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Im worried


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There have been alot of problems recently with YCM, and i just want to know that they will stop soon, or are they goining to be very frequent? If this is going to keep happeninng i might stop coming here. To the mods, i know this probably is'nt your fault or if it is then im sure it's for a good reason, i just want to know will these errors stop?

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These errors have always been around.


Theres no getting passed them, however they do tend to die for a lengthly amount of time, then randomly come back one day.


Its usually when the server gets stressed out, and seeing as we have moved to a new server, its just adjusting itself etc.etc.

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kencat, I'm sure the errors will die down once the site and the new server settle in together. When I first came here, there weren't any errors like that, so I know that the site can be without errors. Just be patient with the messages, and everything should be normal and wonderful again soon ^_^

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