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Zoids: Wild Madness (PG-13, Not Started, Recruiting!)

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[spoiler=Pilot Data]

Pilot Name : Fujimaru Kudou


Nickname : Fuji


Age : 25


Gender : Male


Relatives : Professor Seru Veruga


[spoiler=Appearance]Appearance :




Biography :

Fuji is an orphan who lives in an orphanage, he loves zoids more than anything in this world. Even though he never rides one, in his free time, he always read a book about zoids. One day, a group of wild zoids appeared out of nowhere and started to attack the town as well as the orphanage. Seeing the destruction caused by the Wild Zoids as well as the death of his friends, Fuji fled to the south of the town, when he looked back, a wild zoids pursued him. He ran as fast as he can, only to be intercepted by the other Wild Zoids, feeling helpless, he close his eyes, waiting to be crushed by the wild zoids. At that time, he can hear the sound of a machine being ripped. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the wild zoids had been cut into two. When he turned his head, he saw a Wolf-Type Zoids standing in front of him.


At first he thought that he's saved by a Zoids pilot, but when it opened it's hatch, Fuji's surprised to find that the zoids is un-piloted. As he looked at the cockpit, there's a message on the pilot screen, it says "Come on! Get inside!". Confused by this, he decided to sit inside the cockpit. When he sit on the cockpit, the message on the screen changed, now it says "I'm Espada, nice to meet you, what's your name kid?". At first Fuji thought that it's the pilot of the zoids who send the message to him. But after telling his name, Fuji find out that the Zoids had no pilot and it's the Zoids, who is asking his name. The message on the screen changed again, this time it says "Don't worry kid, I won't harm you, I'm just looking for a partner, who can pilot me, Will you become my partner?". At first Fuji didn't answer, because he's afraid, but he know deep down in his heart, he want to become a Zoids pilot. The message on the screen changed again, it says "Well? I'm not going to force you, if you don't want to, I can put you down in the nearest city.". Finally after some minutes, he said "I accept your offer, I'll become your partner!". The message on the screen changed, now it says "That's the spirit! I'm sure that we'll get along just well!". From that moment Fuji and Espada become partner.


Times moves so fast, it's been 13 years now, Fuji had become a full-fledged Zoids pilot, and of course he's still piloting Espada. One day, he met with a Zoidiologist named Seru Veruga, interested in her research, he decided to join with Team Izmail, and helped Prof. Veruga with her research.


Team : Izmail



[spoiler=Zoids Data]Zoids :



Zoid Type : Wolf


Zoid Name : Espada


Crew : One


Weight : 91.0 tons


Depth : 18.9 m


Height : 8.8 m


Maximum Speed : 301 m/h


Weapons : Double Hack Sword, Strike Zan Claw (4), Electron Bite Fang, 208mm 2-Barrel Shock Cannon, Electron Hyper Cannon (2)


Equipment : 3-nozzle Ion Booster



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Pilot Name: Professor Seru Veruga

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Appearance: The rather young Professor Emeritus of Zoidology from Cobelli University, Seru Veruga is rather short, clocking in at a couple inches above 5 feet, and is quite the lightweight, with a skinny frame and petit features that make her look half her age. However, her light-blue hair and dark-blue eyes make her stand out amongst her peers. She normally wears rounded glasses and has her hair tied up into a bun, and has on a lab coat over a blue shirt, a pair of jeans, and sandals. With her at all times is a personalized sapphire-colored tablet to do calculations on or a mug of coffee with plenty of cream and sugar to keep her going.

Biography/Personality: Seru is a rather absent-minded individual, having much greater skills understanding the Zoids she studies than her fellow humans, but her intentions are usually for the better. As a prominent Zoidologist (and yes, that is the proper term), she specializes in studying the ability for a Zoid and its pilot to form a symbiotic relationship and evolve together. As the best way for this symbiosis to occur is in heated combat, she has utilized grant money from her university to pursue the Royal Cup under Team Izmail (named after her dearly-departed father, rest his soul). Currently, the only Zoid she has is Mobii, her trusty Whale King base of operations/makeshift laboratory, but she is trying to recruit some promising pilots and interesting Zoids for her study team.

Zoid type: Whale King (white with blue eyes and bridge area)

Zoid Name: Mobii

Zoid Weapons: Mobii possesses a triple-barreled 720mm Electron Beam Cannon Turret mounted along its spine for heavy-duty combat, along with four forward-facing Electron Mass Driver Turrets along the front of the massive Zoid, two on each side, and two Electron Mass Driver Turrets in the rear. This combination of weaponry lets Mobii excel in point defense, as long as it isn't being swarmed by foes. Mobii's armor is quite thick, able to take quite the beating and keep on flying, though it does have numerous weak spots, such as the exposed engines. However, most of Mobii's systems are automated, requiring only a skeleton crew of nameless college interns that will never rise to any importance during the events of the tournament to keep it flying. Finally, Mobii can store up to 5 Zoids within its hangar bay, and load and launch them via its mouth ramp or a catapult hidden in its tail.


Who wants to join Team Izmail?

You have no idea how glad I am to see someone take the Team Captain role like Dr. Toros. Approved!

Please finish your apps guys, I see a few incomplete ones :P

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And is it OK if I control (1d4)d6 Interns?

They have no real impact on the story, they only assist Prof. Veruga in maintaining Mobii and Team Izmail's Zoids, and they mainly exist for comic relief and to move things along within the team.

I might give one of them a bit of a plot as a mole working for Backdraft.

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As promised...the app I mentioned ;3


Pilot Name:  Aichi "Ace" Yuuki

Age: 19

Gender: Male






Aichi never knew his birth family, since he grew up at a orphanage from day one. He was just dropped off by his real parents and remained there for his entire life. Even though he was more behaved than the other kids, he didn't get adopted by anyone, just remaining in the orphanage as he watched his friends leave him. The only thing he had with him was a dream: to find a Zoid and become a pilot to enter the Royal Cup and win. However, as time moved on...he began to forget this dream.


As he grew, Aichi started becoming bitter and unruly. He began to steal from others and even fight other people in the orphanage just to survive. One time he stole from someone, it caught up to him in the end...as he stole from a ZBC pilot...it would definitely be a day he wouldn't forget for a long time. The pilot looked at the young Aichi and went to his orphanage, before too long, Aichi was leaving with the ZBC pilot...it had finally happened...he was leaving the orphanage and his old dream returned to him. It took a bit of work to make Aichi a great pilot, but he took it all seriously as he did everything to the best of his ability. Before too long, Aichi had passed every test the pilot threw at him and he was made a Zoid Pilot.


However, finding the best Zoid for Aichi...proved to be a hard task. Every Zoid that the pilot and even the ZBC allowed him to try...it seemed that both Aichi and the Zoid weren't in synch. Aichi was about to give up, until he saw that the ZBC brought in a wild Blade Liger who was becoming unruly and out of control. Even the pilot that trained Aichi couldn't even try to connect with it. Aichi, deciding to help after the entire ZBC made sure the Zoid was subdued, he climbed into the cockpit to try and connect with. Somehow, Blade Liger and Aichi were on the same wavelength and connected instantly...as if this Zoid was waiting for Aichi to come along. However, this Zoid never allowed anyone else to get in the cockpit except Aichi. From then on, Aichi and the Blade Liger were a team, giving it the name of Vash: naming him after the owner of the orphanage he lived.


At the present time, he's still a member of the ZBC, but he's made it clear that once the Royal Cup starts and after he finds a team that he'll resign. In search of a new team, Aichi and Vash travel around Planet Zi hoping to find one.[/spoiler]



Aichi is a kindhearted young man, having a sense of doing what is right, after all being adopted by a ZBC pilot does that to a person. He respects all pilots and their Zoids, in combat or not, however when it comes to any Zoid being abused: he won't have it and try to make things right. He has a good sense of humor, being pranked by other ZBC members many times before, picking up jokes here and there that he's always wanting to try. Him and Vash have a inseparable bond that they share, being in synch with whatever they do, since Aichi sees how he used to be within the actions that Vash shows. During battle, while others might show rage or anger, Aichi always shows a complexion of having a challenge and even a very noticeable determination around him.[/spoiler]


Zoid Type: Blade Liger (White is the dominate armor color, with red claws, whiskers, and blades)

Zoid Name: Vash

Zoid Weapons:

  • Laser Sabre (2)
  • Strike Claws (4)
  • AZ Double-Barreled Shock Cannon
  • Laser Blade (2)
  • Pulse Laser Gun (2)

Zoid Equipment:

  • E-Shield Generators (2)
  • Completion Refrigerator (4)
  • Multi-Blade Antenna (2)
  • 3D Dual Sensor
  • Rocket Booster
  • Rear Thrusters (3)
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Alright thank you



let me know if anything needs to changed and what not.



Pilot Name: Delano Akanizu

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance (Height and weight fall here if you wish to include them):

Height 6'0ft

weight: 200lb

Delano stands talls and proud  wearing a a red headband, black gloves, black short sleeved T shirt, a light gray vest with 2 pockets on each side of the vest, and dark grey cargo pants. Delano has black hair,light-blue eyes, clean shaved. 



      Delano's family was known for use the Gojulas units either using them to defend their homes from bandits, in tournaments, or just testing out different weapon types on the Gojulas. When Delano turned 19, his family give him his own Standard Gojulas of his own. His family told him if he wanted to upgrade this Gojulas with new equip he would have to get them by his own power, and not given to him by his family. Afterwards, Delano set up with his new Gojulas, he named Ezu, in order to improve his piloting skills along with Ezu's parts.



        Due to his family, Delano is a proud individual, with the habit of finding himself in the middle of troublesome situations. He is also generally friendly with most people with a few exceptions being those who give themselves off bandits or various other bad guys. 


Zoid type: Gojulas

Zoid Name Ezu

Zoid Weapons: [Standard Gojulas weapons]

Hyper Bite Fangs

Crusher Claws (2)

70 mm Double Barrelled Heavy Machineguns (2)

AMD Double Barrelled

30 mm Beam Cannon

TRZ 20 mm Linear Laser Gun

ARZ 20 mm Beam Gun

Panova 20 mm Surface to Air Beam Gun (2)

Maxer 30 mm Multipurpose Machine Gun (2)


Equipment: None

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Okay, turns out I can host after all. Thigns will remain here. And again, if you havent already please finish your applications :P

As promised...the app I mentioned ;3


Pilot Name:  Aichi "Ace" Yuuki

Age: 19

Gender: Male






Aichi never knew his birth family, since he grew up at a orphanage from day one. He was just dropped off by his real parents and remained there for his entire life. Even though he was more behaved than the other kids, he didn't get adopted by anyone, just remaining in the orphanage as he watched his friends leave him. The only thing he had with him was a dream: to find a Zoid and become a pilot to enter the Royal Cup and win. However, as time moved on...he began to forget this dream.


As he grew, Aichi started becoming bitter and unruly. He began to steal from others and even fight other people in the orphanage just to survive. One time he stole from someone, it caught up to him in the end...as he stole from a ZBC pilot...it would definitely be a day he wouldn't forget for a long time. The pilot looked at the young Aichi and went to his orphanage, before too long, Aichi was leaving with the ZBC pilot...it had finally happened...he was leaving the orphanage and his old dream returned to him. It took a bit of work to make Aichi a great pilot, but he took it all seriously as he did everything to the best of his ability. Before too long, Aichi had passed every test the pilot threw at him and he was made a Zoid Pilot.


However, finding the best Zoid for Aichi...proved to be a hard task. Every Zoid that the pilot and even the ZBC allowed him to try...it seemed that both Aichi and the Zoid weren't in synch. Aichi was about to give up, until he saw that the ZBC brought in a wild Blade Liger who was becoming unruly and out of control. Even the pilot that trained Aichi couldn't even try to connect with it. Aichi, deciding to help after the entire ZBC made sure the Zoid was subdued, he climbed into the cockpit to try and connect with. Somehow, Blade Liger and Aichi were on the same wavelength and connected instantly...as if this Zoid was waiting for Aichi to come along. However, this Zoid never allowed anyone else to get in the cockpit except Aichi. From then on, Aichi and the Blade Liger were a team, giving it the name of Vash: naming him after the owner of the orphanage he lived.


At the present time, he's still a member of the ZBC, but he's made it clear that once the Royal Cup starts and after he finds a team that he'll resign. In search of a new team, Aichi and Vash travel around Planet Zi hoping to find one.[/spoiler]



Aichi is a kindhearted young man, having a sense of doing what is right, after all being adopted by a ZBC pilot does that to a person. He respects all pilots and their Zoids, in combat or not, however when it comes to any Zoid being abused: he won't have it and try to make things right. He has a good sense of humor, being pranked by other ZBC members many times before, picking up jokes here and there that he's always wanting to try. Him and Vash have a inseparable bond that they share, being in synch with whatever they do, since Aichi sees how he used to be within the actions that Vash shows. During battle, while others might show rage or anger, Aichi always shows a complexion of having a challenge and even a very noticeable determination around him.[/spoiler]


Zoid Type: Blade Liger (White is the dominate armor color, with red claws, whiskers, and blades)

Zoid Name: Vash

Zoid Weapons:

  • Laser Sabre (2)

  • Strike Claws (4)

  • AZ Double-Barreled Shock Cannon

  • Laser Blade (2)

  • Pulse Laser Gun (2)

Zoid Equipment:

  • E-Shield Generators (2)

  • Completion Refrigerator (4)

  • Multi-Blade Antenna (2)

  • 3D Dual Sensor

  • Rocket Booster

  • Rear Thrusters (3)



Alright thank you



let me know if anything needs to changed and what not.



Pilot Name: Delano Akanizu

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance (Height and weight fall here if you wish to include them):

Height 6'0ft

weight: 200lb

Delano stands talls and proud  wearing a a red headband, black gloves, black short sleeved T shirt, a light gray vest with 2 pockets on each side of the vest, and dark grey cargo pants. Delano has black hair,light-blue eyes, clean shaved. 



      Delano's family was known for use the Gojulas units either using them to defend their homes from bandits, in tournaments, or just testing out different weapon types on the Gojulas. When Delano turned 19, his family give him his own Standard Gojulas of his own. His family told him if he wanted to upgrade this Gojulas with new equip he would have to get them by his own power, and not given to him by his family. Afterwards, Delano set up with his new Gojulas, he named Ezu, in order to improve his piloting skills along with Ezu's parts.



        Due to his family, Delano is a proud individual, with the habit of finding himself in the middle of troublesome situations. He is also generally friendly with most people with a few exceptions being those who give themselves off bandits or various other bad guys. 


Zoid type: Gojulas

Zoid Name Ezu

Zoid Weapons: [Standard Gojulas weapons]

Hyper Bite Fangs

Crusher Claws (2)

70 mm Double Barrelled Heavy Machineguns (2)

AMD Double Barrelled

30 mm Beam Cannon

TRZ 20 mm Linear Laser Gun

ARZ 20 mm Beam Gun

Panova 20 mm Surface to Air Beam Gun (2)

Maxer 30 mm Multipurpose Machine Gun (2)


Equipment: None

Both approved.

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