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[Finished][Finished, Lock]


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Hey everyone!  So, I'm going to be hosting a contest of team card making.


[spoiler='The Lowdown']Here's how it works: Once we have 8 entrants, you will be grouped into 2 teams, red and blue, with 4 members each. You are going to be challenged to work together and bounce your ideas off of one another in order to make a truly amazing card.  This contest will be one round only, so make it count![/spoiler]

[spoiler='Rules']1. All existing YCM rules apply.
2. Please confer with your teammates at least once daily.
3. No written cards. If you can't find images, consult your teammates.
4. Follow the card requirements (when I announce them after all 8 of you have joined).

5.  Only 8 people can be in this contest at a given time.  Sorry, first come, first serve.

6.  I reserve the right to make and edit new rules.
7. To show that you have read through these rules, post your favorite anime character in your post. If you have none, then say so.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Due Date and Entry Fee']*Entry is 30 points.
*Cards will be due to me via PM by Midnight NJ time on the 27th.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Prizes']Each member of the winning team will get 60 points and 2 reps.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Judging']*Card Grammar: -/5
*Balance: -/10
*Usability: -.10
*Creativity: -/15

[spoiler='Teams']Members of Team Red:





Members of Team Blue:



*Prime-Ace John



Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to make a playable equip spell card!  Go go go!!!


Best of luck everyone!


Update: This is going nowhere.  Finished and lock.

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