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Apprentice Monarch


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I used this deck at the Aylesbury Regionals and came 3rd:


Monsters: 22

Thestalos the firestorm monarch X3

Zaborg the thunder monarch X2

Raiza the storm monarch

Cyber dragon X2

D.D. warrior lady

Apprentice magician X3

Crystal seer X2

Exiled force

Gravekeeper's spy X2


Spirit reaper


Dekoichi the battlechanted locomotive

Treeborn Frog


Spells: 13

Enemy controller X2

Premature burial

Monster reborn

Foolish burial

Heavy storm

Mystical space typhoon

Pot of avarice

Soul exchange

Shield crush


Smashing ground

Brain control


Traps: 5

Mirror force

Sakuretsu armor X2

Trap dustshoot

Phoenix wing wind blast



Mobius the frost monarch X3

Pulling the rug X2

Shadow imprisoning mirror X2

D.D. crow X2

Twister X2

Torrential tribute

Kinetic soldier (Actually helped me win against a nasty six samurai deck!)

Threatening roar X2



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