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Dungeon Fighter Online


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Probably one of the greatest games I ever played from a couple of years back. Popped back on it recently and boy did it get even better. So anyone else ever play this thing? If so, then what kind of characters did you play as, or what were some of your memories on the game?



For those of you who haven't, the best way to describe it was Badass Arcade Beat'em-Up meets MMO.


Edit: Decided to include a link so those who haven't played it could give their own opinion.



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Of course I have. I roled with a Desperado as my main. I haven't played the game in a while and although I was never really all that good at it (or Desperado was just a harder class to play) I've still been tyempted to play it again. Mostly since I met some awesome people that I'm ashamed I never kept in contact with.

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My best memories were with my friend who played as a crusader, while I played as a soul bender. We were the two rarest classes and complimented each other awesomely. Best times of my life.


Granted the class was a bit hard to use at first summoning demon spirits to create areas of effects and what not, eventually we just end up buffing each other so much in dungeon runs we were invincible.



Though the hardest one had to be in Sky Tower fighting the final boss. Holy dear God in Heaven above was that dude an asshole. Especially back then with the game, but hey that moment where he swung his man-sized cross on the ground and knocked him into the air, and I leapt through the air sliced him to deal that final finishing blow was the most awesome moment of my life, especially since everything slows down and goes slow-mo when you beat the boss. It was amazing. I've never been able to capture that feeling since with ANY other game. They just never added up to the same level you know?

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