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[NEW] - First Deck


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Your deck seems very inconsistent. Think about it, there are so many cards in your deck, drawing which will be utterly useless when your opponent has complete hand and field control. Also you should try to stick to making a 40 card deck: the more cards than 40, lesser are the chances of you drawing your limited/semi-limited cards.


Here's stuff that you absolutely have to trash:


Armed Dragon series

Axe of Despair

Blast Magician

Cthonian Polymer

Dark Horus (Lord of D is the only target)

Defender the Magical Knight

Dragon's Treasure

Delta Flyer (you have no synchros in Extra Deck)

Graceful Charity

Lord of D.

Monster Reincarnation

Pot of Greed

Reshef the Dark Being + Ritual Spell


Shadow of Eyes

Twin-Headed Behemoth




Then bring your deck down to 40 cards. Decide what is the main theme of your deck, and whether you will need those cards at all. Is it to summon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon? If yes, then there are much easier ways to summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon: you can use cards like Elemental HERO Prisma, King of the Swamp, etc. In general, read the deck-building topics on the wikia, they might list some good cards.

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