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Warhammer 40,000 Board Game (moved by an admin) (-_-)


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So basically you just put up with your army being unplayable for the best part of an edition?


The game forms the greater part of my social life, I wouldn't have a lot of the friends I do have without it. Which is an odd odd thought.


Also the title should be changed to 40,000, not 4,000.


Is this going to be a just a vague discussion or something where we can discuss new releases and stuff as well?

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Wow... I've yet to see anyone hate an army for that reason.


I've seen people who've hated them for how they play or codex changes, but not that.


Unless these are the kind of people who take it way to seriously.


And wait, they hate Tau for being inspired by that, but not Necrons for being obvious terminator rip offs?

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I hope not.


One of the things I like about the old Tau and current Tau is how they're still "good" at least compared with everyone.


And with the current Tau, they're starting to change.


They're no longer nice and happy as before.  Now they're starting to become more grim and dark, not all the way, but starting to become dark.  A nice mix to be honest.

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Markerlights can increase Snap Fire against Flyers from 6+ to 5+.


They still retain the ability to boost BS but can only use 1 Markerlight and max at BS4 instead of BS5 like in the current one.


Nothing else so far.


Also apparently Ethereals now grant army wide Ld boosts and causes Tau FW to gain 2/3 Salvo.


Meaning two shots fired if they're close then 15" but fires 3 shots if they're farther then 15".

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Salvo isn't that, Salvo is the Psycannon ruling where you get more shots when you don't move.


That sounds fair to me actually. Being able to gun down most flyers with basic troops is a lovely bonus for the army, and fits in thematically.


BS5 Basic troops is just stupid anyhow, I don't think I would miss that going.


Etherials just need to have a reason to get used besides getting them killed as soon as possible for Preferred Enemy. I've even seen someone ally with Inquisitor Karamazov just to do that turn one.

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