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ancient gear deck build

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ok so heres my current ancient gear build, i need to trim some fat but im to partial to the cards in it, so can i get some help? any suggestions on the deck are appreciated


edit: ok this is the modified build, showing what ive removed and added(marked with an *), what do you think? also any sugestion on XYZ monsters for the extra deck?




Monsters 19
ancient gear gadjiltron dragon x2
malefic cyber end dragon*
ancient gear golem x2
ancient gear engineer
ancient gear beast
ancient gear soldier
red gadget x2
green gadget x2
yellow gadget x2
perfect machine king
machina fortress
cyber dragon x3*
the trojan horse
blast sphere
cyber pheonix
giant rat x2
d.d. warrior lady
necro gardna
cyber valley
spells 12
geartown x2
ancient gear factory castle (oops, typo)
double summon
monster reborn
mystical space typhoon x2*
heavy storm
dark hole
swords of revealing light
limter removal*
traps 13
torrential tribute
bottomless trap hole
mirror force
demensional prison
magic cylinder
call of the earthbound
draining shield
compulsory evacuation device x2*
negate attack
call of the haunted
ultimate offering
trap stun
seven tools of the bandit x2
side deck 11
perfect machine king
ancient gear golem x2
the trojan horse
blast sphere
junk barage
cyber pheonix
rare metalmorph
shooting star bow - ceal
ancient gear castle
extra deck 2
cyber end dragon
chimeratech fortress dragon
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Alrighty lets get this down to 40.



-Gear Soldier

-Perfect Machine King

- mechanicalchaser (& any other normal monster you have)

- The Trogen Horse

-2 Ancient Gear Golem

-Jinzo (put it in the side deck)

-Ancient Gear Engineer

-Cyber Phoenix

-Blast Sphere 


-Necro Gardna

-Ancient Gear Beast


That should put it at 40


Now lets try & make your Spells better

-Junk Barrage

+Mystical Space Typhoon

-Ancient Gear Factory

+Monster Reborn

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isnt monster reborn limited to 1?


and mystical space typhoon is already in there, was told running more than one isnt a good ide, and y remove the golems? theyre beast

Cause of Clogging thats why you dont run them.


If this was a deck dedicated to them & was at 40 it'd be a different story.


Yes Monster Reborn is at 1 but that doesn't matter cause it's a staple in pretty much any deck.

Whoever told you running more then one Myst is a bad thing is wrong. Myst is something you want to run.


Also, do you have Compulsory Evacuation Device? If so I'd Neg Draining Shield & Call of the Earth Bound for 2 of them.

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No to the third gear town, but yes to the others, I had removed it just before the post buzz of its limits, only attacker could be crippling

How many of each?


If you go the MCEnd then it'd be a good Idea to main Skill drain.


Heres my DN build I call Gears (it's built for a custom format so it's not the most optima build but it's pretty powerful)

The majority of the Extra Deck is filler.




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The thing I don't like about his build is the amount of spells to monsters, I like having them more even or with more monsters, not the other way around. And his is less of an ancient gear than a machine, which is kool I guess, I just really like the trap , especially against my friend, who uses a lot

I'm gonna change it up a bit and repost I'm the a.m.




ok the deck has been modified and the first post shows the changes


also what did you use to make the deck build that you posted? an online yugioh game? and can i get a link plz

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The thing I don't like about his build is the amount of spells to monsters, I like having them more even or with more monsters, not the other way around. And his is less of an ancient gear than a machine, which is kool I guess, I just really like the trap , especially against my friend, who uses a lot

I'm gonna change it up a bit and repost I'm the a.m.




ok the deck has been modified and the first post shows the changes


also what did you use to make the deck build that you posted? an online yugioh game? and can i get a link plz


Okay, I'm going to link you 2 things.


1. Deck Build Guide

2. Dueling Network


The first is obvious, a guide on how to make a deck and what is important for the deck.

The 2nd is indeed an online yugioh playing site.

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