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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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I think I know what  the new Pokemon is. An Eeveelution. The Pokedex says ( can't remeber which game ) that Eevee has an usual/unstable genetic code/DNA. That allows it to evolve into all it's evolutions. It is seeming more and more likely that this upcoming generation's theme is Genetics. When we have gotten Eeveelutions in the past ( barring the three original ones ), they have been it twos. Two in GSC, and two in DPP. It would make sense to continue that trend. Even more so when the theme is genetics. Another thing is that it would make sense to introduce the two new Eeveelutions one after the other, rather than showcase a bunch of new Pokemon before doing the second one. If this is true, what would the type be? We don't even know what type the one we have right now is. However, maybe it is a Normal Eeveelution. Maybe Sylveon only evolves from female Eevee's and the upcoming Eeveelution would only evolve from males.

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Maybe Sylveon only evolves from female Eevee's and the upcoming Eeveelution would only evolve from males.

That's what I'm thinking, yeah.

As long as one of them's Flying, I'll be good with whatever.


I don't suppose the new form is a Mewthree, is it? Probably just an alternate form like Shaymin, Keldeo, and all those others have?

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That's what I'm thinking, yeah.

As long as one of them's Flying, I'll be good with whatever.


I don't suppose the new form is a Mewthree, is it? Probably just an alternate form like Shaymin, Keldeo, and all those others have?


Or, magically, it has nothing to do with Mewtwo :o

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I'm completely agreeing with Jord. I dunno about when it'll be shown, but It just wouldn't seem right without at least one more Eeveelution this gen. It could be male and female, I'm not entirely sure, since it hasn't happened with Eevee before, but on the other hand, it hasn't happened with Eevee before, so it's likely. I mean, so far, it's been 2 new Eeveelutions every time some new ones come around, and they've had different evolution requirements than the previous ones. I don't think it would be any different, so it needs to be different. Yeah. Don't really care what types the 2 of them are, I'd just be disappointed if there is a new one, and not 2 new ones.

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are what come to my mind.

I can't see the second one. =o

Oh, just here. Um, that works.


Anyway, Mewtwo always reminded me the slightest bit of DBZ. Also, it's head is now even bigger compared to it's body. Maybe.

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I think we derailed....

I do hope they give us a decent amount of boxes. If I ever wanted to move all my Pokemon to BW I'd run out of room quickly and that's just to fill most of Kanto-Sinnoh's Dex. And require a second storage game. As it stands I'm tempted to get rid of anything non-legend, non-shiny or non-ingame team. Still leaves me with a heck of a lot of Pokes.

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I think we derailed....

I do hope they give us a decent amount of boxes. If I ever wanted to move all my Pokemon to BW I'd run out of room quickly and that's just to fill most of Kanto-Sinnoh's Dex. And require a second storage game. As it stands I'm tempted to get rid of anything non-legend, non-shiny or non-ingame team. Still leaves me with a heck of a lot of Pokes.



Yea, they made some strange changes when they did the 5th gen. I can only assume this will have more box space since we are getting another +100 pokemon.


My Diamond has most of my pokemon. All my other games mostly have legendary pokemon and my team. I really don't catch many pokemon.

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Diamond is set so I can raise pretty much any Pokemon I want to over PPt, HGSS. But I do have 3 boxes of my friend's Pokemon sitting there from 4 years ago, but they are useful if Diamond ever trades with PPts, HGSS since most are dead end first forms.


I'd love another Pokemon Box, LOADS of space, and is tied to no game. I still have PokeRus Pokes there.

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Hoping this is fake. 



Looks kinda ugly. Meaning it really doesn't look like a pre-evo imo.


No seriously, by that logic Budew is definitely the worst baby so far. Also hoping it's fake.


Not to mention, I've no idea why Drowzee would need a preevolution. If at all possibly another evolution would be cooler. I never in my wildest dreams imagined a pre-evo of Drowzee that didn't look ugly. Go away Drowzee pre-evo.

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Hoping this is fake. 



That looks ugly as hell... Hoping it's fake.


Also found this.



But if one is fake, the other probably is too. Besides, we're suppose to be getting one new Pokemon announced. Not two.

I'm also hoping this is fake as well.

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