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After the Flood [PG-13/Started/Not Accepting/OOC]

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A quick question before I apply for a spot.

Suppose I don't want to be a specific class, but more of a class breaker (or an original class type). Would this be allowed? Or do I [i]have[/i] to be one of the specified classes?

And I ask this for Races too. Are they to be only one race characters or can they be of mixed lineages?

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[quote name='Enrise' timestamp='1358128261' post='6120110']
A quick question before I apply for a spot.

Suppose I don't want to be a specific class, but more of a class breaker (or an original class type). Would this be allowed? Or do I [i]have[/i] to be one of the specified classes?
[/quote]You must be one of the specified classes.

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[quote name='Enrise' timestamp='1358128261' post='6120110']
A quick question before I apply for a spot.

Suppose I don't want to be a specific class, but more of a class breaker (or an original class type). Would this be allowed? Or do I [i]have[/i] to be one of the specified classes?

And I ask this for Races too. Are they to be only one race characters or can they be of mixed lineages?
[/quote]One-race characters as well. Although I might allow half-elves if you can persuade me.

@Simdoggy: Alright. Thats fine. Accepted. I'll add it to the OP.

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I'm was going to assume I can't have mixed race characters. Okay then.

Otherwise noted, it was hard picking out a class I wanted.


Name: Völund Sönne
Age: 21
Gender/Sexuality: Male; Heterosexual
Völund is a more "can't take an insult, then shove off" character, usually giving off sarcastic comments and insults, being a smartass and know-it-all arrogant character. However, this side of his character is only meant to be skin deep, especially his insults, and doesn't want anyone to take his insults seriously. Inside, his is a prideful character, loyal to his allies, and condones violence to any degree on humanoid beings. Völund is no doubt a great person, but he is more so a violent one at that. But foremost, he doesn't hate anyone solely on a racial aspect, but on their character.[/spoiler]
Völund stands easily at at 5'11" with a fairly toned body (albeit, his body is pale as snow from his race and also because of the lack of sunlight from being underground for so long). His hair is thick, wavy, and best of all, blonde, making him stand out and revealing where his lineage of humans came from prior to the Flood. His eyes are complimentary to the Aryan hair color, making them a crystal-ice like blue, shining almost like a diamond. His facial structure is fairly even and decently attractive, with a scar from his youth from the bottom of his right eye crossing down over his mouth and to his chin. His clothes are usually white, black, or grey, with his cloth armor being a dark, mystical blue with a violent trim.

After the Flooding of the overworld, where most races of the world lived on, Völund's specific ancestors lived in the coldest lands, despite his entire race living throughout the lands where it was livable. Throughout time, his lineage would etch the genetics of his body into him and future generations. It was after the flooding where his parents would meet in a nearby underground facility, granted the hospitality by the Dwarves. Several years later, after Völund's birth, it was discovered by his fellow kinsman that he was a Sorcerer. However, he had little time and patience to practice his arcane abilities, and had no aid in his learning process of his abilities. He attempted to go to a small guild of Wizards, but their teaching methods were impractical to Völund at the time. He left their teachings, and decided to live life as he normally would.

During his mid-teen years, he learned of the world above the ground, where skies and forests, mountains and oceans, both existed; he also learned of the flood that made the overworld no longer acceptable to live on, and the rest of the story. A small twitch in his mind began to move him, that perhaps he could go to the overworld, and live like his ancestors did once. He began to practice his arcane abilities and to perfect them to the best he could at the time, in hopes to go to the surface for the first time.
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Custom Abilities: N/A (Not that I have anything to put here anyways)
[spoiler=Current Abilities:]

  • Arcane Blood
  • Prismatic Explosion
  • Dragonfire Prism


  • Horse (M)
  • Clothes (E)
  • Provisions
  • Dagger (E)
  • Cloth Armor (E)
  • Longsword (E)

-(E): Equipped
-(M): Mounted

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Hmm... I'll throw up my Orc Ardent for now. I was looking forward to having a Draconian Battlemind, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Name: Garohk Acronell
Age: 36 (54 human years)
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Straight
Personality: A proud and noble Orc Warchief, who must see to it that his tribe makes it through the aftermath of the flood. Garohk holds a deep hatred for the dwarves, and is wary of the humans, elves and archons, but has no quarrel with anyone else, just as long as they don't engage his warriors with intent to kill. Garohk has made an alliance with the goblins, and is good friends with a Draconian Psion by the name of Koru, but his list of allies are few and far between. He commands his tribe with an iron-fisted rule.
Race: Orc
Class: Ardent
Custom Abilities: N/A
Current Abilities: Enhanced Strength & Stamina, Mindbending, Psionic Leadership and Psio-Slam
Equipment/Items: Great Sword
Plate Armour
Normal Clothes
Small Dagger*
War Horse*

Items marked * are items that Garohk intends to sell or dispose of[/spoiler]

As for the riding horse, does each and every race have to ride an actual horse? Or do Orcs get to ride Wargs, for example?

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[b]Name[/b]: Tydo Arctic
[b]Age[/b]: 63 (Approximately 21 HY)
[b]Gender/Sexuality:[/b] Male/Heterosexual
[b]Personality[/b]: Calm and calculating, Tydo has always been one to set emotions aside. A master of the mind, he does not allow his own to set him back. To someone who doesn't really know him, Tydo appears to be a cold individual. However, this is far from the truth. Everything Tydo does is for the betterment of his race. He is very loyal, and deep down he is caring too. In battle he is a swift killer, and for the the most part he is decisive, though he shows hints of being indecisive every now and then due to his intellectual and calculating qualities.
[b]Appearance[/b]: Tydo has short, messy hair with spiky bangs. His hair color is a silvery-white. His eyes are a piercing ice-blue. He is about 4'0 in height. When not in his plate armor, Tydo wears a white hooded cloak. His normal clothing consists of a white sleeveless shirt under a long lightblue tunic that goes down past his waist to his shoes, a white sash around his waist, and long white pants that are tucked into his blue flats. His normal clothing is worn under both his plate armor and his hooded cloak.
[b]Biography[/b]: Tydo's parents both died when he was just an infant (unknown causes). From when he was just a kid, Tydo was trained to battle. Taught by the most ruthless of killers the Frostlings had to offer, Tydo took no time in becoming one himself. Realizing that strength is nothing without strategy, Tydo quickly began teaching himself the ways of battle. Becoming a powerful battlemind very early in his life, he became one of the Frostlings most prized warriors. Once his psionic abilities awakened, the king of the Frostlings, Hyoga, took Tydo under his own guidance. Hyoga taught Tydo compassion, fearing that his upbringing may in fact lead Tydo to become evil. By showing him how ones death can affect others, Hyoga successfully brought out the good in Tydo, however due to Tydo's stubborness he would never admit to being a caring or compassionate individual. Seeing Hyoga as a sort of father figure, Tydo became extremely loyal to his race, and successfully accomplished any task given to him by Hyoga without any questions. This is why Hyoga recently asked Tydo to go to the surface world, where he wishes to claim land for Frostling resettlement.
[b]Race[/b]: Frostling
[b]Class[/b]: Battlemind
[b]Custom Abilities:[/b]
[spoiler='Current Abilities:']Farspy
Induce Fear
Tactical Spy
Cold Immunity
Snowy Environment: Increased Stealth
[spoiler='Equipment']Steel Dagger
Riding Horse
Normal clothing
Plate Armor

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@Stalfos: Yup, actual horse. Yours could be a warhorse if you like though :3

@Blur: Frostlings are related to halflings, and share their height. 4 ft is about as tall as they get xD

Your app is fine except for these
[quote]Icicle Sword - His sword gains sharp edges made entirely of psionic energy, making his weapon a highly dangerous one.
Fatal Frost - Using Psionic energy, he makes the environment change to a forzen tundra only for a single opponent. In this illusion, the opponent loses speed due to a nonexistent sense of freezing.
Ice Shards - In a cold environment, Tydo uses his Psionic energy to form a plethora of ice shards to shoot at a crowd of opponents[/quote]
Frostlings get no racial powers =P
And Battleminds start out with just the three abilities I have listed.

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My App :

Name : Rath "Christopher"
Age : 17 human years old
Gender/Sexuality : Male/Straight
[spoiler=Personality]Personality : Christopher is a calm person when he comes to battle, and he always thinks before acting. On the front lines he was deadly force to be reckoned with by his opponent, but at the back he was a genius in planning strategy. For someone who had not know him, he seemed like a quiet person, but in fact he was a talkative person. He is loyal to his people and never betray his friend. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance]Appearance : Christopher has white skin and his height is about 5.7 feet. He has short green hair and red eyes with glasses. When he was not on duty, he wore an orange traditional nomad, with a scarf around his neck. but when he was on duty, he was wearing plate armor with a sword sheathed in her left waist, and he does not wear glasses.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio.]Bio : Christopher is an orphan who was raised by a nomadic warrior. When he was a child, Christopher love reading books about war strategy and always listened to war stories told by his adoptive father. His dream is to become a great strategist and known throughout the Underground. When he's 13 years old, he received special military training for strategist. Year he received special training and eventually he evokes his Psion energy. During his training, he studied a variety of strategies and also learn some swordplay skills. Achievement earned by him during special training made him famous among the nomads strategist. When he's 16 years old, he joined the army of nomads as a strategist/Battlemind. He remained in the army up till now. [/spoiler]
Race : Nomadic
Class : Battlemind
Custom Abilities : Don't have one
[spoiler=Current Abilities] Current Abilities :
The Battlemind concentrates and envisions a target. He can then see out those targets eyes. This is useful to do to an enemy warlord, and maybe see his tactics. The Battlemind can also hear everything the target hears. Farspy can be used up to three times per day.
[b]Induce Fear[/b]
A good Battlemind knows that if you can strike fear into the hearts of your enemy, the battle is halfway done. Induce Fear targets one creature, and that creature becomes afraid of everyone in the party. Induce Fear can be used up to three times per day.
[b]Tactical Strike[/b]
Most useful in encounters with large groups of enemies, Tactical Strike allows the Battlemind to see the perfect places to strike, and who to have strike where. Tactical Strike can be used at any time.

An ability to tame animals

[b]Desert Environment[/b][b] : Stealth[/b]
Enchanted Stealth in dessert.

[b]Immune : Heat[/b]
Immune to any kind of heat.

[b]Tracking [/b]
Excellent tracking ability[/spoiler]

Equipment : Steel Sword, A suit of a plate, a riding horse, and provisions

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Accepted. I'll add it to teh OP.

[quote name='RogueZero' timestamp='1358176449' post='6120558']
My App :

Name : Rath "Christopher"
Age : 17 human years old
Gender/Sexuality : Male/Straight
[spoiler=Personality]Personality : A calm person who always planning things before setting out of his settlement, he is loyal to his races as well as to his queen, an accomplished strategist who had many plan in mind and a person who loves jokes. He is a quick type to forgive other people mistake, and love to go to an adventure. He always respected older people and loves to hear tales from the old folks about the battle in the past, along with their strategies. He obeys what the queen orders to him, and do what She tells him. He never stops to give support to his friend and willingly listen to every problem that his friends had. For some reason, he likes to be called Christopher than Rath. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance]Appearance : Christopher is 5,7 and and has a short green hair. He has a red eyes and wears a pair of glasses. Some of the people said that his face is like a kid. When he's not traveling or going out to battle, he wears an orange nomadic clothes and wears a necklace that symbolize a dragon, he usually wears a scarf around his neck and he always carries a small bag to carry some of his books at his waist. When he's traveling or going into battle, he wears a suit of plate armor and he don't wear his glasses. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio.]Biography : Christopher was born in the nomadic settlement in the Underground, when he's a kid, he likes to read about war that happened a long time ago, especially the strategies that are used in the war, and he always like to hear the story about war before he going to bed. His dream is to become the top strategist of all the races, that can make his parent proud. But when he's turning 13, there's a goblin raid on the settlement, caught by surprise, the nomads manage to drive off the goblin, but both of his parent were killed in the raid. Shocked at the death of his parents, he lost all of his hope. He attempted a suicide, but was stopped by no other than the Queen of Nomads (Sahira). The Queen told him that attempting suicide would make his parents more sad, She said that if he want to make his parents proud, he should do what he can for the nomads. Christopher, who is touched by the Queen's word, promised to her that he'll never commit a suicide again. From that day on, he trained hard at his swordmanship and learn about different kinds of strategy. When he turned 16 he joined the army of Nomads as one of their strategist and as one of the loyal soldier of Nomads. He's still in the army till now. [/spoiler]
Race : Nomadic
Class : Battlemind
Custom Abilities : Don't have one
[spoiler=Current Abilities] Current Abilities :
The Battlemind concentrates and envisions a target. He can then see out those targets eyes. This is useful to do to an enemy warlord, and maybe see his tactics. The Battlemind can also hear everything the target hears. Farspy can be used up to three times per day.
[b]Induce Fear[/b]
A good Battlemind knows that if you can strike fear into the hearts of your enemy, the battle is halfway done. Induce Fear targets one creature, and that creature becomes afraid of everyone in the party. Induce Fear can be used up to three times per day.
[b]Tactical Strike[/b]
Most useful in encounters with large groups of enemies, Tactical Strike allows the Battlemind to see the perfect places to strike, and who to have strike where. Tactical Strike can be used at any time. [/spoiler]

Equipment : Steel Sword, A suit of a plate, a riding horse, and provisions

This...really needs a bit of work. Mostly on the grammer, I can barely understand what you're saying.

Sorry :(

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[quote name='Admiral_Stalfos19' timestamp='1358191003' post='6120734']
Why's everyone going for the Battlemind, for? What happened to the lovely thing called "variety"?

I had no idea everyone's going for Battlemind.
Good thing I'm going for Sorcerer.

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