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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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Luckily, I still have the pic:


Wow, they were quick on pulling the leak .-.

Here's hoping for Xerneas being Ice/Psychic then, that'll make things fu-


I was going to use Chespin in Y.

And Fennekin in X.

If they're Grass/Dark and Fire/Psychic, that means I'll have to switch versions for balanced teams.


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As an fyi, they pulled it because they want to make sure thats it real. If and when they have confirmation they will put the picture back up. 


Taken from twitter

"On constant checking, we're very suspicious of this one so removed it temporarily while we wait for more"



As a side note, I find it odd they write dragon is katakana and dark in hiragana.

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I really like the character's design; his face looks a bit odd, but I think it's just because of the angle.


@Fusion: That gif in your sig is proper tidy!


@FD: I assume it's because "dragon" is a loan word, while "aku" originates from Japanese.



Loan word? Don't know what you mean by that. I mean they do have a Japanese word for dragon, tatsu, so I don't see why that isn't use. 

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Wyvern is a type of Dragon.
Yeah, but we already saw that coming.

And its things like this that make me love pokemon. Some names are really cool when you look into them.

Maybe they just wanted to use the actual word dragon, so it would be in katakana.

See I knew Japanese had loan words and thats what katakana mostly is, I just never heard it called that. Thats my random fact of the day.
And I guess thats possible.
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I will not be shocked if Xerneas is Ice/Psychic. The only reason I'd doubt it would be because it was in a forest, but it has a calm look, with almost crystalline antlers.


I would love that. That would be an interesting combo. Any ideas of what the game's equivalent of the Legendary Birds/Dogs/Regis/Lake Trio/Genie Trio will be?

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"Doragon" refers to European dragons while "tatsu" almost exclusively refers to Oriental ones. I think they planned on most Dragon-type Pokémon taking inspiration from the former, hence the use of katakana rather than hiragana. Ergo, it's not a typo.

See, I didn't think that was a typo. I just didn't understand why they would use katakana for one and hiragana for another. Your reason makes a ton of sense though, so that clears things up.
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