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Valentines day...


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So the big day is coming up next week. Valentines day... It's a great day with love and couples everywhere. Some dread this and some enjoy seeing others happy. Ether way even if your not in a relationship or in one valentines can be a really good day. Valentines is also the perfect day to express your feelings to someone you might love, admire, or even just appreciate.  So I want to know what are you guys gonna do for valentines, and if you happen to be in a relationship are you gonna do anything special for the person you love? I'm thinking about making hand written cards to all of my friends. Personally I don't have a valentine this year, and I don't expect to get one. I'm just "in the spirit". Are any of you guys in the spirit this year?  

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I feel like Valentines day has always been somewhat of an awkward day for me. Nothing like, "Oh god, I'm so lonely" but more, "What the f*ck elementary school? Why we no allowed to share candy?" That's right, f*ck next weeks valentines day. It's not like I give a crap. But I'll get more into this later. I'm going off on tangents first. Well in my first few years of school Valentines Day was a pretty simple thing. Share candy and cards with the whole class. I was five and it was innocent as all hell. Then at some point my elementary school became against that. It was an actual rule they enforced. I don't know why. Probably because we live in a time where every shi*t monkey has to feel good about itself or something like that. But now that I'm in highschool it sort of became a thing again. Except we sort of do a whole spirit week dedicated to it and it sucks like every other spirit week ever. I want a purple day. It'll give me a good chance to wear this homestuck hoodie that's still amazing. Some things just don't change from elementary school. I don't really think this differs from a whole lot of people though. School being weird that is. Not about my hoodie.


Also, I just don't care for the idea of being in a relationship there's that too. And mostly that. So I'm indifferent to the day without any sort of odd past involving it. Although I'm sure I'm still going to end up getting a gift from this one chick.

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If have a strange feeling that when I have a relationship that lasts long enough to go through Valentine's Day, I'm just going to forget it because I haven't really treated it as much since elementary school. Yeah, that'll be bad.

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My friend's 21st birthday is on the 12th. I'm expected him to get wasted and to have a massive hangover the next day. So on Valentines, I'll more than likely be showing him videos of him doing idiotic stuff.


Not as good as spending some time with a girl. But I have nobody. So funny drunk videos it is! =D

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Just another normal day for me anyhow. My ex-boyfriend broke up with me just before Valentines.


Aww *hugs*


Never been an advocate of this holiday. If I wanted to get a girl flower/chocolates, I'll get them at any time of the year I fancy getting them for her, not when the shops tell me I should and that they'll cost double what they're worth because of it. (That annoys me, because my mum's birthday is just before Valentine's and I can never get her flowers because everyone tries to mug you blind.)


My opinion may soften slightly if I was to actually be in a relationship around the time, but I'd probably not change that much. Not because I'm a cheap-skate, I just don't see the 'spirit'. We'd do something of course, but probably low-key. I don't think I know many people who actually care about Valentine's that much at all... (from what I have seen).

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My insides all turned to ash, so slow
And blew away as I collapsed, so cold
A black wind took them away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
I used to be my own protection, but not now
Cause my path had lost direction, somehow
A black wind took you away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
And the ground below grew colder
As they put you down inside
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing

So now you're gone, and I was wrong
I never knew what it was like, to be alone

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)



This is how I feel. -_-

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What's funny is that people need a holiday to celebrate love and relationships, and two (depending on your culture/religion) to celebrate family togetherness.


As soon as my mom stopped making me bring in those stupid valentines, I never "celebrated" such a pointless holiday again. Okay, I do like that Target sell Fave Red Jellybeans around Valentine's Day.


The only holidays that matter (to me) are Easter (now that I know Target sells Starburst Jellybeans in excess and in multiple flavors around Easter), Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

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My insides all turned to ash, so slow
And blew away as I collapsed, so cold
A black wind took them away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
I used to be my own protection, but not now
Cause my path had lost direction, somehow
A black wind took you away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
And the ground below grew colder
As they put you down inside
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing

So now you're gone, and I was wrong
I never knew what it was like, to be alone

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)



This is how I feel. -_-

Wuv you forever for that LP reference



Interestingly enough, I like this one girl, and I got her to like me (again, since in the beginning of the year, we had crushes on each other, we just didn't know it.)

We have a date planned for Valentine's Day


And it's funny because we haven't made it official, but we pretty much act like a couple already anyways.



That aside, I plan to ask her out on that day.

Having your anniversary be on Valentine's Day sounds pretty nice, I'd say :3

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