're gonna run Disarm and Parry; it's kinda counter productive. Increase Battle Manica to three and Archfiend Shield to 2 if you can. Also Burden of the Mighty does wonders for GB's.

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Guest Black Fang

i dont see why 3 Sparta, since most people expect Hplomus to be face down, leavint it open to Drillroid, Nobleman, etc etc. Waboku and defensive tacitcs are nie, but Shrink also works wanders for them too. espicaly for Laqurari and Dimcari.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this deck is absoluly horrible. do you even win anything with this usless mess?

this is a deck list that wins 90% of the time



Gladiator Beast Alexander

Gladiator Beast Bestiari x3

Gladiator Beast Darius x2

Gladiator Beast Dimicari x2

Gladiator Beast Octavius x2

Gladiator Beast Murmillo x2

Test Tiger x3 (without 3 your deck will suffer)


Cyber dragon x2

Morphing Jar




Gladiator Beast Kaiseris x3 (only reason to run more then 1 Bestiari)



Gladiator Beast Proving Ground x2


Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Monster Reborn

My Body As a Shield

Mystical Space Typhoon

Smashing ground

Pot of Avarice

Premature Burrial



Defensive Tactics x2

Double Tag Team x2

Hero's Rule 2 x2

Sakuretsu Armour x2

Torrential Tribute

Wobaku x2


this is a good 40 card GB deck. GB are very trap heavy.

The fusion i have listed is not as yet released but is confirmed for the next card pack.


spaticus and hoplomus slow down the decks swarming and heraklinos and liquari do the same thing. test apes are horrible as your monster do not gain there effects if summoned which is the whole idea of this freakin deck. sangan does his job better.


there is only one thing that can be said about disarm and parry is that they both are absolutly terrible and that there are better negating cards around. heros rule 2 is now a staple because of the new ban list.

burden of the mighty is a good card for this deck but the feild card has many problems in the fact that it dies to easy and terraforming is not runnable and feild barreir just clogs your feild.

your monsters return when attacked not battle btw read there rulings on upper deck entertainment

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Lacquari and Secutor are a different strategy altogether. Heraklinos is the same deal. That strategy isnt as fast or effective. Like I said before. YOU ALL SUCK!!!!!


How exactly is it a different strategy? Why would you want to limit your options, especially in a deck like GladBeasts?

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Goldshine Dragon's deck is bad; do not consider netdecking it.


I wasn't going to, though I agree on one thing: My Gladiator Beast deck should have less cards in it, The amount brought down at least five cards(making the total 46).


I usually get Heraklinos out in every duel I use this deck in, weather or not he stays for more than 5 turns is a different story.

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Heraklinos is one of the best things ABOUT Gladiator Beasts. Drop him on the field, he negates most anything your opponent can throw at you, and has a high enough 3000 ATK that he won't be run over anytime soon.


Note: With the advent of Dark Armed Dragon, Heraklinos takes a huge hit. Not only is he far too slow to compete with the Daddy, but he is vulnerable to it as well. Due to this, Gladiator Beasts as we know them are far less effective.

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Heraklinos is one of the best things ABOUT Gladiator Beasts. Drop him on the field' date=' he negates most anything your opponent can throw at you, and has a high enough 3000 ATK that he won't be run over anytime soon.


Note: With the advent of Dark Armed Dragon, Heraklinos takes a huge hit. Not only is he far too slow to compete with the Daddy, but he is vulnerable to it as well. Due to this, Gladiator Beasts as we know them are far less effective.



Never faced anyone in My area with a Dark Armed Dragon, I haven't even SEEN the card in person. Though I do know what it does.


Edit: My friend helped Me remove a few cards that were just clouding it up, it does a bit better now.

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