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A "Friendly" Game of Diplomacy [Winter 1902]

King of Games

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Oh thank god i can stop spamming the status bar


And that's all 7.Thanks for joining. This should be fun.


And shockingly, everyone wanted different countries, so our line up will be:



LeguBrit:           France

Hatcher:            Germany

Admiral Remo:  Turkey

clairedestroyer: Russia

Cinnamon Star: Italy

Dwarven King:   Austria

Overlord Barty: England



Everybody Satisfied?


If so: GAME START! It's now Spring 1901.


Go and make your plans. I'll give you a doubly long first turn to do so.


The deadline to PM me your marching orders will be Sunday Febuary 3rd at 9:00pm EST

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I probably should mention formatting for the orders.

Some separate examples:


A for Army , F for Fleet



A Spa H



A Tyr -> Pie



A Tyr -> Pie

A Tyr S: A Pie -> Ven



A Lon -> Bel

F Eng C: A Lon -> Bel


It's fine not to follow these exactly, it's just my preference.

That's all for now. Carry on.

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Spiring 1901 Results



[spoiler='Summary of moves']B9g9jT0.jpg


Order Results:
A bud -> ser
F tri Holds
A vie Holds    
F edi -> nth
A lvp -> yor
F lon->eng
F bre Holds
A mar -> spa
A par -> bur
A ber Holds
F kie -> den
A mun Holds
F nap -> ion
A rom -> nap
A ven Holds  
A mos -> stp
F sev -> bla    Bounced with ank (1 against 1).
F stp/sc -> bot
A war Holds
F ank -> bla    Bounced with sev (1 against 1). 
A con -> bul
A smy -> con


Fall 1901 begins. Remember, any new Supply Centers you hold by the end of this turn will let you build more units.


No retreat phase, so your next Movement Orders are due tomorrow, Monday Febuary 4th @ 9:00pm

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6tuple post go!



Half an hour to go until the deadline and still missing about Half the players orders. 

Hmmm. I would have them all hold, but if it's that many people the game could be thrown off balance...

They still have 30 minutes, but looks like I may have to push back the until tomorrow.

Will update then.



Alright, i did get a response, but it seems some of you need more time.


So deadline is postponed 24 hours. I will update as soon as I have all orders.

But have your build orders ready to go so we can move on as soon as possible



Feedback time.


Does 9pm EST work as a deadline for you, or would you prefer another time more? Say before you long off for the night. 

Is 24 hours enough time for you? Would you prefer 48 hours? the downside being a longer game

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Alright so here's what im thinking: 



48 hours for movement phase. 

24 hours for build phase. 

24 hours for retreat phase, which is skipped if there are no retreats to be made.


Meaning a year in-game (Spring, Fall, Winter) will last at least 5 days but no more than a week.

As opposed to an in-game year being at least 3 days and at most 5.

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Fall 1901 Results



[spoiler='Order Results:']So4uhEZ.jpg

General Notices:

No retreating units; retreat phase skipped.
Austria: A ser Holds
Austria: F tri Holds
Austria: A vie Holds
England: F eng Holds
England: F nth Convoys A yor -> nwy
England: A yor -> nwy
Bounced with stp (1 against 1). 
Convoy path taken: yor→nth→nwy.
France: F bre -> mao
France: A bur -> par
France: A spa -> por
Germany: A ber Holds
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: A mun Holds
Italy: F ion Convoys A nap -> tun
Italy: A nap -> tun
Convoy path taken: nap→ion→tun.

Italy: A ven Holds


Russia: F bot -> swe
Russia: F sev -> bla
Bounced with ank (1 against 1).
Russia: A stp -> nwy
Bounced with yor (1 against 1).

Russia: A war -> ukr


Turkey: F ank -> bla
Bounced with sev (1 against 1).
Turkey: A bul -> rum

Turkey: A con -> bul[/spoiler]


Winter 1901 begins


Austria may build 1


France may build 1


Germany may build 1


Italy may build 1


Russia may build 1


Turkey may build 2




You may only build in an Unoccupied Home Supply Center you control. If it's inland, you may only build an Army there, if It's coastal, you may build either an army or a Fleet.


Pretty simple, but take 24 hours to think about it and plan ahead. Build orders due at 9:00 pm EST.

I may update sooner if i get all build orders early.

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That's the case. Havent heard from Hatcher in 4 days now. They're out. So I'm flipping a coin for Army or Fleet.


Kiel builds Army.


Will need to find a replacement for Germany. Then we can start 1902 from there.

OR we find 7th player, shuffle the Nations and/or start over at 1901.


Winter 1901 Results




Game on hold until I find a replacement 7th.

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