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Mask Change! Lets Go! Rider Kick!


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Just a straight forward Masked Hero beatdown deck. With all the Transformation summons and Double attacks you could ever ask forbiggrin.gif.


Everyone I duel with seems to really like my M.HERO deck so I just figured I'd post it here and try to get some feedback.


See the deck in action!

Monsters: 9
2x E.HERO Bubbleman
1x E.HERO Flash
1x E.HERO Heat
2x E.HERO Ocean
1x E.HERO Stratos
1x E.HERO Voltic
1x E.HERO Woodsman

1x A Hero Lives
1x Dark Hole
2x E - Emergency Call
1x Heavy Storm
3x Mask Change
3x Miracle Fusion
1x My Body as a Shield
1x Parallel World Fusion
1x Polymerization
2x Pot of Duality
1x R - Rightous Justice
1x Reinforcement of the Army
2x Super Polymerization

Traps: 11
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Fiendish Chain
1x Hero Signal
1x Hope for Escape
1x Memory of an Adversary
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Call Of The Haunted
2x Torrential Tribute

Extra: 15
2x E.HERO Absolute Zero
1x E.HERO Escuridao
1x E.HERO Gaia
1x E.HERO Great Tornado
1x E.HERO Nova Master
2x E.HERO The Shining
2x M.HERO Acid
1x M.HERO Dian
1x M.HERO Goka
1x M.HERO Vapor
1x Heroic Champion - Excalibur
1x Heroic Champion - Gandiva

Side: 12 (Don't know what to do about the last 2 cards
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Soul Release
2x Elemental Recharge (because burn exists)
1x Fiery Fervor
2x Macro Cosmos
1x E.HERO Captain Gold
1x Skyscraper

Explanations for some of the cards I'm playing:

No Gemini engine - I wanted to focus this deck as much as I can on the Masked Heroes and trying to play both simply does not work out.

Ocean and Woodsman - Bubbleman and Wildheart are terrible Mask Change targets, In my opinion. With Ocean you can potentially bait out a Bottomless. Or, you use Oceans effect then chain Mask Change, Bringing out Acid getting back a Hero in the grave and your opp can't bottomless or torrential him. The same can be done with Woodsman.

Voltic and Flash - Voltic provides power plays, bringing out more Mask Change targets, which all just provides several attacks. Or just give you Xyz options. Flash simply supports the Voltic play while recycling your better cards like Miracle Fusion, Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, etc.


R - Rightous Justice: Currently testing. The interesting thing about this card, If your trying to destroy 2+ backrow from your opponent, and yourself has 2+ backrow, your opponent can't use Starlight Road.

Possible OTKs


(assuming your opp controls no monsters)
-Normal summon Ocean/Bubbleman
-Activate Miracle Fusion, chain Mask Change. Calling out Acid and Absolute Zero
-Attack with Acid (2600), Zero (3000), during the battle phase activate Mask Change for Acid or Vapor, attack again (2400/2600)

(Assuming your Opp has 1 monster that is not a Earth Attribute)
-Activate A Hero Lives, bringing out Stratos and search for Ocean/Bubbleman.
-Normal Summon the monster you added (lets say Ocean)
-Activate Miracle Fusion, Chain Mask Change, Chain Super Polymerization. Super fuse Stratos and Opp monster for w/e, Mask Change into Acid, Miracle into Absolute Zero/Great Tornado.


(Assuming your Opp has 1 monster)
-Activate A Hero Lives, summoning Voltic/Woodsman
-Normal summon Voltic/Woodsman (whichever one you didn't summon)
-Activate Miracle Fusion, Chain Mask Change. Call out Dian and fuse for Gaia with Woodsman and a monster in your grave.
-Attack your opp monster with Dian and bring out Heat. Attack with Voltic and bring out either Woodsman or the other Hero you fused with.

-Attack with your remaining monsters.


(Assuming your Opp has 3 monsters, 1 being Earth or Wind)

-Normal Summon Stratos, search for Woodsman

-Activate Super Polymerization, fusion Stratos and one of your opp for Gaia/Great Tornado

-Activate Miracle Fusion, fusing for Gaia/Great Tornado (Which one you didn't summon already)

-Attack 2nd Opp monster with Gaia, Activate Mask Change and call out Dian.

-Attack 3rd monster with Dian and Call out Voltic.

-Attack directly with Voltic and call out Stratos.

-Attack with remaining monsters.


I intend on fitting in 2x Photon Thrasher and replacing Goka with a generic rank 4, just not sure what to take out yet. Also want to try out Quick Booster.

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