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Reach Out to the Truth - Constellars


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[center]Trying a tech'd Star Chart because another card that was in the slot was... unsatisfactory in performance.[/center]

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[quote name='Voltex' timestamp='1357859919' post='6117536']
Aren't 2 Bears too cloggy for any non-Fire Fist Deck that runs Tenki, and specially when you want Sacreds in the grave as soon as possible for Sombres?
Not at all.

Having 2 Bears makes it easier to draw into, and it means Tenki will almost always be live and allows for more deck thinning off of a single Tenki or a quick pop. Bear's not a first turn card, though he can be amazing if you also opened Tenki. You generally won't search him if you have any of the extra summons at the ready.

The point being is that you use him to augment the rest of the deck, and having the second Bear makes the chance of going into Soko much higher, which can be a game winner in its own right, especially when dealing with Gachi and his brethren.

Besides, if you end up having the second one, you either don't need to use it or it helps you push for game. It's not like you're REQUIRED to play it. It's sorta lke running 2 Rabbit and 3 Vanillas; You simply want more copies to get it more easily in a draw. You can search it, but it tends to do better if you draw it as Tenki sets you up for Constellar plays, mostly.

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I just prefer Papilloperative because the chance of having a threat for Maestroke to take can either be handled by Omega, Beehive, or Paladius, not to mention Kaust gives me even more removal options. Omega, especially with Forbidden Lance, Fiendish Chain, Honest, or Safe one backing him up, does the same job as Maestroke fairly well.

Papilloperative makes pushing for game easier without having to use a R5, and punishes my opponent if they start going on the defensive. It's also an absolutely hilarious pair up with Paladius if they have a chump blocker and I don't have immediate access to Soko, and that's not a remotely impossible occurence with 2 Safe Zone, 2 Call, and Reborn.

It just has less utility in the deck overall. Corn could do well, too, I guess, but between Soko, Papill, and Paladius, I just don't find need for Corn, especially when the Butterfly is more versatile.

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1357870706' post='6117709']
I don't understand the utility of 3 Sheratan; you have a ton of stuff hogging each Normal Summon.
You get to the combo piece faster and it's a great early game card that works in a similar manner to Cardcar. It's still a Stratos that increases consistency, and can be used for Xyz in the right cases.

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1357877052' post='6117813']
I'm not really a fan of Soko in here, but that's just me.
It wins games on its own and isn't that uncommon to make. I didn't have it initially, but it's won me a good handful of games since I put it in that I would have otherwise lost.

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