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After the Flood [PG-13/Started/Not Accepting/OOC]

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Sorry but I think I'm going to resign from this RP. Apologies. Already in 2, and this isn't as interesting to me. Sorry Spike. If anyone wants Draconian, take it. Sorry again.

Sorry but I think I'm going to resign from this RP. Apologies. Already in 2, and this isn't as interesting to me. Sorry Spike. If anyone wants Draconian, take it. Sorry again.

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Name: Völund Sönne
Age: 21
Gender/Sexuality: Male; Heterosexual
Völund is a more "can't take an insult, then shove off" character, usually giving off sarcastic comments and insults, being a smartass and know-it-all arrogant character. However, this side of his character is only meant to be skin deep, especially his insults, and doesn't want anyone to take his insults seriously. Inside, his is a prideful character, loyal to his allies, and condones violence to any degree on humanoid beings. Völund is no doubt a great person, but he is more so a violent one at that. But foremost, he doesn't hate anyone solely on a racial aspect, but on their character.[/spoiler]
Völund stands easily at at 5'11" with a fairly toned body (albeit, his body is pale as snow from his race and also because of the lack of sunlight from being underground for so long). His hair is thick, wavy, and best of all, blonde, making him stand out and revealing where his lineage of humans came from prior to the Flood. His eyes are complimentary to the Aryan hair color, making them a crystal-ice like blue, shining almost like a diamond. His facial structure is fairly even and decently attractive, with a scar from his youth from the bottom of his right eye crossing down over his mouth and to his chin. His clothes are usually white, black, or grey, with his cloth armor being a dark, mystical blue with a violent trim.

After the Flooding of the overworld, where most races of the world lived on, Völund's specific ancestors lived in the coldest lands, despite his entire race living throughout the lands where it was livable. Throughout time, his lineage would etch the genetics of his body into him and future generations. It was after the flooding where his parents would meet in a nearby underground facility, granted the hospitality by the Dwarves. Several years later, after Völund's birth, it was discovered by his fellow kinsman that he was a Sorcerer. However, he had little time and patience to practice his arcane abilities, and had no aid in his learning process of his abilities. He attempted to go to a small guild of Wizards, but their teaching methods were impractical to Völund at the time. He left their teachings, and decided to live life as he normally would.

During his mid-teen years, he learned of the world above the ground, where skies and forests, mountains and oceans, both existed; he also learned of the flood that made the overworld no longer acceptable to live on, and the rest of the story. A small twitch in his mind began to move him, that perhaps he could go to the overworld, and live like his ancestors did once. He began to practice his arcane abilities and to perfect them to the best he could at the time, in hopes to go to the surface for the first time.
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Custom Abilities: N/A (Not that I have anything to put here anyways)
[spoiler=Current Abilities:]

  • Arcane Blood
  • Prismatic Explosion
  • Dragonfire Prism


  • Horse (M)
  • Clothes (E)
  • Provisions
  • Dagger (E)
  • Cloth Armor (E)
  • Longsword (E)

-(E): Equipped
-(M): Mounted

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My App :

Name : Rath "Christopher"
Age : 17 human years old
Gender/Sexuality : Male/Straight
[spoiler=Personality]Personality : Christopher is a calm person when he comes to battle, and he always thinks before acting. On the front lines he was deadly force to be reckoned with by his opponent, but at the back he was a genius in planning strategy. For someone who had not know him, he seemed like a quiet person, but in fact he was a talkative person. He is loyal to his people and never betray his friend. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance]Appearance : Christopher has white skin and his height is about 5.7 feet. He has short green hair and red eyes with glasses. When he was not on duty, he wore an orange traditional nomad, with a scarf around his neck. but when he was on duty, he was wearing plate armor with a sword sheathed in her left waist, and he does not wear glasses.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio.]Bio : Christopher is an orphan who was raised by a nomadic warrior. When he was a child, Christopher love reading books about war strategy and always listened to war stories told by his adoptive father. His dream is to become a great strategist and known throughout the Underground. When he's 13 years old, he received special military training for strategist. Year he received special training and eventually he evokes his Psion energy. During his training, he studied a variety of strategies and also learn some swordplay skills. Achievement earned by him during special training made him famous among the nomads strategist. When he's 16 years old, he joined the army of nomads as a strategist/Battlemind. He remained in the army up till now. [/spoiler]
Race : Nomadic
Class : Battlemind
Custom Abilities : Don't have one
[spoiler=Current Abilities] Current Abilities :
The Battlemind concentrates and envisions a target. He can then see out those targets eyes. This is useful to do to an enemy warlord, and maybe see his tactics. The Battlemind can also hear everything the target hears. Farspy can be used up to three times per day.
Induce Fear
A good Battlemind knows that if you can strike fear into the hearts of your enemy, the battle is halfway done. Induce Fear targets one creature, and that creature becomes afraid of everyone in the party. Induce Fear can be used up to three times per day.
Tactical Strike
Most useful in encounters with large groups of enemies, Tactical Strike allows the Battlemind to see the perfect places to strike, and who to have strike where. Tactical Strike can be used at any time.

An ability to tame animals

Desert Environment : Stealth
Enchanted Stealth in dessert.

Immune : Heat
Immune to any kind of heat.

Excellent tracking ability[/spoiler]

Equipment : Steel Sword, A suit of a plate, a riding horse, and provisions

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