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H.O.T.D. (Highschool of the Dead) DEAD Truth [Not Started/Not Accepting](PG-16)


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Alright xD Take your time .3.


As Kaka stated, and Cody pointed out, the fire alarm plan is a huge double-edged sword. While it'll screw up the senses of the infected inside, it'll draw the ones in the city towards the school, so they'll only have a few minutes to get out and get as far away from the school as they can. Discuss what to do IC .3.

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Ok I posted. I hope it's good. And I tried to sound like I knew what I was talking about. I'm not much of a gun person so I'll pretty much be winging it for this rp lol.


Edit: As for what to do, if we get to the car fast enough and leave quickly the ones coming to the school shouldn't be too problematic. They don't move fast, like Kaka said we could just keep driving until far enough away to not hear the sirens, which I think is a better idea, because if we continue until we have no gas no telling where we might be. If we get away from the sirens and find a deserted but wide open space (to see if anything is coming) then we could plan our next course. Which would probably be obtaining food, water better weapons and of course our families.

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Lets think about this. Whether it is global or not I don't know. I also don't know how far this has spread. I'm going based on there's no-one but the 5. If there's only the five, then driving out of the school is vital. However, food and water is the main priority. It might be tactical to make a stop at a Gas Station, not only to store additional diesel with empty (or emptied) bottles, as well as top up the car.

Alternatively, they could fortify themselves in a Supermarket. How many canned foods are there that, not only will last a very long time, but can easily be moved in boxes to the car should they need to evacuate? Not only this, but if I am not mistaken we have a second Driver, whom could hotwire (hopefully) a Delivery Truck in the Supermarket if there is one, allowing for more transportation.

I, personally, think heading to a Mall outside of the city would be wise (since some can be, like, rest-stations, which can be quite big in the UK so I imagine even bigger in the US) since not only would refuel be possible as well as food and water gathering, but there's also a chance for weapons!

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But like the fire alarm, heading to a supermarket/mall is a double edge sword. There could be dozens of the undead in there, just lurking about. Not I think it's a good idea, but before we try to take a mall (we may have a better chance at a supermarket since it isn't as large but probably not by much) we should have better weapons then a nail gun and a few blunt objects. I'm all for the gas station and cleaning it out. But I would say to wait a bit before rushing into a large enclosed area. 

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I have to agree with Kyng, but there's one problem I find in Kyng's logic about a supermarket. They are HUGE, like Kyng said so one could easily be hiding in one of the isles, so what I suggest is that we raid the supermarket, and get a large form of transportation, such as a truck or a trailer, that can be easily defended.


EDIT: Just like Hotaru said only she ninja'd me XD

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Well, assuming that there are other survivors, malls and supermarkets would be one of the first places looted it's not like it's a unique plan, a lot of people will think of it. Other than that, we need to avoid places like that where large numbers of people would've gathered pre-event. I would stick to lower tier markets and such for now.

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Cody would need to hotwire it. He's got Mechanic, so that's his area. Just can't drive the car.


So far, the infection has been contained to the US, but it does go global. Just trying to figure out how it would, and the containment will only last a day.


Aside from the place being potentially infected, when something like this pops off, that's typically the go to place for most people to go. Even if the looters aren't infected, they're going to be thinking of themselves as well as having taken anything useful. Smaller scale markets will be good for food, but there aren't gonna be weapons there. A small raid on a supermarket or sporting goods store might prove useful, but holing up there would be unwise. 


At this point, everything we do might be a double-edged sword. We just need to think our moves through.


As far as weapons go, I believe Alex's house has guns right?

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Yes it does, and that was why I was thinking we just have the survivors raid that for now. Homes tend to have quite the handful of provisions anyway, so we should be fine with food and water as well, at least until we go for the full-scale raid on whatever market. The only thing that's unlikely to be covered by the average home is gas, which only gas stations can reliably cover, and weapons, although Alex's place is the notable exception.

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I don't mean to sound offended by the rebuttle, but I was a bit confused after reading it. It sounded like you were agreing with spreading out to keep from crowding up, but then shot it down. Do I guessim confused on whether it was an agreement or not. Do you mind clarifying for me please

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Sure. Jensen was explaining that if everyone is in such a tight formation, then it'd be hard to move and harder to defend. If everyone's stuck together like that, we can't run and the 'infected' (if that is what happened) will be able to get closwer to us in a crowd. If we're spread out but still together, we could run and we'd be hold off a larger area of 'infected'. That way, if we do start getting crowded, we'll have leg room to run or to get closer together.


I'm probably making it more confusing. xD

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Well I don't mind posting but Kyng said he would post once you did. Besides he did say his character had a maternal instinct to some extent so maybe this could be a way to smooth things over. Or at least a start to some type of understanding. But yeah if there isn't a post tomorrow then I can post. Otherwise I probably won't post tonight. Have to finish reading and some last minute stuff.

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