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Variant of X-Sabers that runs Tenki for added speed, Garsem for Rank 4s, and Diawolf that goes well with both Garsem and Darksoul. I don't know if it works better than other X-Sabers, though.

Any changes I could make? Suggestions for the Side Deck would be great as well.

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Hmm. I did try 2 Horns in my intial tests, and it was dead sometimes because the deck is not entirely Beast/Beast-Warrior, and Darksoul and Ragigura are bad targets, which leaves me with 7 proper targets in the Main Deck (10 if we consider Tenkis as Boggarts). Seems situational to me.
However, I was testing other cards back then, which turned out to be bad, so I can test the Horns in this latest version.

I agree with 3 E-Calls being cloggy, but once you get those 2 X-Sabers in the grave and 1 on the field, it becomes a lifesaver. I am not sure if it would be wise to lower the chances of drawing into it, but I will test it at 2 anyways.

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