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Frenzy Night

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What does Frenzy Night have to do with this deck, I honestly have no clue.



3 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Chicken

3 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit

3 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear

3 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla

2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon

2 Enthusiastic Beastman Wolfberk



3 Firedance - Tenki

2 Firedance - Tensuu

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Pot of Duality

1 Heavy Storm

1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn



2 Solemn Warning

1 Solemn Judgment

2 Firedance - Tensen

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

2 Horn of the Phantom Beast

2 Starlight Road



2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince

2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger

[11 other generics]

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Is this in real life or on DN? Okey day, lets get started with the main: -1 Chicken: You don't need 3. -2 Dragon Fist: Fistamisu isn't out yet, so you don't need him. -2 Duality: You already have godly consistency. -1 Starlight: You don't need 2. +1 Wolfberk: So good. +2 Veiler: Why da eff not? +2 Lance: It's crazy in here. +1 Random backrow of your choice Extra only if you're playing on DN: -1 Horse Fist: You don't need him very often. -3 Random extra deck shit +2 Beastlord Volcan: Forms a mini-lock with Tenki. +2 Lion Emperor Fist: Recycles your spirits.

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Is this in real life or on DN? Okey day, lets get started with the main: -1 Chicken: You don't need 3. -2 Dragon Fist: Fistamisu isn't out yet, so you don't need him. -2 Duality: You already have godly consistency. -1 Starlight: You don't need 2. +1 Wolfberk: So good. +2 Veiler: Why da eff not? +2 Lance: It's crazy in here. +1 Random backrow of your choice Extra only if you're playing on DN: -1 Horse Fist: You don't need him very often. -3 Random extra deck shit +2 Beastlord Volcan: Forms a mini-lock with Tenki. +2 Lion Emperor Fist: Recycles your spirits.



DN, and Lion is included in those generics.

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