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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1358400703' post='6123520']
If anyone ever tries to bring up tiers in Smash Bros. irl, I just crush them with Ganondorf and go on with my day.

I mean Kage is good (mains ganon), And I personally love ganon and rape with him
but there's nothing I can do as a match up against like sheik or Marth or Falco
somethings are just impossible even when both are at max skill level

and I swear by the hair of my balls that Dan can do nothing against Blanka

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[quote name='WTFauKorean' timestamp='1358400427' post='6123517']
I mean I've pulled those off too, but I usually had to either lame it out in fighting games, get all campy in shooters, and Exp/Kill steal in RPG's

unless it was like KOF, which I'm too mad boss at.
or smash which I'm average with

lol everyone says Hat's are OP

you Must've never had a Fox/Kirby match up in smash

Out of the entire thing I posted, that's all you have to say? Believing that certain characters are invincible and certain match-ups are impossible to beat is silly talk. I've witnessed lots of crazy upsets where both players were very skilled and quite seasoned with the game. Thinking that way shows a lack of knowledge about a game. Any character can beat any other character. While some match-ups feel like you are enduring the holocaust, it's still very possible to win said match. It all comes down to the players particular playing style, knowledge about the game and just generally playing well.

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[quote name='Achacia' timestamp='1358402845' post='6123540']
Out of the entire thing I posted, that's all you have to say? Believing that certain characters are invincible and certain match-ups are impossible to beat is silly talk. I've witnessed lots of crazy upsets where both players were very skilled and quite seasoned with the game. Thinking that way shows a lack of knowledge about a game. Any character can beat any other character. While some match-ups feel like you are enduring the holocaust, it's still very possible to win said match. It all comes down to the players particular playing style, knowledge about the game and just generally playing well.

I'm sorry but there are just somethings that are just gaped way to far. Priority, cool downs, damage, tools w/e. This is mostly geared towards fighting games, since RTS usually try really hard to keep balance as well as RPG's, cept maybe from what I've seen Mechs of maple. Shooters generally don't have classes, and if they do they're all balanced or they all have a specific role that can't be replaced.

for Example,
1. In SNK Vs. Capcom, Goenitz Cant be touched by Dalhsim or Hugo the Lock down is stupidly broken (shin akuma also has stupid lock down on almost anyone)
2. In SSf4 Blanka and Honda cannot be punished for their charge ball or headbutt even on block, against Dan if you try to trade, its not even "trade in their favor" its more like, the move beats everything Dan has. He can't sweep it out, and his DP actually gets beaten by their charges despite perfect timing. Yun also beats dhalsim literally with just dive kick.
3. King cannot be touched by Leona In Basically any KOF
4. I'll believe you the Day I see Kirby does not get OCV'd by Marth from players both of same skill level.
5. I'd like to see a Honda civic beat a Supra in a drag race in Forza Motorsport 4 (racing games defiantly have huge gaps in "tier")

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Is it weird that I, somewhat, except you to mention Sirius.folder?
Of course, Hyper Armor and/or a Noise Form that cant be paralyzed, completely wrecks that folder.

I used Sirius with Crown noise for a bit. It's fantastic when they take hundreds off Sirius and then have eight orbs of electricity locking them in paralysis. The full blow of both chips is usually enough to end most battles midway through. For those with the proper body equipped to negate paralysis, you have the Knuckle cards, which break those abilities for the battle. I was once curbstomped by a folder specialized in spamming Knuckles and then locking the opponent in bubbles/ice/paralysis.
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Knuckles are sorta' high-risk-high-reward, since they ONLY hit the space right in front of them, but in doing so, you do a lot a damage very easily. Especially off chained Knuckles.
Of course, that's just the Knuckle cards by themselves. With added cards; hilarity ensues.

Speaking of hilarity~
Libra is pretty funny with a (mostly) pure Aqua folder.
Aqua cards, by default, can make you invisible/invincible(lolgimmicks), and Libra restores some HP each time you actually use one of them.
So it gives you a bit of variety, in addition to that.
Also, works wonders with Under Shirt.

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There are specific chips that make Knuckles very safe. Another strategy that could work well is using Joker to Dread Lock the opponent after eating the rest of the battlefield. Because there'll be no place for Joker's towers to appear, you can hit the opponent once with Joker's first attack, drop a tower on them and then lock them in one spot with the other towers. Then use Megaboost or a Break chip to destroy their shield and follow with an unblockable Knuckle.

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Or, you know, just herpderp the whole battle as Gemini and load a folder full of Sword Fighters, then just spam Black Ace/Red Joker.
Of course, that gets repetitive after the first 500 times.

It's mostly spamming Megaboost, Sword Fighter and Bushido with Gemini or Rogue noise. I was always Cygnus, though, so sword spam was hurtful.
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Necron, Eldar, and Tau are broken tier in Dawn of War.


In Dawn of War Last Stand, Chaos and Tau are broken as fuck.  


I can sort of understand necron but tau and Eldar?

what? no ways

no one see's it but imperial guard was actually one of the strongest races in all of RTS history.

They're like a hybrid mix of zerg numbers and the ultra bomb ass fire power of space marines by vehicles

and all of them have balls deep range


call them shit but I say they're relevant

I think the way warhammer balances races is basically by making everyone broken so that no one is broken

so through out the game I've never come to think any race was broken and it was more about knowing how to effectively utilize their bullshit and fraudulence.

I suppose you can call me a bit of one. I play Jin/Mu in BB, but in games where Mu is just better I play her and visa-versa. Only reason I play them is because they remind me of my GG mains(Ky and Dizzy).


supposedly jin isn't even high tier and for tager being bottum tier bro players use him all the fucking time

but yeah mu is pretty god like, but I don't think broken

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