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Leonin Skyhunter chalk drawing


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Chalk is a difficult medium, because of the difficulty of making detailed strokes. It's still possible though, and, otherwise, you get just a bunch of light and shadow in vague shapes. I think opportunity was missed with the clouds, because chalk pastel is one of the best mediums to just make really good, fluffy clouds. It's all blending.

Try to improve colour blending too. I'm not sure what you're using to blend, but I'd recommend experimenting a bit. At the place you're at, you want smoother colours. In fact, I'd probably suggest using more tones than just red, white and black. It's a little harsh on the eyes because of how limited the palette is.

Overall, it's a decent chalk piece. You've got a good grasp on tone and form. It's really texture and blending that needs some work though. Shouldn't be anything too major though.

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