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Even though it might seem spammy, I need some opinions. I'am thinking about installing photoshop CS3 from isohunt.com.Since I dont feel like paying tons of money for it. What I'am cautious about is whether it is safe or not.I've heard that getting it there is illegal.


Basically, for those who have gotten photoshop from isohunt. Is it so much illegal that you can get in trouble by the law? Or is it safe enough that you wont?



I want to know Please :?

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Now that's a Problem. The US Goverment is a lot lot more Picky about Copyright Issues. I'd say if you want it then download it from an Internet Cafe, NOT FROM HOME! The FBI would be onto you in no time if it was from home. Also be very Careful most of these Programs are full of Worms. (Mods don't ban or Neg me for this. It's the Truth:()

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