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The deck I always use irl

Sunn O)))

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-1 Warning (banlist stuffs)

-1 Rai-Oh (more banlist hi-jinx)
-2 Snowman Eater (WATER is not conducive to chaos summoning.)

+1 Ryko (to replace Snowman Eater and increase odds of chaos summoning)
+1 Spirit Reaper (same as Ryko)
+1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
+1 Lightpulsar Dragon or Dark World Dealings for teh lulz?

I'm not sure how well the deck works for you as far as consistency, but simply looking it over I notice that it seems to have no solid forward plays. 

I've also noticed that you run Librarian, yet have no way to Summon him - and error, perhaps? I don't see any Tuners in your deck that can grab him. 

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