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[spoiler=My Review]

5/5 Stars


With a great ensemble cast and Ben Afflecks stylish directing, this movie rocks the theater skyward.


What a great movie and I mean great movie. Ben Affleck's acting was superb and so was his directing to my delight. The ensemble cast was just plain terrific and the added suspense of historical accuracy kept everything in check. I loved the suspense, the action, the comedy, and the plot in general.


The directing and cinematography were the highlights of the moment, just barely surpassing the strength of the pacing in terms of storytelling. Everything about this movie is great. This is one of the better examples of simple and better. Where a simple movie with a simple plot can emerge more strong emotions from it's directive.


Seriously a movie that is worth it's weight in gold. I absolutely loved this film's interpretation of a pivotal moment in American and Canadian history.[/spoiler]

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